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I need to compile 18 exe's into one!

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All of those If...Then...EndIf statements continue to test for a match even though one may have already matched. Not good, so I took the liberty of changing your Do...Until loop into something that should look and perform better. Using Select...Case...EndSelect should be a better choice then If...Then...EndIf.


$msg = GUIGetMsg()

If $msg = $button_1 Then

$cook = GUICtrlRead($combo1)

$wood = GUICtrlRead($combo2)

$gold = GUICtrlRead($combo3)

$leather = GUICtrlRead($combo4)

$bone = GUICtrlRead($combo5)

$smith = GUICtrlRead($combo6)

$alch = GUICtrlRead($combo7)

$cloth = GUICtrlRead($combo8)


Case $cook = "Cooking"

$cook2 = 0

Case $cook = "0-3 Carrot Broth"

$cook2 = 4000

Case $cook = "3-10 Orange Juice"

$cook2 = 4000

Case $cook = "10-14 Slice of Bluetail"

$cook2 = 100

Case $cook = "14-20 Apple Juice"

$cook2 = 4000

Case $cook = "14-20 Selbina Butter"

$cook2 = 200

Case $cook = "20-26 Meat Jerky"

$cook2 = 300

Case $cook = "26-29 Insect Paste"

$cook2 = 300

Case $cook = "26-29 Dhalmel Steak"

$cook2 = 300

Case $cook = "26-30 Pineapple Juice"

$cook2 = 2000

Case $cook = "30-35 Meatball"

$cook2 = 301

Case $cook = "35-38 Meat Mithkabob"

$cook2 = 400

Case $cook = "35-38 Jack - o - Lantern"

$cook2 = 200

Case $cook = "38-40 Melon Juice"

$cook2 = 200

Case $cook = "40-42 Pie Dough"

$cook2 = 301

Case $cook = "42-48 Apple Pie"

$cook2 = 500

Case $cook = "48-50 Grape Juice"

$cook2 = 4000

Case $cook = "50-54 Carp Sushi"

$cook2 = 300

Case $cook = "54-60 Yagudo Drink"

$cook2 = 4030

Case $cook = "60-62 Melon Pie"

$cook2 = 500

Case $cook = "62-68 Colored Egg"

$cook2 = 400

Case $cook = "68-70 Squid Sushi"

$cook2 = 501

Case $cook = "68-70 San d'Orian Tea"

$cook2 = 500

Case $cook = "70-72 Pear au Lait"

$cook2 = 4020

Case $cook = "72-77 Navarin"

$cook2 = 800

Case $cook = "72-77 Tuna Sushi"

$cook2 = 501

Case $cook = "77-81 Pamama au Lait"

$cook2 = 4020

Case $cook = "81-84 Sole Sushi"

$cook2 = 500

Case $cook = "81-85 Pumpkin Pie"

$cook2 = 800

Case $cook = "85-90 Rolanberry Pie"

$cook2 = 701




Case $wood = "Woodworking"

$wood2 = 0

Case $wood = "0-3 Arrowwood lumber"

$wood2 = 101

Case $wood = "3-8 Ash lumber"

$wood2 = 101

Case $wood = "8-12 Holly lumber"

$wood2 = 101

Case $wood = "12-16 Bolts"

$wood2 = 200

Case $wood = "16-21 Maple Sugar"

$wood2 = 101

Case $wood = "21-27 Iron arrows"

$wood2 = 300

Case $wood = "27-30 Silver Arrows"

$wood2 = 300

Case $wood = "30-35 Oak Lumber"

$wood2 = 101

Case $wood = "35-39 Beetle Arrows"

$wood2 = 300

Case $wood = "39-42 Fang Arrows"

$wood2 = 300

Case $wood = "42-45 Rosewood Lumber"

$wood2 = 101

Case $wood = "45-49 Horn Arrows"

$wood2 = 300

Case $wood = "49-52 Mahogany Lumber"

$wood2 = 101

Case $wood = "52-59 Scorpion Arrows"

$wood2 = 300

Case $wood = "59-62 Darksteel bolts"

$wood2 = 200

Case $wood = "62-68 Bodkin Arrows"

$wood2 = 300

Case $wood = "68-72 R. Hume Fishing Rod"

$wood2 = 101

Case $wood = "72-74 Hume Fishing rod"

$wood2 = 200

Case $wood = "74-77 Clothespole"

$wood2 = 200

Case $wood = "77-83 Mithran Fishing Rod"

$wood2 = 200


;Gold Smithing


Case $gold = "Goldsmith"

$gold2 = 0

Case $gold = "0-3 Copper Ingot"

$gold2 = 4040

Case $gold = "3-7 Copper Hairpin"

$gold2 = 100

Case $gold = "7-11 Brass Sheet"

$gold2 = 100

Case $gold = "11-15 Brass Ring"

$gold2 = 2000

Case $gold = "15-17 Brass Hairpins"

$gold2 = 100

Case $gold = "15-18 Silver Ingot"

$gold2 = 4000

Case $gold = "15-19 Brass Chain"

$gold2 = 2000

Case $gold = "19-27 Silver Hairpin"

$gold2 = 100

Case $gold = "19-27 Silver Arrowheads"

$gold2 = 200

Case $gold = "27-31 Hiraishin"

$gold2 = 200

Case $gold = "31-35 Jeweled Silver Rings"

$gold2 = 201

Case $gold = "35-38 Mythril Ingot"

$gold2 = 4000

Case $gold = "38-41 Mythril Sheet"

$gold2 = 100

Case $gold = "41-47 Mythril Ring"

$gold2 = 2000

Case $gold = "47-51 Gold Ingots"

$gold2 = 4000

Case $gold = "51-55 Jeweled Mythril Rings"

$gold2 = 201

Case $gold = "55-60 Gold Ring"

$gold2 = 2000

Case $gold = "60-61 Platinum Ingot"

$gold2 = 4000

Case $gold = "61-67 Hydro Patas"

$gold2 = 301

Case $gold = "67-70 Platinum Rings"

$gold2 = 2000

Case $gold = "70-75 Jeweled Gold Rings"

$gold2 = 201




Case $bone = "Bonecraft"

$bone2 = 0

Case $bone = "1-4 Bone Hairpins"

$bone2 = 100

Case $bone = "4-9 Bone Arrowheads"

$bone2 = 2000

Case $bone = "9-17 Bone Ring"

$bone2 = 200

Case $bone = "17-25 Beetle Ring"

$bone2 = 100

Case $bone = "22-28 Gelatin"

$bone2 = 201

Case $bone = "25-29 Horn Hairpin"

$bone2 = 101

Case $bone = "29-33 Beetle Arrowheads"

$bone2 = 200

Case $bone = "33-37 Horn Ring"

$bone2 = 201

Case $bone = "37-43 Horn Arrowheads"

$bone2 = 201

Case $bone = "43-45 Carapace Mask"

$bone2 = 201

Case $bone = "45-53 Scorpion Arrowheads"

$bone2 = 201

Case $bone = "53-60 Scorpion Ring"

$bone2 = 101

Case $bone = "60-66 Crumhorn"

$bone2 = 200

Case $bone = "66-70 Demon's Ring"

$bone2 = 200

Case $bone = "70-77 Coral Visor"

$bone2 = 3020

Case $bone = "77-80 Coral Ring"

$bone2 = 2000

Case $bone = "80-84 Behemoth KnCasee"

$bone2 = 201




Case $smith = "Smithing"

$smith2 = 0

Case $smith = "0-4 Bronze Sheet"

$smith2 = 100

Case $smith = "4-9 Bronze Scales"

$smith2 = 100

Case $smith = "9-14 Bronze Bolt Heads"

$smith2 = 100

Case $smith = "14-16 Crossbow Bolt"

$smith2 = 200

Case $smith = "17-20 Iron Arrowheads"

$smith2 = 200

Case $smith = "20-22 Iron Sheet"

$smith2 = 100

Case $smith = "22-25 Baselard"

$smith2 = 200

Case $smith = "25-30 Tathlum"

$smith2 = 100

Case $smith = "30-33 War Pick"

$smith2 = 101

Case $smith = "26-34 Padded Cap"

$smith2 = 101

Case $smith = "34-36 Steel Sheet"

$smith2 = 100

Case $smith = "36-40 Steel Scales"

$smith2 = 100

Case $smith = "40-44 Mythril Bolt Heads"

$smith2 = 100

Case $smith = "40-44 Juji Shuriken"

$smith2 = 200

Case $smith = "44-46 Hibari"

$smith2 = 200

Case $smith = "45-53 Darksteel KnCasee"

$smith2 = 200

Case $smith = "52-55 Darksteel Sheet"

$smith2 = 100

Case $smith = "55-62 Darksteel Bolt Heads"

$smith2 = 100

Case $smith = "58-66 Nodowa"

$smith2 = 200

Case $smith = "66-73 Darksteel Pick"

$smith2 = 200

Case $smith = "73-79 Karimata Arrowheads"

$smith2 = 200

Case $smith = "79-83 Darksteel Nodowa"

$smith2 = 200

Case $smith = "83-87 Dark Adaman Sheet"

$smith2 = 100

Case $smith = "87-92 Molybdenum Sheet"

$smith2 = 100




Case $alch = "Alchemy"

$alch2 = 0

Case $alch = "0-3 Antidote"

$alch2 = 300

Case $alch = "3-8 Silencing Potion"

$alch2 = 200

Case $alch = "5-10 Deodorizer"

$alch2 = 300

Case $alch = "10-16 Mercury"

$alch2 = 4000

Case $alch = "14-20 Echo Drops"

$alch2 = 300

Case $alch = "20-25 R. Glass Fiber Rod"

$alch2 = 101

Case $alch = "25-28 Blinding Potion"

$alch2 = 200

Case $alch = "28-30 Eye Drops"

$alch2 = 300

Case $alch = "28-31 Minnow"

$alch2 = 200

Case $alch = "28-34 ArtCaseicial Lens"

$alch2 = 2000

Case $alch = "34-40 Potion"

$alch2 = 300

Case $alch = "40-43 Vitriol"

$alch2 = 2000

Case $alch = "43-51 Holy Water "

$alch2 = 100

Case $alch = "45-49 R. Carbon Fiber Rod"

$alch2 = 101

Case $alch = "51-56 Cermet Chunk"

$alch2 = 4000

Case $alch = "53-61 Glass Fiber"

$alch2 = 8000

Case $alch = "61-65 R. Single-Hook Fishing Rod"

$alch2 = 101

Case $alch = "65-71 Paralysis Dust"

$alch2 = 2000

Case $alch = "71-78 Paralyze Potion"

$alch2 = 200

Case $alch = "78-85 R. Composite Fishing Rod"

$alch2 = 101




Case $leather = "Leathercraft"

$leather2 = 0

Case $leather = "0-2 Sheep leather"

$leather2 = 301

Case $leather = "0-4 Sheep Wool"

$leather2 = 202

Case $leather = "4-11 Solea"

$leather2 = 2000

Case $leather = "11-14 Lizard Mantle"

$leather2 = 300

Case $leather = "14-21 Dhalmel Leather"

$leather2 = 301

Case $leather = "21-27 Dhalmel Mantle"

$leather2 = 201

Case $leather = "27-29 Sandals"

$leather2 = 200

Case $leather = "29-31 Parchment"

$leather2 = 200

Case $leather = "31-35 Ram Leather"

$leather2 = 301

Case $leather = "35-43 Waistbelt"

$leather2 = 3020

Case $leather = "43-49 Ram Mantles"

$leather2 = 201

Case $leather = "49-52 Himantes"

$leather2 = 201

Case $leather = "52-59 Moccasins"

$leather2 = 300

Case $leather = "59-61 Tiger Leather"

$leather2 = 301




Case $cloth = "Clothcraft"

$cloth2 = 0

Case $cloth = "0-1 Grass Thread"

$cloth2 = 101

Case $cloth = "1-4 Grass Cloth"

$cloth2 = 3000

Case $cloth = "4-11 Cotton Thread"

$cloth2 = 2000

Case $cloth = "11-12 Cotton Cloth"

$cloth2 = 3000

Case $cloth = "12-19 Linen Thread"

$cloth2 = 2000

Case $cloth = "19-22 Linen Cloth"

$cloth2 = 3000

Case $cloth = "22-30 Fly Lure"

$cloth2 = 300

Case $cloth = "30-35 Wool Thread"

$cloth2 = 2000

Case $cloth = "35-37 Wool Cloth"

$cloth2 = 3000

Case $cloth = "35-42 Bird Fletchings"

$cloth2 = 2000

Case $cloth = "42-45 Velvet Cloth"

$cloth2 = 3020

Case $cloth = "45-52 Insect Fletchings"

$cloth2 = 2000

Case $cloth = "52-53 Silk Cloth"

$cloth2 = 3000

Case $cloth = "53-62 Green Ribbons"

$cloth2 = 100

Case $cloth = "62-69 Silk Headbands"

$cloth2 = 200

Case $cloth = "69-78 Rainbow Thread"

$cloth2 = 2000

Case $cloth = "78-81 Rainbow Cloth"

$cloth2 = 3000



; Totals and Activation


$combot = $cook2 + $wood2 + $gold2 + $leather2 + $bone2 + $smith2 + $alch2 + $cloth2

Call('synth' & $combot)

If @error Then ContinueLoop


If $msg = $n2 Then

MsgBox(0, "Exit", "OK. Bye!")



Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

Edit: Last Select block was integrated into other blocks to ensure correct selection with each item. Edited by MHz
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Ok I want to add a gui for the functions that will allow me the Pause or Run in the middle for a function.

I understand the $WS_EX_TOPMOST style. but how do use the Pause and Run commands with my functions???

Edited by onestcoder

Need a website: http://www.iconixmarketing.com

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