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Logging Onto A Dlink DWL-2000AP


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I'm want to be able to automatically configure one of the above Wireless Access point using it's web interface. I can get it's log-in screen to come up but the page fetche's up a smaller log-in window which I'm at at loss at how to pass the username and password to. If anyone can help me I'd be grateful.



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It may be easier to setup telnet and configure it that way. Check this link for more info.


Thanks for the response. Unfortunetly the DWL 2000AP+ doesn't support Telnet (As far as I can tell anyway, there are no options to turn it on or off and the device doesn't respond when I try to telnet to it)

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Thanks for the response. Unfortunetly the DWL 2000AP+ doesn't support Telnet (As far as I can tell anyway, there are no options to turn it on or off and the device doesn't respond when I try to telnet to it)

Did you even look at the link I provided? I looked at DLinks support page again and all models have the same setting in the same place.

This comes straight from the link:

Step 1 Open your web browser such as Internet Explorer and enter the IP address of the DWL-2100AP in the Address bar and press Enter. The default IP address is

Step 2 Enter your username (admin) and your password (leave blank by default). Click OK.

Step 3 Select the Tools tab and then click Misc. on the left side.

Posted Image

Step 4 To enable Telnet, check the Enabled check box next to Status. Select the timeout from the drop-down list.

Step 5 Click Apply then Continue to save the settings.

Advanced users can use Telnet to configure this unit. Go to Start > Run and type in telnet and press enter. Enter the username (admin) and your password (just press enter by default). Telnet commands are not supported by D-Link Tech Support. Use at your own risk.

To prevent users from using Telnet, next to Status, uncheck the Enabled box (see above).

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I'm want to be able to automatically configure one of the above Wireless Access point using it's web interface. I can get it's log-in screen to come up but the page fetche's up a smaller log-in window which I'm at at loss at how to pass the username and password to. If anyone can help me I'd be grateful.



Hi Daz,

a couple of days ago I had a similar problem with my Siemens WLAN/DSL SE515 router.

I created the following script, it logs into the router and changes the mac-list.

Since your router is different you will have to modify the code but it might be a start.



here my code:


; This file will add or delete a user from/to the routers mac list by using the web-interface

; target router is a Siemens SE515 DSL WLAN Router

; You need to include the "IE.au3" libray !!!

; Please keep in mind, this file contains mac addresses and passwords of your system !!!!

; network - security might be in danger !!!

#include <IE.au3>

Dim $mac_array[7]

;name of the user that should be modified

$user = "admin"

;ip-address of the router

$ip_router = ""

;routers password:

$router_pw = "default"


case $user = "admin"

$person_name = "HansImGlueck"

;MAC-Address of the users wlan

$person_mac = "00:00:00:00:00"


;split mac address

$mac_array = StringSplit ($person_mac,":")

;check if router is on the network

$PingSE515 = Ping($ip_router,3000)

; When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information:

; 1 = Host is offline

; 2 = Host is unreachable

; 3 = Bad destination

; 4 = Other errors


Case @error = 1

$error = "Host is offline"

Case @error = 2

$error = "Host is unreachable"

Case @error = 3

$error = "Bad destination"

Case @error = 4

$error = "Other errors"

Case Else

$error = "N.A."


If $PingSE515 Then

; Msgbox(0,"Status","Online, roundtrip was:" & $PingSE515)


Msgbox(0,"Status","Router is not online!" & @CRLF & "Please check the setup!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Possible errors: " & $error)



;Log into the router's web-interface.....

$o_IE = _IECreate()

_IENavigate($o_IE, $ip_router)

;wait for updated page


;get pointers to the login form and password field

$o_form = _IEFormGetObjByName($o_IE, "login")

$o_password = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($o_form, "password")

;Set field values and submit the form

_IEFormElementSetValue($o_password, $router_pw)

$oSubmitButton = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($o_Form, "Submit")


;wait for updated page


;the "url" of the mac-address-list of the router

_IENavigate($o_IE, "")

;wait for updated page


; get reference to Html-Form of the MAC-list

$oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName($o_IE, "tF0")

;parse html-content of page for start of MAC-list

$body = _IEBodyReadHTML($o_IE)

$StringPosition = StringInStr($body, "Geräte-Name")

If $StringPosition Then

; MsgBox(0, "Success", "The ""Geräte-Name"" was found")


; MsgBox(0, "Fail", "The ""Geräte-Name"" was NOT found")


$len = StringLen($body)

;MsgBox(0, "String length is:", $len)

;separate list from rest of the string

$bodyright = StringRight($body, ($len-$StringPosition))

;MsgBox(0, "Rightmost characters are:", $bodyright)

If StringInStr($bodyright,$person_mac) Then

MsgBox(0, $user, $user & " has internet access!")

$InternetAccess = 1


MsgBox(0, $user, $user & " has no internet access!")

$InternetAccess = 0


If ($InternetAccess = True) Then

$UserSelection = MsgBox(4, $user, "Should " & $user & "'s internet access be deactivated?")

If $UserSelection = 7 then




; deactivate internet access of user

$len = StringLen($bodyright)

$StringPosition = StringInStr($bodyright,"""doDelete('" & $person_mac & "')"" type=button value=Löschen name=Submit3>")

$bodyleft = StringLeft($bodyright, ($StringPosition))

; find the Index of the "Submit3"-Button of the MAC-address that should be deleted

$SubmitButton_Index = 0

While StringInStr($bodyleft, "Submit3")

$len = StringLen($bodyleft)

$StringPosition = StringInStr($bodyleft, "Submit3")

$bodyleft = StringRight($bodyleft, ($len-$StringPosition))

$SubmitButton_Index = $SubmitButton_Index + 1


$oSubmitButton = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "Submit3", $SubmitButton_Index)



; Should user be activated ?

$UserSelection = MsgBox(4, $user, "Should " & $user & "'s internet access be activated?")

If $UserSelection = 7 then




; fill form with MAC-address values

Dim $oField[7]

For $index = 1 to 6

$StringMAC = "wlMac" & $index & "D"

$oField[$index] = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, $StringMAC)

_IEFormElementSetValue($oField[$index], $mac_array[$index])


$oFieldHostName = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "hostNameD")

_IEFormElementSetValue($oFieldHostName, $person_name)

Sleep(1000); wait a couple of milli seconds

; add MAC-address

$oSubmitButton1 = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "Submit1")


MsgBox(0, $user, $user & "internet access was activated!")


;wait for updated page


; submit new settings "Click Anwenden"

$oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName($o_IE, "tF0")

$oSubmitButton1 = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "Submit2")






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Did you even look at the link I provided? I looked at DLinks support page again and all models have the same setting in the same place.

This comes straight from the link:


I did look at your link and I think there was a mistake on my part, the model I have is the DWL 2000AP+, In my earlier message I missed off the '+' by mistake. WHen I looked the model up, following your link, a screen came up saying that my model isn't distributed in the U.S. and therefore not supported by the U.S. Dlink support website. It then gives me a choice of going to various international sites. Going to the UK site (which is where I live) I've looked for anything about Telnet in reference to my kit and I can't. I've included couple of pictures to show you what options I have through the web menus and I have gone into each screen looking for options similar to the ones you showed in your picture and have not found anything even close.



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