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Create a mouse.exe with 3 paramenters - (Moved)

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I have a use case where i want to create a exe that will allow 2 or 3 parmeters.

example mouse.exe 800 600 left

Meaning move mouse to pixel 800 600 and left click the mouse.  if left not defined just default click

#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
; Double click at the x, y position of 0, 500. This is a better approach as it takes into account left/right handed users.
MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_PRIMARY, 1107, 272, 1)


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1 hour ago, TomJonesIowa said:

I have a use case where i want to create a exe that will allow 2 or 3 parmeters.

example mouse.exe 800 600 left

Meaning move mouse to pixel 800 600 and left click the mouse.  if left not defined just default click

#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
; Double click at the x, y position of 0, 500. This is a better approach as it takes into account left/right handed users.
MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_PRIMARY, 1107, 272, 1)


What you're looking for is $CMDLINE. Check the "Running Scripts" section of the autoit help file. There is a section for Command Line Parameters.

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