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SciTE include quick insert


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Here's a little utility that makes it easy to insert an #include clause into SciTE by selecting a script from a list.

When launched, a dialog box displays a tree view of all scripts present in AutoIt's "include" folders, whether built-in or created by the user. You can then double-click on a script (or use the Enter key, the context menu, or the "Include" button) and the corresponding #include clause is automatically inserted into the code of the current SciTE buffer. You can also take a look at the script before inserting it.

You can launch the utility using a command in your SciTEUser.properties file, as shown in the following example:
command.49.$(au3)="$(SciteDefaultHome)\..\AutoIt3.exe" "$(SciteUserHome)\M_GetInclude\M_GetInclude.au3"
command.name.49.$(au3)=Get Include

Hoping someone finds this usefull!

EDIT: fixed a few bugs in right-click processing (_WM_NOTIFY function)

M_GetInclude 0.1.6.zip


Edited by MGE
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