ViRnik Posted November 21, 2008 Posted November 21, 2008 (edited) I have some problems with example script. Each time I run it _GetMessage(1) show different mail... seems I dont know how it works, OpenSSL docs arent so clear and smooth like AutoIT docs . I want to make two applications using SSL: one for receiving unreaded mails and second for checking my bank account. Started some research today and didnt expected it will be so hard... I will read about POP3 now Edited November 21, 2008 by ViRnik
mikeytown2 Posted November 22, 2008 Author Posted November 22, 2008 I have some problems with example script. Each time I run it _GetMessage(1) show different mail...It's because it's marking that email as read. I should probably have a PeekMessage() function. I'll be gone till mid December so if anyone wants to code it, do it, otherwise I'll pick this up in 3-4 weeks.The bank account would best be handled by something like the IE functions. Using OpenSSL to do it, although possible, is kinda nuts. Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
ViRnik Posted November 22, 2008 Posted November 22, 2008 It's because it's marking that email as read. I should probably have a PeekMessage() function. I'll be gone till mid December so if anyone wants to code it, do it, otherwise I'll pick this up in 3-4 weeks.The bank account would best be handled by something like the IE functions. Using OpenSSL to do it, although possible, is kinda nuts.Thanks, reading POP specs really helps
madmatrix Posted December 23, 2008 Posted December 23, 2008 Thank you for this great code. I tried to run SSL example code in Autoit after I install the openssl listed in the first post and vc++ distributable software which I don't have in my computer. But after I ran the Pop SSL code, I got the openssl problem windown pop up saying "openssl.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close". Autoit also printed out the message: Read : Loading 'screen' into random state - ReadBuffer_Lock ran 0 times Connection Failed Write: USER xxxxxx Read : ReadBuffer_Lock ran 251 times Wrong Username Write: STAT Read : ReadBuffer_Lock ran 251 times Stats Not Available Is that openssl problem window caused by the action of "close the process" in the code?
yehia Posted December 29, 2008 Posted December 29, 2008 (edited) anyway to use pop in gmail without installing this ssl plugin ? Edited December 29, 2008 by yehia My Scripts:IE New UDFsElastic images moving under mouse (with a happy valentine's example)_FileRemoveLine
mikeytown2 Posted December 30, 2008 Author Posted December 30, 2008 anyway to use pop in gmail without installing this ssl plugin ?As of right now, no. Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
mikeytown2 Posted December 30, 2008 Author Posted December 30, 2008 Thank you for this great code. I tried to run SSL example code in Autoit after I install the openssl listed in the first post and vc++ distributable software which I don't have in my computer. But after I ran the Pop SSL code, I got the openssl problem windown pop up saying "openssl.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close". Autoit also printed out the message:...Is that openssl problem window caused by the action of "close the process" in the code?It's an OpenSSL problemRun the test command from ptrex, and let me know what it says Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
Yorn Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 (edited) No matter what I use or put in, Gmail always returns "Bad Username/Password"... I've done and just "username", my port is 995 and even when I use the AutoIt example code it fails as well. What am I missing/forgetting? Key-Arg : None Start Time: 1230675117 Timeout : 300 (sec) Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate) --- +OK Gpop ready for requests from k35pf15223467waf.31 ReadBuffer_Lock ran 1 times Write: PASS password123 Read : ReadBuffer_Lock ran 251 times Sent in a bad username/password Write: QUIT +>16:12:27 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0 +>16:12:28 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished Edited December 30, 2008 by Yorn
mikeytown2 Posted December 30, 2008 Author Posted December 30, 2008 Gmail's pop server no longer takes the NOOP if your not logged in... I need to rewrite the udf, give me a couple of hrs/days. Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
mikeytown2 Posted December 30, 2008 Author Posted December 30, 2008 Updated the 2nd post with the newest version of POP Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
Yorn Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 (edited) Not that it's a huge deal, but this seems to have quit working for me entirely, though Friday it was working fine when I changed your example AU3 to include "POP_ssl_V3.1.au3" instead of "POP_ssl_V3.0.au3" Read : Loading 'screen' into random state - ReadBuffer_Lock ran 13 times Connection Failed Write-GUI: QUIT Edit: also weird, it works if I do this instead of the POPConnect function: $_POP_RunPID = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $SSL_Exe_loc & " s_client -crlf -ign_eof -connect " & $POP_Server & ":" & $POP_Port, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDIN_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD + $STDERR_MERGED) Edited January 5, 2009 by Yorn
mikeytown2 Posted January 7, 2009 Author Posted January 7, 2009 Not that it's a huge deal, but this seems to have quit working for me entirelyGot it working again, let me know if you have any more issues Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
flyingboz Posted January 15, 2009 Posted January 15, 2009 POP has no search commandThus you would have to download every message and search it locally, if you wanted to find a specific message.The other option would be to code to the google api; and execute the search remotely -- of course, this has nothing whatsoever to do w/ pop/smtp.@mikey...Great work -- i've been using stunnel w/ blat -- I like the idea of a more native solution. Will play with it as I get time. Reading the help file before you post... Not only will it make you look smarter, it will make you smarter.
antnjen Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Mikey, When I try your code, I get the following error in my console: expandcollapse popup>"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Examples\Helpfile\SMTP_ssl_V3.1_Example.au3" Read : Loading 'screen' into random state - ReadBuffer_Lock ran 10 times Connection Failed Write: AUTH LOGIN Read : CONNECTED(00000750) --- Certificate chain 0 s:/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google Inc/ i:/C=ZA/ST=Western Cape/L=Cape Town/O=Thawte Consulting cc/OU=Certification Services Division/CN=Thawte Premium Server CA/ --- Server certificate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDYzCCAsygAwIBAgIQUR2EgGT4+hGKEhCgLMX2sjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCB zjELMAkGA1UEBhMCWkExFTATBgNVBAgTDFdlc3Rlcm4gQ2FwZTESMBAGA1UEBxMJ Q2FwZSBUb3duMR0wGwYDVQQKExRUaGF3dGUgQ29uc3VsdGluZyBjYzEoMCYGA1UE CxMfQ2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbiBTZXJ2aWNlcyBEaXZpc2lvbjEhMB8GA1UEAxMYVGhh d3RlIFByZW1pdW0gU2VydmVyIENBMSgwJgYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhlwcmVtaXVtLXNl cnZlckB0aGF3dGUuY29tMB4XDTA3MDczMDAwMDAwMFoXDTEwMDcyOTIzNTk1OVow aDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExFjAUBgNVBAcTDU1v dW50YWluIFZpZXcxEzARBgNVBAoTCkdvb2dsZSBJbmMxFzAVBgNVBAMTDnNtdHAu Z21haWwuY29tMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQD+RiG+G3Mo9Q9C tcwDjpp6dJGifjiR5M2DbEbrsIOlth80nk5A7xstKCUfKobHkf/G9Y/DO24JP5yT s3hWep05ybyiCmOzGL5K0zy3jIq0vOWy+4pLv2GsDjYi9mQBhobAAx3z38tTrTL+ WF4p0/Kl014+wnukIpj4MdF35rIkgQIDAQABo4GmMIGjMB0GA1UdJQQWMBQGCCsG AQUFBwMBBggrBgEFBQcDAjBABgNVHR8EOTA3MDWgM6Axhi9odHRwOi8vY3JsLnRo YXd0ZS5jb20vVGhhd3RlUHJlbWl1bVNlcnZlckNBLmNybDAyBggrBgEFBQcBAQQm MCQwIgYIKwYBBQUHMAGGFmh0dHA6Ly9vY3NwLnRoYXd0ZS5jb20wDAYDVR0TAQH/ BAIwADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOBgQBeNYOZwMVQ7bd6b4sueAkgm57Cyv2p1Xv1 52e8bLnWqd03mWgn/+TQtrwbE1E6pVuQaZJY33ILpt8IfzwVf2TGQI+M5yazZ2fC xwArHo20iAss3MLQR8tDXWfBoH2Lk9BBsEKDRP4hp83yfpZgdY3pinHTCbqHpsiS v97epiiFBA== -----END CERTIFICATE----- subject=/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google Inc/ issuer=/C=ZA/ST=Western Cape/L=Cape Town/O=Thawte Consulting cc/OU=Certification Services Division/CN=Thawte Premium Server CA/ --- No client certificate CA names sent --- SSL handshake has read 1017 bytes and written 306 bytes --- New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is RC4-MD5 Server public key is 1024 bit Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE SSL-Session: Protocol : TLSv1 Cipher : RC4-MD5 Session-ID: 2F6A5594FFA11D037BF63A5C930D670452EE5915E3308A67FF4A2146B7B5A3EA Session-ID-ctx: Master-Key: F6EEB5FBAF4439E1FBEFCDE25ECCCD2F3BCF026FBF20E0FAADC9258881DEA0CFDA8F27A3E3E6A9644CD19D01E99B8B01 Key-Arg : None Start Time: 1237916387 Timeout : 300 (sec) Verify return code: 21 (unable to verify the first certificate) --- 220 ESMTP b37sm3455606ana.37 ReadBuffer_Lock ran 10 times Doesn't support Authenticated Logins Write: MAIL FROM: <> Read : ReadBuffer_Lock ran 251 times Sent a bad From Address Write: Quit >Exit code: 0 Time: 29.013 Any ideas? Thanks, A
Yorn Posted April 9, 2009 Posted April 9, 2009 The problem is that Google updates more often than any AutoIT UDF programmer could hope to.
dminion Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 Hey guys, sorry to reopen such and old thread but I'm having an issue with the POP_ssl_V3.2_Example.au3. When I run it, it will get a list of the emails in the inbox and display the first message. The next time I run it, the first message is no longer in the list. The 3rd time I run it, the 2nd message is gone and so on. Can anyone tell me why this is? Thanks!
hagaizenberg Posted July 24, 2010 Posted July 24, 2010 Hi,Not sure if this is still supposed to work?I'm trying the example script, and i keep getting this error:Wrong Username Write: USER gwendolynedwardo766 Read : done depth=1 C = US, O = Google Inc, CN = Google Internet Authority verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate verify return:0 read:errno=0 ReadBuffer_Lock ran 7 times Wrong Usernamewhich is Wrong Username but also unable to get local issuer certificate...i'm definitely using the right username (tried both with and without, is there anything else i'm supposed to do?is the unable to get local issuer certificate a problem or just a warning?Thanks.
ikaros Posted October 25, 2010 Posted October 25, 2010 First, i know this is an old topic, however, the code still works just fine... But, there is one problem : I have several accounts on GMail (For anti spam issues) so, i would like to clear all mails from all mail accounts every once in a while. When connecting with the first user, i get the incoming mails and all is good. When i disconnect from the first user and trying to connect with the next in list i get "Wrong user". After reading a little about this issue, i discovered that the certificate is not valid for new user, and i must do "REQ -new" first to receive new certificate. Well, This not working. I there a solution for multiple logins from the same machine? Or can i delete the certificate? How? Thanks, Ofer Ofer,WWW Home baseArticles for allOnline statistics toolThe online mass mailerWorld of bicycles
ikaros Posted October 25, 2010 Posted October 25, 2010 Hi gwendolynedwardo766, I took the liberty of changing the script abit for it to work on my side. I hope i donut break any unwritten rules, but hey, we all here to help....POP_ssl_V3.2.au3 Ofer,WWW Home baseArticles for allOnline statistics toolThe online mass mailerWorld of bicycles
twitchyliquid64 Posted November 5, 2010 Posted November 5, 2010 Excellent job man! Just one suggestion if you have the time, XMPP! Keep it up. Hypoz ongoing projects:-firestorm: Largescale P2P Social NetworkCompleted Autoit Programs/Scripts: Variable Pickler | Networked Streaming Audio (in pure autoIT) | firenet p2p web messenger | Proxy Checker | Dynamic Execute() Code Generator | P2P UDF | Graph Theory Proof of Concept - Breadth First search
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