Skrip Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 (edited) Scroll Down to the end of the code to view my problem...expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #include <GUIConstants.au3> ;;;Password;;; $bLoop = 1 While $bLoop = 1 $text = InputBox("Password", "Please type in the correct password...","","*") If @error = 1 Then Exit Else ; They clicked OK, but did they type the right thing? If $text <> "12579" Then MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Wrong password try again...") Else $bLoop = 0; Exit the loop - ExitLoop would have been an alternative too :) EndIf EndIf WEnd ; Print the success message MsgBox(4096,"Password", "Password Accepted") ; Finished! $w = 400 $h = 400 $l = 1 $t = 1 $win = "ABC Encryption" $gui = GUICreate($win, $w, $h, $l, $t, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX + $WS_SYSMENU) $edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 0, $w - 5, $h - 51, $ES_WANTRETURN + $ES_MULTILINE + $WS_TABSTOP + $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $ES_AUTOHSCROLL + $WS_VSCROLL + $WS_HSCROLL) $encrypt = GUICtrlCreateButton("E n c r y p t", 0, $h - 51, ($w / 3) - 2, 20) $decrypt = GUICtrlCreateButton("D e c r y p t", ($w / 3) - 2, $h - 51, ($w / 3) - 2, 20) $clipboard = GUICtrlCreateButton("C o p y", ($w / 3 * 2) - 4, $h - 51, ($w / 3) - 2, 20) GUISetState() GUISetBkColor("0xFFFFFF", $gui) GUICtrlSetState($edit, $GUI_FOCUS) WinSetOnTop($win, "", 1) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $msg = $decrypt $sz_enc = GUICtrlRead($edit) GUICtrlSetData($edit, "") GUICtrlSetData($edit, "Decrypting...") $sz_enc = _Scramble($sz_enc) $sz_tmptxt = "" For $i = 1 to StringLen($sz_enc) $sz_tmptxt = $sz_tmptxt & abcdef(StringMid($sz_enc, $i, 1)) Next $sz_tmptxt = _Scramble($sz_tmptxt) GUICtrlSetData($edit, "") GUICtrlSetData($edit, $sz_tmptxt) Case $msg = $encrypt $sz_dec = GUICtrlRead($edit) GUICtrlSetData($edit, "") GUICtrlSetData($edit, "Encrypting...") $sz_dec = _Unscramble($sz_dec) $sz_tmptxt = "" For $i = 1 to StringLen($sz_dec) $sz_tmptxt = $sz_tmptxt & abcdef(StringMid($sz_dec, $i, 1)) Next $sz_tmptxt = _Unscramble($sz_tmptxt) GUICtrlSetData($edit, "") GUICtrlSetData($edit, $sz_tmptxt) Case $msg = $clipboard ClipPut(GUICtrlRead($edit)) _save() EndSelect Sleep(1) Wend Func abcdef($sz_t) If StringIsUpper($sz_t) Then If $sz_t = "A" Then Return "C" If $sz_t = "C" Then Return "A" If $sz_t = "B" Then Return "D" If $sz_t = "D" Then Return "B" If $sz_t = "E" Then Return "G" If $sz_t = "G" Then Return "E" If $sz_t = "F" Then Return "H" If $sz_t = "H" Then Return "F" If $sz_t = "I" Then Return "K" If $sz_t = "K" Then Return "I" If $sz_t = "J" Then Return "L" If $sz_t = "L" Then Return "J" If $sz_t = "M" Then Return "O" If $sz_t = "O" Then Return "M" If $sz_t = "N" Then Return "P" If $sz_t = "P" Then Return "N" If $sz_t = "Q" Then Return "S" If $sz_t = "S" Then Return "Q" If $sz_t = "R" Then Return "T" If $sz_t = "T" Then Return "R" If $sz_t = "U" Then Return "W" If $sz_t = "W" Then Return "U" If $sz_t = "V" Then Return "X" If $sz_t = "X" Then Return "V" If $sz_t = "Y" Then Return "Z" If $sz_t = "Z" Then Return "Y" EndIf If $sz_t = "a" Then Return "c" If $sz_t = "c" Then Return "a" If $sz_t = "b" Then Return "d" If $sz_t = "d" Then Return "b" If $sz_t = "e" Then Return "g" If $sz_t = "g" Then Return "e" If $sz_t = "f" Then Return "h" If $sz_t = "h" Then Return "f" If $sz_t = "i" Then Return "k" If $sz_t = "k" Then Return "i" If $sz_t = "j" Then Return "l" If $sz_t = "l" Then Return "j" If $sz_t = "m" Then Return "o" If $sz_t = "o" Then Return "m" If $sz_t = "n" Then Return "p" If $sz_t = "p" Then Return "n" If $sz_t = "q" Then Return "s" If $sz_t = "s" Then Return "q" If $sz_t = "r" Then Return "t" If $sz_t = "t" Then Return "r" If $sz_t = "u" Then Return "w" If $sz_t = "w" Then Return "u" If $sz_t = "v" Then Return "x" If $sz_t = "x" Then Return "v" If $sz_t = "y" Then Return "z" If $sz_t = "z" Then Return "y" If $sz_t = "0" Then Return "2" If $sz_t = "2" Then Return "0" If $sz_t = "1" Then Return "3" If $sz_t = "3" Then Return "1" If $sz_t = "4" Then Return "6" If $sz_t = "6" Then Return "4" If $sz_t = "5" Then Return "7" If $sz_t = "7" Then Return "5" If $sz_t = "8" Then Return "9" If $sz_t = "9" Then Return "8" If $sz_t = ")" Then Return "@" If $sz_t = "@" Then Return ")" If $sz_t = "!" Then Return "#" If $sz_t = "#" Then Return "!" If $sz_t = "$" Then Return "^" If $sz_t = "^" Then Return "$" If $sz_t = "%" Then Return "&" If $sz_t = "&" Then Return "%" If $sz_t = "*" Then Return "(" If $sz_t = "(" Then Return "*" If $sz_t = "<" Then Return ">" If $sz_t = ">" Then Return "<" If $sz_t = "12579" Then Return "765894gh;'" If $sz_t = "?" Then Return "+" If $sz_t = "+" Then Return "?" If $sz_t = " " Then Return ":" If $sz_t = ":" Then Return " " If $sz_t = @CR Then Return "" If $sz_t = @LF Then Return "¤" If $sz_t = "" Then Return @CR If $sz_t = "¤" Then Return @LF Return $sz_t EndFunc Func _Scramble($sText) ;; Scramble a text string. $iLen = StringLen($sText) $Scrambled = "" For $i1 = 1 To Int($iLen / 2) $Scrambled = $Scrambled & StringMid($sText, $iLen - $i1 + 1, 1) & StringMid($sText, $i1, 1) Next; $i1 ; Pick up the odd character. If Mod($iLen, 2) Then $Scrambled = $Scrambled & StringMid($sText, $i1, 1) EndIf Return $Scrambled EndFunc;==>_Scramble Func _Unscramble($sText) ;; De-Scramble a Scrambled text that was scrambled by _Scramble. Local $iLen = StringLen($sText) Local $i, $Unscrambled1, $Unscrambled2 $Unscrambled1 = "" $Unscrambled2 = "" For $i1 = 1 To $iLen step 2 $Unscrambled1 = StringMid($sText, $i1, 1) & $Unscrambled1 $Unscrambled2 = $Unscrambled2 & StringMid($sText, $i1 + 1, 1) Next; $i1 ; Pick up the odd character. If Mod($iLen, 2) Then $Unscrambled1 = StringMid($sText, $i1, 1) & $Unscrambled1 EndIf $sText = $Unscrambled2 & $Unscrambled1 Return $Unscrambled2 & $Unscrambled1 EndFunc;==>_Unscramble Func _Save() $save_con = 1 $answer = MsgBox(4, "Save", "Would you like to SAVE the text file also?") If $answer = 7 Then $save_con = 0 EndIf If $save_con = 1 Then $name = InputBox("Name", "What would you like to name this file?") $save_con = 2 EndIf If $save_con = 2 Then $file = FileOpen($name, 1) EndIf If $file = -1 Then Exit EndIf FileWrite($file, $edit) sleep (100) FileClose($file) EndFuncIf you run the code above, type anything in and click 'copy' then a save prompt will appear asking if you also want to save and copy the file, if you click 'yes' then type in blah.txt or something then open the file and the result will be the number 3 instead of the text you typed PLEASE HELP ME!Thanks in advanceBTW: Password is 1-2-5-7-9--------------------Thanks in advance! Edited March 30, 2006 by Firestorm [left][sub]We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine.[/sub][sup]And the machine is bleeding to death...[/sup][sup][/sup][/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uten Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 Probably because you save the controlID of your text box. Or did I miss somthing? $edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 0, $w - 5, $h - 51, $ES_WANTRETURN + $ES_MULTILINE + $WS_TABSTOP + $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $ES_AUTOHSCROLL + $WS_VSCROLL + $WS_HSCROLL) FileWrite($file, $edit) Please keep your sig. small! Use the help file. Search the forum. Then ask unresolved questions :) Script plugin demo, Simple Trace udf, TrayMenuEx udf, IOChatter demo, freebasic multithreaded dll sample, PostMessage, Aspell, Code profiling Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bert Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 Made a few changes, and it works fine. Fix lines 74 thru 77, and 226 thru 229 CODE#NoTrayIcon #include <GUIConstants.au3> ;;;Password;;; $bLoop = 1 While $bLoop = 1 $text = InputBox("Password", "Please type in the correct password...","","*") If @error = 1 Then Exit Else ; They clicked OK, but did they type the right thing? If $text <> "12579" Then MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Wrong password try again...") Else $bLoop = 0; Exit the loop - ExitLoop would have been an alternative too EndIf EndIf WEnd ; Print the success message MsgBox(4096,"Password", "Password Accepted") ; Finished! $w = 400 $h = 400 $l = 1 $t = 1 $win = "ABC Encryption" $gui = GUICreate($win, $w, $h, $l, $t, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX + $WS_SYSMENU) $edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 0, $w - 5, $h - 51, $ES_WANTRETURN + $ES_MULTILINE + $WS_TABSTOP + $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $ES_AUTOHSCROLL + $WS_VSCROLL + $WS_HSCROLL) $encrypt = GUICtrlCreateButton("E n c r y p t", 0, $h - 51, ($w / 3) - 2, 20) $decrypt = GUICtrlCreateButton("D e c r y p t", ($w / 3) - 2, $h - 51, ($w / 3) - 2, 20) $clipboard = GUICtrlCreateButton("C o p y", ($w / 3 * 2) - 4, $h - 51, ($w / 3) - 2, 20) GUISetState() GUISetBkColor("0xFFFFFF", $gui) GUICtrlSetState($edit, $GUI_FOCUS) WinSetOnTop($win, "", 1) While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $msg = $decrypt $sz_enc = GUICtrlRead($edit) GUICtrlSetData($edit, "") GUICtrlSetData($edit, "Decrypting...") $sz_enc = _Scramble($sz_enc) $sz_tmptxt = "" For $i = 1 to StringLen($sz_enc) $sz_tmptxt = $sz_tmptxt & abcdef(StringMid($sz_enc, $i, 1)) Next $sz_tmptxt = _Scramble($sz_tmptxt) GUICtrlSetData($edit, "") GUICtrlSetData($edit, $sz_tmptxt) Case $msg = $encrypt $sz_dec = GUICtrlRead($edit) GUICtrlSetData($edit, "") GUICtrlSetData($edit, "Encrypting...") $sz_dec = _Unscramble($sz_dec) $sz_tmptxt = "" For $i = 1 to StringLen($sz_dec) $sz_tmptxt = $sz_tmptxt & abcdef(StringMid($sz_dec, $i, 1)) Next $sz_tmptxt = _Unscramble($sz_tmptxt) GUICtrlSetData($edit, "") GUICtrlSetData($edit, $sz_tmptxt) Case $msg = $clipboard $data = GUICtrlRead($edit, 1) ClipPut($data[0]) _save() EndSelect Sleep(1) Wend Func abcdef($sz_t) If StringIsUpper($sz_t) Then If $sz_t = "A" Then Return "C" If $sz_t = "C" Then Return "A" If $sz_t = "B" Then Return "D" If $sz_t = "D" Then Return "B" If $sz_t = "E" Then Return "G" If $sz_t = "G" Then Return "E" If $sz_t = "F" Then Return "H" If $sz_t = "H" Then Return "F" If $sz_t = "I" Then Return "K" If $sz_t = "K" Then Return "I" If $sz_t = "J" Then Return "L" If $sz_t = "L" Then Return "J" If $sz_t = "M" Then Return "O" If $sz_t = "O" Then Return "M" If $sz_t = "N" Then Return "P" If $sz_t = "P" Then Return "N" If $sz_t = "Q" Then Return "S" If $sz_t = "S" Then Return "Q" If $sz_t = "R" Then Return "T" If $sz_t = "T" Then Return "R" If $sz_t = "U" Then Return "W" If $sz_t = "W" Then Return "U" If $sz_t = "V" Then Return "X" If $sz_t = "X" Then Return "V" If $sz_t = "Y" Then Return "Z" If $sz_t = "Z" Then Return "Y" EndIf If $sz_t = "a" Then Return "c" If $sz_t = "c" Then Return "a" If $sz_t = "b" Then Return "d" If $sz_t = "d" Then Return "b" If $sz_t = "e" Then Return "g" If $sz_t = "g" Then Return "e" If $sz_t = "f" Then Return "h" If $sz_t = "h" Then Return "f" If $sz_t = "i" Then Return "k" If $sz_t = "k" Then Return "i" If $sz_t = "j" Then Return "l" If $sz_t = "l" Then Return "j" If $sz_t = "m" Then Return "o" If $sz_t = "o" Then Return "m" If $sz_t = "n" Then Return "p" If $sz_t = "p" Then Return "n" If $sz_t = "q" Then Return "s" If $sz_t = "s" Then Return "q" If $sz_t = "r" Then Return "t" If $sz_t = "t" Then Return "r" If $sz_t = "u" Then Return "w" If $sz_t = "w" Then Return "u" If $sz_t = "v" Then Return "x" If $sz_t = "x" Then Return "v" If $sz_t = "y" Then Return "z" If $sz_t = "z" Then Return "y" If $sz_t = "0" Then Return "2" If $sz_t = "2" Then Return "0" If $sz_t = "1" Then Return "3" If $sz_t = "3" Then Return "1" If $sz_t = "4" Then Return "6" If $sz_t = "6" Then Return "4" If $sz_t = "5" Then Return "7" If $sz_t = "7" Then Return "5" If $sz_t = "8" Then Return "9" If $sz_t = "9" Then Return "8" If $sz_t = ")" Then Return "@" If $sz_t = "@" Then Return ")" If $sz_t = "!" Then Return "#" If $sz_t = "#" Then Return "!" If $sz_t = "$" Then Return "^" If $sz_t = "^" Then Return "$" If $sz_t = "%" Then Return "&" If $sz_t = "&" Then Return "%" If $sz_t = "*" Then Return "(" If $sz_t = "(" Then Return "*" If $sz_t = "<" Then Return ">" If $sz_t = ">" Then Return "<" If $sz_t = "12579" Then Return "765894gh;'" If $sz_t = "?" Then Return "+" If $sz_t = "+" Then Return "?" If $sz_t = " " Then Return ":" If $sz_t = ":" Then Return " " If $sz_t = @CR Then Return "" If $sz_t = @LF Then Return "¤" If $sz_t = "" Then Return @CR If $sz_t = "¤" Then Return @LF Return $sz_t EndFunc Func _Scramble($sText) ;; Scramble a text string. $iLen = StringLen($sText) $Scrambled = "" For $i1 = 1 To Int($iLen / 2) $Scrambled = $Scrambled & StringMid($sText, $iLen - $i1 + 1, 1) & StringMid($sText, $i1, 1) Next; $i1 ; Pick up the odd character. If Mod($iLen, 2) Then $Scrambled = $Scrambled & StringMid($sText, $i1, 1) EndIf Return $Scrambled EndFunc;==>_Scramble Func _Unscramble($sText) ;; De-Scramble a Scrambled text that was scrambled by _Scramble. Local $iLen = StringLen($sText) Local $i, $Unscrambled1, $Unscrambled2 $Unscrambled1 = "" $Unscrambled2 = "" For $i1 = 1 To $iLen step 2 $Unscrambled1 = StringMid($sText, $i1, 1) & $Unscrambled1 $Unscrambled2 = $Unscrambled2 & StringMid($sText, $i1 + 1, 1) Next; $i1 ; Pick up the odd character. If Mod($iLen, 2) Then $Unscrambled1 = StringMid($sText, $i1, 1) & $Unscrambled1 EndIf $sText = $Unscrambled2 & $Unscrambled1 Return $Unscrambled2 & $Unscrambled1 EndFunc;==>_Unscramble Func _Save() $save_con = 1 $answer = MsgBox(4, "Save", "Would you like to SAVE the text file also?") If $answer = 7 Then $save_con = 0 EndIf If $save_con = 1 Then $name = InputBox("Name", "What would you like to name this file?") $save_con = 2 EndIf If $save_con = 2 Then $file = FileOpen($name, 1) EndIf If $file = -1 Then Exit EndIf $text1 = clipget() FileWrite($file, $text1) sleep (100) FileClose($file) EndFunc ;ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(229) : EndFunc = ' & EndFunc & @lf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @lf) ;### Debug Console The Vollatran project My blog: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skrip Posted March 30, 2006 Author Share Posted March 30, 2006 Thanks it works great!! But is there any way it could still work, but without the auto-it beta? [left][sub]We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine.[/sub][sup]And the machine is bleeding to death...[/sup][sup][/sup][/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
billmez Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 Thanks it works great!!But is there any way it could still work, but without the auto-it beta?Yeah compile it with the beta, then it will be an exe and not need the beta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lapo Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 $answer = MsgBox(262144, "Save", "Would you like to SAVE the text file also?") Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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