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Variable within a Variable?

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Maybe I'm having one of those days (you know, when you look for the bread in the pantry, and it's right in front of your face but you never see it), well anyway, here is what I'm trying to do:

; --------------------------- USER CONFIG ---------------------------------
$id_1 = "01. selection 1"
$data_1 = "c:\test1.txt"

$id_2 = "02. selection 2"
$data_2 = "c:\test2.txt"

; ------------------------------ BEGIN ---------------------------------
$selection_number = InputBox("What to Update?", $id_01 & @CRLF & $id_02, "selection number", "")

$chosen_id = $data_ & $selection_number


I know the $chosen_id part is incorrect, but do you see what I'm trying to do? I want a user to choose a selection, in this case either 1 or 2, then that selection will determine which $data_x will be used? Maybe I can't see the solution today, or maybe this is totally the incorrect method to approach the problem, but I can't figure out how to use a variable to help determine another variable.

Help is more than welcome :D

EDIT: Just to make what I want a little more clear, later in the program I want to open the text file the user chose, so my future send command will look like this:





Send($chosen_id & "{ENTER}")

So the question is, how do I write my above $chosen_id declaration so that is is equal to the correct $data_x value?

Edited by ozone
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Figured it out. I was just looking at the problem the wrong way. The simple solution is to array it:

; --------------------------- USER CONFIG ---------------------------------
Dim $id[30], $data[30]

$id[1] = "01. selection 1"
$data[1] = "c:\test1.txt"

$id[2] = "02. selection 2"
$data[2] = "c:\test2.txt"

; ------------------------------ BEGIN ---------------------------------
$selection_number = InputBox("What to Update?", $id[1] & @CRLF & $id[2], "selection number", "")




Edited by ozone
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