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ScriptWriter for keys and delays?


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I am making a bot to navigate what is essentially a 2-dimensional, top down maze. The easiest way to do this would be to have something record my keystrokes and generate the autoit file that mimics them. However, I can't get ScriptWriter to record this functionality, nor find anything on the forum about this.

Is there a way to get ScriptWriter to record my key presses and the delay between when they were held down and when they were lifted?

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Ok, thanks for the reply and help. I'm sure I can figure out how to write my own, this explains why ScriptWriter doesn't have the obvious functionality I guess.

Great tool though, I'm really enjoying it!

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Ok, thanks for the reply and help. I'm sure I can figure out how to write my own, this explains why ScriptWriter doesn't have the obvious functionality I guess.

Great tool though, I'm really enjoying it!

Ok, I wrote the key recorder script that I was asking about, but it seems like my timings are off a little bit. Since this game is very time sensitive on my actions (it's a plane, so if you have momentum and drift a little while longer than the actual keystrokes, you're going to overshoot a tight turn).

I don't know how much detail I'm allowed to give out on the forums, but I used isPressed like was suggested and got my arrow keys, and used TimerInit() and TimerDiff() to check how long between things. I thought it might have been an issue with file IO being a little slow, so I started just buffering the generated code to a string while recording, and write out when I hit escape. However, I still have the same problem. I wouldn't think it's an issue with the time it takes to check the keys, since I am only checking 5 of them, and that should be done in less than 5 ms I would hope.

Any help on how I can get a more accurate delay?

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