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Merging files/folder with similar name


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Extreme NEWB :"> here:

Merging files/folder with similar name

I have a folder that has a lot of files (pdf and txt and html) that are very similar.

For example I have:


in the recipes folder I have files all about apples

some may be named "apple, pie - best home made.txt"

the next named "apple, pie - secret of the best.pdf"

I would like to have it look at the first word, second word and then create a folder called apple, pie and then merge them into apple, pie folder. If there is a folder already made called "apple, pie - recipes of the best" I would also like it to move it into the root folder of "apple, pie"

Then if it comes to the next recipe named "cherry, pie - best home made.txt"

and the next named "cherry, pie - secret of the best.pdf"

to once again have it : look at the first word, second word and then create a folder called cherry, pie and then merge them into cherry, pie folder. if there is a folder already made called "cherry, pie - recipes of the best" I would also like it to move it into the root folder of "cherry, pie"

and of course if finds a dupe that it just over right the file\folder

Thanks ever so much.


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Extreme NEWB :"> here:

Merging files/folder with similar name

I have a folder that has a lot of files (pdf and txt and html) that are very similar.

For example I have:


in the recipes folder I have files all about apples

some may be named "apple, pie - best home made.txt"

the next named "apple, pie - secret of the best.pdf"

I would like to have it look at the first word, second word and then create a folder called apple, pie and then merge them into apple, pie folder. If there is a folder already made called "apple, pie - recipes of the best" I would also like it to move it into the root folder of "apple, pie"

Then if it comes to the next recipe named "cherry, pie - best home made.txt"

and the next named "cherry, pie - secret of the best.pdf"

to once again have it : look at the first word, second word and then create a folder called cherry, pie and then merge them into cherry, pie folder. if there is a folder already made called "cherry, pie - recipes of the best" I would also like it to move it into the root folder of "cherry, pie"

and of course if finds a dupe that it just over right the file\folder

Thanks ever so much.


That's great... was there a question here?

Have you attempted anything... If you have where is it?

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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That's great... was there a question here?

Have you attempted anything... If you have where is it?

Hi I have but like I said I am extremely new at this. I thought I would try the basic part first of using the dos command search function. Just to get me started down the path this is where I am at. I need the next line and I am not sure of even how to have it read in the listing of the files in the dir. It took forever for me to figure out how to do a phrase that would let google find out how to send a quotation mark in a send command. Yeah I know what I want it to do :) I am trying to learn how to make it do it.

If IsAdmin() Then

Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & "sc create testsvc binpath= ""cmd /K start"" type= own type= interact", "", @SW_HIDE)

Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & "sc start testsvc", "", @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & "sc delete testsvc", "", @SW_HIDE)


MsgBox(16,"Error","You do not have administrator priviledges on the local machine.")



Send("cd C:\recipes{ENTER}")

send("dir C:\recipes\apple\")

Send("/s /b |")

Send("find "& chr(34) & "apple, pie" & chr(34)& " ")

#ceSend("find "& chr(34) & "apple, pie" & chr(34)& " ")


Thanks for responding so quickly already!


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Look at

While/WEnd + FileFindFirstFile + FileFindNextFile



These can be found in the help file, that way you can list the files you are looking for, in a loop, then your String* functions to help you parse the info you are looking for.

What are the "Send"(s) for?.... ahh sending the info to cmd.exe I see.

_FileListToArray() is probably your best bet here.

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Look at

While/WEnd + FileFindFirstFile + FileFindNextFile



These can be found in the help file, that way you can list the files you are looking for, in a loop, then your String* functions to help you parse the info you are looking for.

What are the "Send"(s) for?.... ahh sending the info to cmd.exe I see.

_FileListToArray() is probably your best bet here.

Not trying to be stupid nor lazy but could you show me how I would do that? I am basically at the hand holding stage here. i can figure out how to go to the dir but need more help.

If I had an example of how to have it read in the names of the files from

c:\my recipes

then what?

Sorry to be stupid I don't know how to program.

once again thanks SmOke_N for posting back to the response earlier.


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Not trying to be stupid nor lazy but could you show me how I would do that? I am basically at the hand holding stage here. i can figure out how to go to the dir but need more help.

If I had an example of how to have it read in the names of the files from

c:\my recipes

then what?

Sorry to be stupid I don't know how to program.

once again thanks SmOke_N for posting back to the response earlier.


Not much on hand holding (anymore*), but I will say this, there are exact answers you are looking for in the examples of the help file for what I listed.

Some other things to note you'll need are StringInStr() / StringReplace() and a basic understanding of variables and or arrays.

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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