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Change in logical flow

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I am using a 3rd party software (designed in VB 6.0). I have written some scripts that take my input test data and through combinations of entries in text boxes and button clicks returns me an answer. These steps are repeated for a large number of sets of data. Very often the software might generate/return an error arising from faulty data etc...

My question: Is there a way to track when an error has occured (more a break in the structural flow of the script)? The WinWaitActive calls are not sufficient as the calculation times might vary drastically.

I am probably looking for some conceptual advice i.e. how should i structure my script? Is there something out there that does this or something similar? I have thought about (and implemented) looking at the taskmanager for CPU usage but this is handy for my PC only!

Any advice is appreciated.


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The software that i use can return different error messages (there are upto 121 possible errors) and each error message has a different title in the MsgBox. The AdlibEnable would not solve my problem because I dont know what the title of the error message could be.

AdlibEnable would be useful if i knew what it was that I was looking for (or not looking for). I need to check for deviances in the structural flow of my script.

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