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Simply Open a Directory


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Obviously, I'm a rank amateur (i.e. the proverbial noob). I use AutoIt to automate basic tasks, primarily opening a combination of four to six applications simultaneously (the same apps I open multiple times daily for specific work-related functions [Run, Winwait, Run, Winwait, etc.]), and then closing them all again (WinClose).

How do I open a directory window in my script (like My Documents folder)? Im assuming this is an incredibly simple command, and available, but I cant find it.

Bizarrely, Ive used MouseClick to script a click on a Quick Start Taskbar shortcut to My Documents, and this gets the job done, but it seems exceedingly sloppy (I imagine a function that specifically opens a directory window for graphic interaction).

Any takers? Thanks people. :P

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Now were talkin, gents. You BOTH were right. All I lacked was Larrys very helpful suggestion to get the latest release (beta [as a noob, I wouldnt have instinctively gone for the beta]). Now, big_daddys ShellExecute(@MyDocumentsDir) works beautifully. Thanks a million :P

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