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Help with external program


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Can someone help me with why I am getting the error message "The system cannot find the path specified." when I use the run command?

What I am trying to do is map a drive and then run a program from the mapped drive location. I am able to successfully map the drive, but when I go to execute the program, I get the above error message.

$username = 'user1'
$password = 'password1'
$server = '\\\ldlogon'

;Find the first unused drive letter
$drive = StringSplit("c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z",",",1)
For $i = 1 to $drive[0] step +1
    $var = DriveStatus( $drive[$i] & ":" )
    If $var = "INVALID" Then 
        $AvailDrive = $drive[$i]

;Map available drive letter to program folder on server
DriveMapAdd($AvailDrive & ":", $server, 0, $username, $password)
Run($AvailDrive & ":\HATScanner.exe", $AvailDrive & ":\", @SW_MAXIMIZE)

Is it because the 'filename' and 'working dir' parameters are not totally inclused in quotes?? :D

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OK...I've even tried this:

$Filename = $AvailDrive & ":\HATScanner.exe"
$WorkingDir = $AvailDrive & ":\"
Run($Filename, $WorkingDir, @SW_MAXIMIZE)

...and I'm still getting an error message - "==> Unable to execute the external program.: Run($Filename, $WorkingDir, @SW_MAXIMIZE)

The system cannot find the path specified."

What am I not going right?? :P

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Check the return value (and @error if it is equal to 0 ) of DriveMapAdd. Also, hard code the path, just to make it sure it works like,

Run("B:\HATScanner.exe", "B:\")


OK...I've done both and I still get the error message.

I added the following code:

DriveMapAdd($AvailDrive & ":", $server, 0, $username, $password)
If @error = 0 Then MsgBox(64, "ERROR", $AvailDrive & " is already mapped.")
If @error = 1 Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "Undefined/Other error.")
If @error = 2 Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "Access to the remote share was denied.")
If @error = 3 Then MsgBox(64, "WARNING", "The device is already assigned.")
If @error = 4 Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "Invalid device name.")
If @error = 5 Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "Invalid remote share.")
If @error = 6 Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "Invalid password.")

...and when I run the script, I always get @error =0!!! On my PC, the first available drive always comes up as "Y:" and I can see "verify" that the Drive MapAdd command is successful because I get a drive map to Y and I can access the files from that location through explorer. What I don't understand is why then do I always get the @error returning as 0, telling me that the map was not successful, when I can see that it was successful? :D

I then hard coded it was well...

Run("Y:\HATScanner.exe", "Y:\", @SW_MAXIMIZE)

...and it still comes back with the same error message.

I also noted, by adding a cmd.exe call to the script...

RunWait("cmd.exe", "C:\Windows\System32", @SW_MAXIMIZE)

...I am unable to access the "Y:" drive from the command window and it produces an error of: "The system cannot find the drive specified."

I'm not sure what to do from here. :P

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For now, I would try mapping the drive with "net use y: \\server\sharename" and then comment out the DriveMapAdd() command. You script should then only have the Run() command as the very 1st line of the program. You can also see what's going on by using FileMon.


Edited by jftuga
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For now, I would try mapping the drive with "net use y: \\server\sharename" and then comment out the DriveMapAdd() command. You script should then only have the Run() command as the very 1st line of the program. You can also see what's going on by using FileMon.



I'm not sure about what you mean by having the "Run() command as the very 1st line of the program"? Please explain.

OK...this is what I now have:

$username = 'user1'
$password = 'password1'
$server = '\\\ldlogon'

$drive = StringSplit("c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z",",",1)
For $i = 1 to $drive[0] step +1
    $var = DriveStatus( $drive[$i] & ":" )
    If $var = "INVALID" Then 
       ;MsgBox(1,"Free:","The first free letter: " & $drive[$i])
        $AvailDrive = $drive[$i]

$ExtCmd = "NET USE " & $AvailDrive & ": \\\ldlogon /USER:homer 1nth3m@tr1x"
$RetCode = RunWait($ExtCmd, @TempDir, @SW_MINIMIZE)
If $RetCode = 0 Then
     MsgBox(64, "Success", "Successfully mapped " & $AvailDrive & ": drive.")
     MsgBox(16, "Error", "Error mapping " & $AvailDrive & ": drive, ERRORLEVEL = " & $RetCode)

$Filename = $AvailDrive & ":\HATScanner.exe"
$WorkingDir = $AvailDrive & ":\"
Run($Filename, $WorkingDir, @SW_MAXIMIZE)


...and I'm getting the error message:

Run($Filename, $WorkingDir, @SW_MAXIMIZE)

The parameter is incorrect.

If I hard code it...

Run("Y:\HATScanner.exe", "Y:\", @SW_MAXIMIZE)

...I still get an error message:

Run("Y:\HATScanner.exe", "Y:\", @SW_MAXIMIZE)

The parameter is incorrect.

Any help with what I should do next?

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