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2 questions

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question 1 (this is easy but I can not seem to figure it out

I currently have "$MYAPP = "Trend" " how do I make this $MYAPP = "Trend" or "symantec"

I know "or" is not correct but how do I write this?

question 2

I want to tell the following to go to another place in my script, I read the 3.0 FAQ but does not really help me. How do I pick up in a spot further down in my script

if StringInStr( $Dispaly, "0") then ??????????



how do I do this?

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question 1 (this is easy but I can not seem to figure it out

I currently have "$MYAPP = "Trend" " how do I make this $MYAPP = "Trend" or "symantec"

I know "or" is not correct but how do I write this?

Depends on the context your using $MYAPP in? I figure you know hoa to use If .. else.. endif so I suppose your useing $MYAPP in one of the Win* functions then

Opt("HMM", 4) ;Cant remember tyhe word but you can probably figure ut out by searching for RegExp in the help file
$MYAPP = "regexp=Trend|symantec"

oÝ÷ Ú«¨µéÚ
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