jlorenz1 Posted December 21, 2006 Share Posted December 21, 2006 I deleted the combobox and created a new one - but still the same problems I restarted the PC - but still the same problems I can change the content of this combobox, but i can't highlight the content and I can't expand the combobox by clicking the right arrow. Has anyone an idea? Thanks Johannes expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> Global $sMyPic ='' Global $sMyFol1 ='' Global $sMyFol2 ='' Global $aPic [101] Global $fPic [101][2] Global $cPic = '' Global $aGn = StringSplit('Die Urheberrechts-Schutzdauer des hier abgebildeten flächigen Kunstwerks ist weltweit abgelaufen, da der Künstler bereits seit über 70 Jahren tot ist. Es ist somit gemeinfrei (»public domain«) |Ich bin Inhaber bzw. Fotograf des hier abgebildeten flächigen Werkes und erlaube es unter der freien Lizenz (»public domain«) zu veröffentlichen. ' & @MDAY & '.' & @Mon & '.' & @Year, '|') Global $aGni = 1 GUICreate('WikipediaAusfüller', 320, 555, @Desktopwidth - 325, @DesktopHeight - 590, -1,$WS_EX_TOPMOST) $filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("&Datei") $fileitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Ö&ffnen",$filemenu) $tab=GUICtrlCreateTab (10, 5, 300, 480) $tab0=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ('Eingabe') GUICtrlCreateLabel('Ordner mit den hochzuladenden Bildern',20,35,200,15) $c01 = GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 20, 50,255, 60) $b01 = GUICtrlCreateButton('', 280, 48, 24, 24, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage ($b01, @ScriptDir & '\wiki.dll', 7) GUICtrlSetTip($b01, 'Ordner mit den hochzuladenden Bildern auswählen') $pic = GUICtrlCreatePic ( '', 212, 75 , 90, 90, -1, $SS_WHITEFRAME ) GUICtrlSetImage (-1, @ScriptDir & '\wiki2.jpg') GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'Ordner mit den hochzuladenden Bildern auswählen') $c02 = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Bild in Bearbeitung', 20, 75, 190, 80) ;********************************************************************* ; I CAN CHANGE THE CONTENT OF THIS COMBOBOX, BUT I CAN'T HIGHLIGHT THE ; CONTENT OR EXPAND THE COMBOBOX BY CLICKLING THE ARROW AT THE RIGHT SIDE ; Try it first with a new combobox. I've gotten the same results.strange $c03 = GUICtrlCreateCombo('wewretgwtwstwtetwew', 20, 90, 190, 80) ;***************************************************************** $c04 = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Maße', 20, 118, 27, 15) $c05 = GUICtrlCreateInput (' ', 50, 115, 80, 20, $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlCreateLabel('%', 135, 118, 10, 20) $prg = GUICtrlCreateProgress (145,115,64,20,$PBS_SMOOTH) $c06 = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Status Textbausteine', 20, 145, 100, 20) $b03 = GUICtrlCreateButton ('', 150,140,25,25, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage (-1, @ScriptDir & '\wiki.dll', 3) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'Bildpfad in den Zwischenspeicher') $b04 = GUICtrlCreateButton ('', 184,140,25,25, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage (-1, @ScriptDir & '\wiki.dll', 2) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'Bildangaben in den Zwischenspeicher') GUICtrlCreateGroup ( "Angaben zum Bild", 15, 170, 290, 310) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Beschreibung', 22, 185, 100, 15) $eBs = GUICtrlCreateEdit ('', 22, 200, 275, 30, $ES_MULTILINE) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Urheber', 22, 230, 100, 15) $eUh = GUICtrlCreateEdit ('', 22, 245, 275, 30, $ES_MULTILINE) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Anmerkungen', 22, 275, 100, 15) $eAm = GUICtrlCreateEdit ('', 22, 290, 275, 30, $ES_MULTILINE) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Quelle', 22, 320, 100, 15) $eQl = GUICtrlCreateEdit ('', 22, 335, 275, 30, $ES_MULTILINE) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Seite/n', 180, 320, 35, 15) $eSt = GUICtrlCreateInput ('', 217, 320, 80, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Genehmigung', 22, 365, 100, 15) $b05 = GUICtrlCreateButton ('', 280, 365, 16, 16, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage (-1, @ScriptDir & '\wiki.dll', 8, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'Andere Genehmigungsart laden') $eGn = GUICtrlCreateEdit ('', 22, 380, 275, 60, $ES_MULTILINE) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('Andere Versionen', 22, 440, 100, 15) $eAV = GUICtrlCreateInput ('', 22, 455, 245, 20) $b06 = GUICtrlCreateButton ('', 273, 452, 24, 24, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage (-1, @ScriptDir & '\wiki.dll', 4) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'Duplikate manuell finden') $tab1=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ('Einstellungen') $tab1=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ('Ausfüllen') GUICtrlCreateTabitem ('') $b07 = GUICtrlCreateButton ('', 90, 490, 32, 32, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage (-1, @ScriptDir & '\wiki.dll', 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'Beenden') $b08 = GUICtrlCreateButton ('', 129, 490, 32, 32, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage (-1, @ScriptDir & '\wiki.dll', 1) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'Textdatei mit den Bildangaben öffnen') $b09 = GUICtrlCreateButton ('', 168, 490, 32, 32, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage (-1, @ScriptDir & '\wiki.dll', 9) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'Auf Standardeinstellungen zurücksetzen') $b10 = GUICtrlCreateButton ('', 240, 490, 32, 32, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage (-1, @ScriptDir & '\wiki.dll', 5) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'Bildangaben aufnehmen') $b11 = GUICtrlCreateButton ('', 279, 490, 32, 32, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage (-1, @ScriptDir & '\wiki.dll', 6) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'Nach Wikipedia übertragen') _Standard() GUISetState () While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE;OR $b07 Exit Case $msg = $c01 Case $msg = $b01 ;_FolderMyPic() Case $msg = $b05 $aGni = $aGni + 1 If $aGni > $aGn[0] then $aGni = 1 GUICtrlSetData($eGn,$aGn[$aGni]) Case $msg = $b06 _Doublette() EndSelect Wend Func _ComboWiz($sEntry) $sMyPic = $sEntry & '|' & $sMyPic GUICtrlSetData($c01,'','') GUICtrlSetData($c01,$sMyPic, $sEntry) EndFunc Func _Doublette() $Dbl = FileOpenDialog ( 'Andere Versionen eines Bildes suchen', $sMyPic, 'Bilder (*.jpg;*.gif; *.png)', 3) If NOT @error Then $aDbl = StringSplit($Dbl,'\') $Dbl = $aDbl[$aDbl[0]] GUICtrlSetData($eAV, $Dbl) EndIf EndFunc Func _FolderMyPic() $sWahl = FileSelectFolder ( 'Ordner der hochzuladenden Bilder', '' , 7 , $sMyPic ) If NOT @error then _ComboWiz($sWahl) RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c ' & 'dir "' & $sWahl & '\*.jpg";"' & $sWahl & '\*.gif";"' & $sWahl & '\*.png" /B > "' & @ScriptDir & '\dir.tmp"','', @SW_HIDE) $h1 = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & '\dir.tmp',0) $iMax = 0 For $i = 1 to 101 $sZeile = FileReadLine($h1, $i) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop $iMax = $iMax + 1 $aPic[$i] = $sWahl & '\' & $sZeile $fPic[$i][0] = $sZeile $cPic = $cPic & $sZeile & '|' Next FileClose($h1) FileDelete(@ScriptDir &'\dir.tmp') $cPic = StringTrimRight($cPic, 1) $fPic[0][0] = $iMax $aPic[0] = $iMax ReDim $aPic[$iMax + 1] GUICtrlSetImage ($pic, $aPic[1]) ;GUICtrlSetData($c03,'','') Sleep(200) $y=GUICtrlSetData($c03, $cPic, $fPic[1][0]) $aSize = _XGetImageSize($aPic[1]) MsgBox(4160,'$cPic',$cPic & @CRLF & @CRLF & $y) GUICtrlSetData($c05,$aSize[0] & ' x ' & $aSize[1] & ' Px') ;GUICtrlSetData ($prg,Round((100/$aPic[0])*1)) EndFunc Func _Pic() For $i = 1 to $aPic[0] GuiCtrlCreateListViewItem($aPic[$i], $lvw) Next EndFunc Func _Standard() $sMyPic=RegRead('HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders','My Pictures') GUICtrlSetData($c01,$sMyPic,$sMyPic);$b05 GUICtrlSetData($eGn,$aGn[1]) EndFunc Func _XGUICtrlComboGetCurSel($h_combobox) If IsHWnd($h_combobox) Then Local $a_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $h_combobox, "int", $CB_GETCURSEL, "int", 0, "int", 0) Return $a_ret[0] Else Return GUICtrlSendMsg($h_combobox, $CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc Func _XGetImageSize($file) Local $header = _XFileReadAtOffsetHEX($file, 1, 8); Get header bytes Local $ident = StringSplit("FFD8 424D 89504E470D0A1A 4749463839 4749463837 4D4D 4949", " ") Local $size = "" For $ic = 1 To $ident[0] If StringInStr($header, $ident[$ic]) = 1 Then Select Case $ic = 1; JPEG $size = _XGetJpegSize($file) Exitloop Case $ic = 2; BMP $size = _XGetSimpleSize($file, 19, 23, 0) Exitloop Case $ic = 3; PNG $size = _XGetSimpleSize($file, 19, 23, 1) Exitloop Case ($ic = 4) or ($ic = 5); GIF $size = _XGetSimpleSize($file, 7, 9, 0) Exitloop Case ($ic = 6) or ($ic = 7); TIFF $size = _XGetTIFFSize($file) Exitloop EndSelect Endif Next if not IsArray ($size) Then SetError(1) Return($size) EndFunc ;; Functions Func _XGetSimpleSize($file, $xoff, $yoff, $ByteOrder) Local $size[2] $size[0] = _Dec(_XFileReadAtOffsetHEX($file, $xoff, 2), $ByteOrder) $size[1] = _Dec(_XFileReadAtOffsetHEX($file, $yoff, 2), $ByteOrder) Return ($size) EndFunc Func _XGetJpegSize($file) Local $size[2] Local $fs, $pos = 3 $fs = FileGetSize($file) While $pos < $fs $data = _XFileReadAtOffsetHEX ($file, $pos, 4) if StringLeft($data, 2) = "FF" then; Valid segment start if StringInStr("C0 C2 CA C1 C3 C5 C6 C7 C9 CB CD CE CF", StringMid($data, 3, 2)) then; Segment with size data $seg = _XFileReadAtOffsetHEX ($file, $pos+5, 4) $size[1] = Dec(StringLeft($seg, 4)) $size[0] = Dec(StringRight($seg, 4)) Return($size) else $pos = $pos + Dec(StringRight($data, 4)) + 2 endif else exitloop endif Wend Return("") EndFunc Func _XGetTIFFSize($file) Local $pos = 3, $ByteOrder = 0, $size[2] $id = _XFileReadAtOffsetHEX ($file, 1, 2) If $id = "4D4D" then $ByteOrder = 1 $offset = _Dec(_XFileReadAtOffsetHEX($file, 5, 4), $ByteOrder) + 1 $fields = _Dec(_XFileReadAtOffsetHEX($file, $offset, 2), $ByteOrder) For $ic = 0 To $fields-1 $field = _XFileReadAtOffsetHEX($file, $offset + 2 + 12 * $ic, 12) $tag = StringLeft($field, 4) If $ByteOrder Then $tag = StringRight($tag, 2) & StringLeft($tag, 2) Select Case $tag = "0001" $size[0] = _XParseField($file, $field, $ByteOrder) Case $tag = "0101" $size[1] = _XParseField($file, $field, $ByteOrder) EndSelect Next If ($size[0] = 0) or ($size[1] = 0) Then Return("") Return($size) Endfunc ;; Parse TIFF fields Func _XParseField($file, $tag, $ByteOrder) Local $type = _Dec(StringMid($tag, 5, 4), $ByteOrder) If $type < 5 Then Return (_Dec(StringRight($tag, 8), $ByteOrder)) Local $count = _Dec(StringMid($tag, 9, 8), $ByteOrder) Local $offset = _Dec(StringRight($tag, 8), $ByteOrder) Local $tStr = _XFileReadAtOffsetHEX ($file, $offset, $count) Local $oStr = "" While StringLen($tStr) > 0 $oStr = $oStr & Chr(Dec(StringLeft($tStr, 2))) $tStr = StringTrimLeft($tStr, 2) WEnd Return($oStr) EndFunc Func _XDec($input, $ByteOrder) If $ByteOrder then Return(Dec($input)) Local $tStr = "" While StringLen($input) > 0 $tStr = $tStr & StringRight($input, 2) $input = StringTrimRight($input, 2) WEnd Return (Dec($tStr)) EndFunc Func _XFileReadAtOffsetHEX ($file, $offset, $bytes) Local $tfile = FileOpen($file, 0) Local $tstr = "" FileRead($tfile, $offset-1) For $i = $offset To $offset + $bytes - 1 $tstr = $tstr & Hex(Asc(FileRead($tfile, 1)), 2) Next FileClose($tfile) Return ($tstr) Endfunc Johannes LorenzBensheim, Germanyjlorenz1@web.de[post="12602"]Highlightning AutoIt Syntax in Notepad++ - Just copy in your Profile/application data/notepad++[/post] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valuater Posted December 21, 2006 Share Posted December 21, 2006 You have....$c02 = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Bild in Bearbeitung', 20, 75, 190, 80)Change it to....$c02 = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Bild in Bearbeitung', 20, 75, 190, 20)the label was "covering" the combo's area8) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jlorenz1 Posted December 22, 2006 Author Share Posted December 22, 2006 Oh, thankx.How stupid I can be? Johannes Johannes LorenzBensheim, Germanyjlorenz1@web.de[post="12602"]Highlightning AutoIt Syntax in Notepad++ - Just copy in your Profile/application data/notepad++[/post] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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