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Weird Problem Apparently 2 Does Not Equal 2


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OK, straight to the problem we go.


For $i = 1 to 10 Step 1




$ASK = Round(($ASK),2)

$TAKE = Ceiling($ASK)


; SO if I MsgBox $TAKE I get "2"


I do the following

$READ = PixelChecksum(128, 586, 196, 618)

$VALUE = IniRead("d:\Lookup.ini", "LookUp", $READ, 0)

If I MsgBox $VALUE I get "2"

Then my CODE says

If $TAKE <> $VALUE then ExitLoop

My problem is the ExitLoop is always firing even though $TAKE = $VALUE

Now I even tried inserting the following

$NEW1 = Number($TAKE)

$NEW2 = Number($VALUE)

If I MsgBox $NEW1 & ":" $NEW2 I get "2:2"

So 2 is definately = 2

However when I use the 2 values in the code


If $NEW1 = $NEW2 then MsgBox(0,"msg","test") the messagebox does not get fired even though 2=2.

I am really amazed at whats going on here.

Is it some conversion problem? Because I am getting the Second value using an IniRead?

Help would be greatly appreciated



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$ABC = PixelChecksum(128, 586, 196, 618) ;CurrentSelected Tickets

$GHI = IniRead("d:\Tickets.ini", "Tickets", $ABC, 0) ;GHI = CurrentSelected Ticket Number

If $TAKE <> $GHI then ExitLoop

;MsgBox(0,"msg", "debug2")



For $i = 1 to $BUYAMOUNT Step 1


$Y = $Y + 12




$ASK = Round(($ASK),2)

$TAKE = Ceiling($ASK)

In Both Cases when I MsgBox $TAKE and $GHI the Answer is the same, however the ExitLoop is always triggered.

I cant Paste my whole code of my program here, for 2 reasons, 1 its over 1500 lines, and secondly its kinda top secret stuff :P

Dont see how this will help.

My only question really was if IniRead somehow forces the Value to be captured as a "String" and the $TAKE was a number, then a String "2" and number 2 would not be equal???

But I did use Number($TAKE) and Number($GHI) with the same result, so Im a little confused


Edited by superboss
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DOnt Worry, I figured it out.

The problem was the rounding and/or Ceiling function

$TAKE must have been equal to something like 1.899898 etc etc

Using Int($TAKE) worked, although that also does not make sense.

as Int($TAKE) should yield 1 and not 2

Whatever, its working now so I guess its ok, weird though.

So if I say

If $TAKE = 2 then Msgbox "blah blah" this DOES NOT GET FIRED


If Int($TAKE) = 2 does get fired. And trust me the real value is not 2.12321342 etc.

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