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Alright, welcome to another one of my ignorance related problems!!

We start with needed to call the windows "crypt32.dll" function "CryptProtectData". I start with:

DllCall("crypt32.dll", "int", "CryptProtectData")

Knowing that the shown code isn't gonna do crap all but unsure how to progress on it. I do a little bit of searching into this function and find this site with data on it although in Perl. I'm unsure of how to use this in AutoIt and come to you guys for help.

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The first step is knowing the parameters and what to substitute the MSDN params with:



Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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have you viewed the DllCall entry in the helpfile? It provides some excellent examples.

DllCall ( "dll", "return type", "function" [, "type1", param1 [, "type n", param n]] )

Type1 = type of parameter

param1 = first parameter

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Dim $data = "data", $desc = "description of data", $pass = "pass", $out = ""
$return = DllCall("crypt32.dll", "int", "CryptProtectData", "ptr", $data, "str", $desc, "ptr", $pass, "none", "", "none", "", "dword", "CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE", "ptr", $out)

Alright, between AutoItSmith and I.. we got that. Of course it doesn't work how I want it to. It returns a 0... which was pretty much expected knowing my luck. Would anyone have any idea why?

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I'm only currently working with:

Dim $data = "data", $desc = "description of data", $pass = "pass", $out = ""
$return = DllCall("crypt32.dll", "int", "CryptProtectData", "str", $data, "str", $desc, "ptr", $pass, "none", "", "none", "", "dword", "CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE", "ptr", $out)

The MSDN thingy and the AutoIt DLLCall topic...

Edited by Shyke
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I'm only currently working with:

Dim $data = "data", $desc = "description of data", $pass = "pass", $out = ""
$return = DllCall("crypt32.dll", "int", "CryptProtectData", "str", $data, "str", $desc, "ptr", $pass, "none", "", "none", "", "dword", "CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE", "ptr", $out)oÝ÷ Ù8^º¹

Dunno why I chose 1 and 0 but that link says they are ints.

Dunno how it wants you to get the size for the BLOB_DATA's, but in the example in that first link it calls the DLL with pointers set to 0 in order to get $prompt size, then it calls the DLL again with the correct structs. Not sure if you just set that one pointer to 0, or all of them.

Sorry if this doesn't help! :P

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What are the use of the "DllStructCreate()" calls in this???

3 parameters require a struct. So you use that to create a struct, give it the data it needs, then get the pointer of that struct for the parameter. Look at the links.

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