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Kix And Autoit

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feast on this one peeps

I need to pickup a users full name which kix32 can do nicely with the macro @fullname...

I need to run a kix script that simply assigns the @fullname to a variable and pick this up in my autoitscript that will be running.

How do I do this.. Obviously i can output this to a file and readin to autoit but I am wondering if there is a way to do via variables.

It would also be a suggestion to have similar macros to this in autoit .



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Hello bourny,

yes you are right, you could just let kix write the name in a tempfile and then read it from autoit. This is not difficult, if you have problems with that, just ask again. I think you could use the clipboard instead of a File, too. If directly passing the variable works, I don´t know but I think not. I came from KIX to AutoIT a short while ago. So, I know KIX, too. Currently I am changing all my KIX scripts to AutoIt. But why letting KIX do that task? You could do it in AutoIt.


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You have to add the switch /DOMAIN to get the user's details from a domain account.

$err = RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c net user ' & @UserName & " /DOMAIN" & _
  ' | find "Full Name   " > a.tmp', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)



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Would any of you guys happen to have wrote a Kix to Autoit converter/parser program???

Kixtart and Autoit is a match made in heaven. If AutoIt's dll was more full featured than this would be near perfection.

By the way, why did you guys switch from Kixtart to AutoIt? Kixtart can call dlls and seem to be able to do some things that AutoIt can't. Why not just use the AutoIt dll with Kixtart???

Edited by autoitNOW
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Hi autoitNow,

I did not write a converter/parser programm, sorry. I converted my old kixtart login scirpts by rewriting some functions like InGroup and addprinterconnection in AutoIt the rest I did manually + I rewrote some parts of the scripts completly that they are more "elegant" now.

I switched form kixtart to AutoIt cause, I could not do some stuff with kixtart I could do easily with AutoIt. The dll version of AutoIt I did not try, yet.

The support for the AutoIt is much more nice than the support for kix in the editor I use (Scite). (JdeB really did a good job with this).


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