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How To Creat A Msgbox But No Button


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Creates a customizable text popup window.

SplashTextOn ( "title", "text" [, w [, h [, x pos [, y pos [, opt [, "fontname" [, "fontsz" [, "fontwt"]]]]]]]] )


title --Title for splash window.

text --Text for splash window.

w --Optional width of window in pixels. (default 500)

h --Optional height of window in pixels. (default 400)

x --pos Optional position from left (in pixels) of splash window. (default is centered)

y --pos Optional position from top (in pixels) of splash window. (default is centered)

opt --additional options: (add them up - default is 'center justified/always on top/with title')

0 = Center justified/always on top/with title (default)

1 = Thin bordered titleless window

2 = Without "always on top" attribute

4 = Left justified text

8 = Right justified text

16 = Windows can be moved

fontname --Optional font to use. (OS default GUI font is used if the font is "" or is not found)

fontsz --Optional font size. (default is 12; standard sizes are 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 36 48 72)

fontwt --Optional font weight (0 - 1000, default = 400 = normal). A value > 1000 is treated as zero.

Return Value



To skip an optional parameter, leaving it's default value intact, use:

"" for a string parameters

-1 for a numeric parameters

Only one SplashImage/Text window is allowed at one time; so if you wish to cycle through multiple images/text, simply call SplashImageOn/SplashTextOn again with the new information.

Even better is to use ControlSetText to update text without flicker...

Standard font names include:

Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Lucida Console, Microsoft Sans Serif, System, Tahoma, Times New Roman, and WingDings

See Appendix for a complete font list


SplashOff, SplashImageOn, ControlSetText, ToolTip


SplashTextOn("Title", "Message goes here.", -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "", 24)




$message = ""

SplashTextOn("TitleFoo", $message, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "")

For $x = 1 to 20

$message = $message & $x & @LF

SplashTextOn("TitleFoo", $message, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "")




$message = ""

SplashTextOn("TitleFoo", $message, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "")

For $x = 1 to 20

$message = $message & $x & @LF

ControlSetText("TitleFoo", "", "Static1", $message)



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