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Check UMTS-Card via WIN-API

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does anybody know how to use Win-API to communicate with an UMTS-card? I have this perl scripts.

signal strength

package main;

use strict;

use warnings;

use Win32API::CommPort;

use vars qw ( $debugout $io $STDIN $STDOUT $STDERR);

my $debugout=0;

my ($modem, $io, $buf, $strength) = 0;

# Nun wird die UMTS-Karte erkannt, ein IO auf die Karte zurückgegeben

($modem,$io) = &check_device();

# sub zur Abfrage der Signal-Stärke


# Ausgabe der Signal-Stärke

print $strength;


undef $io;

sub getStrength {

# Zugriffsversuch auf die UMTS-Karte

unless(defined($io) && $io) {

exit 1;


# Modem Signal-Stärke herausfinden (Format:

my $strength = &iocmd($io, 'AT+CSQ');

# Signalstärke herausfiltern ( < 11: schlecht, > 12: normal, > 31: sehr gute Qualität)

$strength =~ /CSQ:\s+([\d,]+)/;

return $1;


sub dodebug {

print(@_) if ($debugout);


sub iocmd {

my($io, $at_cmd) = @_;

my ($ok, $buf, $cnt);

my(@dummy) = $io->is_status; # resets error



$cnt = $io->write_bg("$at_cmd\r");

if ($cnt != (length($at_cmd) + 1)) {

($ok, $cnt) = $io->write_done(1); # block until done

warn("Schreibfehler bei: $at_cmd\n") unless ($ok);


sleep 1;

($ok, $buf, $cnt) = (0, "", 512);

my $got = $io->read_bg($cnt);

($ok, $got, $buf) = $io->read_done($got != $cnt); # block or not until done


return $buf;


sub check_device {

# check device

my @device=();

print "Prüfe Karte...\n" if ($debugout);

@device=`devcon find "usb\\VID_0AF0*MI_00*"`;

if ($device[0]=~/No matching devices found/) {

@device=`devcon find "OPTIONBUS\\*_MDM*"`;


my $modem=0;

print @device if ($debugout);

my $dummy=0;

($dummy,$modem)=split (': ',$device[0]);


my $io = new Win32API::CommPort ("\\\\.\\$modem", 1);

print "Folgende Karte wurde erkannt: $modem\n" if ($debugout);

print "Folgender IO: $io\n" if ($debugout);

return $modem, $io;


and this for transfered bytes.

#!perl -w

I'd like to convert it into Autoit so that I can easily build a GUI for it and so on.


So long,


use Win32::IPHelper;

use Data::Dumper;

# no buffering, direct output

$| = 1;

my $AdapterID=0;

my $AdapterDescription=0;

# Adapter auswaehlen

my $Adapter='1000 MT Mobile Connection';

#my $Adapter='VPN';


$ret = Win32::IPHelper::GetAdaptersInfo(\@IP_ADAPTER_INFO);

if($ret == 0) {

#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\@IP_ADAPTER_INFO], [qw(IP_ADAPTER_INFO)]);

my $i=0;

while ($IP_ADAPTER_INFO[$i]) {

if ($IP_ADAPTER_INFO[$i]{'Description'}=~/$Adapter/) {






} else {

printf "GetAdaptersInfo() error %u: %s\n", $ret, Win32::FormatMessage($ret);


print "Name: $AdapterDescription\nAdapterID: $AdapterID\n\n";

# Adapter-Informationen auslesen (hier outoctets und inoctets

my $IfIndex;

$ret = Win32::IPHelper::GetAdapterIndex(\$AdapterID,\$IfIndex);

if ($ret == 0) {


$ret = Win32::IPHelper::GetIfEntry($IfIndex,\%MIB_IFROW);

if ($ret == 0) {

printf "Sent: %.3f MBytes\tReceived: %.3f MBytes",$MIB_IFROW{'OutOctets'}/1024/1024,$MIB_IFROW{'InOctets'}/1024/1024;

} else {

printf "GetIfEntry() error %u: %s\n", $ret, Win32::FormatMessage($ret);


} else {

printf "GetAdapterIndex() error %u: %s\n", $ret, Win32::FormatMessage($ret);


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really nobody? I think it isn't that difficult if you know perl and the win-api. :">

What information do you need to help?


So long,


Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times

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okay sorry this will be the last bump :">

So long,


Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files

Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion)

LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication)

_RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...)

Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc.

MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times

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