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Backup Need only new files

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I know how to do this in a batch file in dos but this is my first autoit script and I would really like to learn how to do it here. I have searched all over the place but can't find what I am looking for. this is my code so far. I want to run this script once a week then on the other days compare folder 1 to the temp folder and move only the new or changed files to the dated directory. Thanks to JdeB for helping me with the create date folder he showed me how to pass a variable to the dircreate(). Thanks again JdeB.

#include <Date.au3>


;variable section


local $size

local $dnow

local $dirdate

local $comdir


;Pulls now date from date.au3 file.

Dim $dnow = _NowCalcDate()

;Set location for creation of dated directory

dim $dir = "c:\backup\"

;Creates temp folder to hold files for backing up

;DirCreate ( "c:\backup\temp" )

;Copys files from one directory to another.

DirCopy ("c:\batch\1", "c:\backup\temp" ,0)

;Create directory with todays date

;Us to remove / so date is all one string

$dirdate = (StringReplace($dnow(),"/",""))

$comdir = ($dir & $dirdate)


;Copies files from temp to created date directory

DirCopy ("c:\batch\1", $comdir ,1)

;Finds the directory size for us

$size = dirGetSize ( $comdir,0)


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I know how to do this in a batch file in dos but this is my first autoit script and I would really like to learn how to do it here. I have searched all over the place but can't find what I am looking for. this is my code so far. I want to run this script once a week then on the other days compare folder 1 to the temp folder and move only the new or changed files to the dated directory. Thanks to JdeB for helping me with the create date folder he showed me how to pass a variable to the dircreate(). Thanks again JdeB.

#include <Date.au3>


;variable section


local $size

local $dnow

local $dirdate

local $comdir


;Pulls now date from date.au3 file.

Dim $dnow = _NowCalcDate()

;Set location for creation of dated directory

dim $dir = "c:\backup\"

;Creates temp folder to hold files for backing up

;DirCreate ( "c:\backup\temp" )

;Copys files from one directory to another.

DirCopy ("c:\batch\1", "c:\backup\temp" ,0)

;Create directory with todays date

;Us to remove / so date is all one string

$dirdate = (StringReplace($dnow(),"/",""))

$comdir = ($dir & $dirdate)


;Copies files from temp to created date directory

DirCopy ("c:\batch\1", $comdir ,1)

;Finds the directory size for us

$size = dirGetSize ( $comdir,0)


I think this post will help I had not seen this post yet.


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