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How to put the newest file's name into a variable?

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Hi guys,

I am writing a sort of backup script, and as a part of it, I need to check a directory containing multiple backup files, and put the filename of the newest file into a variable.

I have tried everything I can find, and am not even getting close.

Please guys, could someone give me a hand?

Assuming I have this sort of thing...

$backuppath = 'C:\backup'

$dest = 'C:\newbackup'

$backupfilename =

with C:\backup containing up to 8 files.

How would I populate $backupfilename with the filename of the newest created file in C:\Backup??

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Hi guys,

I am writing a sort of backup script, and as a part of it, I need to check a directory containing multiple backup files, and put the filename of the newest file into a variable.

I have tried everything I can find, and am not even getting close.

Please guys, could someone give me a hand?

Assuming I have this sort of thing...

$backuppath = 'C:\backup'

$dest = 'C:\newbackup'

$backupfilename =

with C:\backup containing up to 8 files.

How would I populate $backupfilename with the filename of the newest created file in C:\Backup??

Look up FileFindFirstFile and related, and FileGetTime. Edited by martin
Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
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A few ways to skin this cat... and since I'm bored, here's one way...

$path = 'C:\Windows'

MsgBox(0, '', _GetNewestFile($path))

Func _GetNewestFile($arg)
    If StringRight($arg, 1) <> '\' Then $arg &= '\'
    Local $first = FileFindFirstFile($arg & '*.*'), $array[1], $hold, $ret, $split
    While 1
        $found = FileFindNextFile($first)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($arg & $found), 'D') Then ContinueLoop
        $array[UBound($array) - 1] = FileGetTime($arg & $found, 1, 1) & '|' & $arg & $found
        ReDim $array[UBound($array) + 1]
    For $items In $array
        $split = StringSplit($items, '|')
        If $split[1] > $hold Then
            $hold = $split[1]
            $ret = $split[2]
    Return $ret

edit - fixed a boo boo with filegetattrib()

Edited by xcal
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A few ways to skin this cat... and since I'm bored, here's one way...

$path = 'C:\Windows'

MsgBox(0, '', _GetNewestFile($path))

Func _GetNewestFile($arg)
    If StringRight($arg, 1) <> '\' Then $arg &= '\'
    Local $first = FileFindFirstFile($arg & '*.*'), $array[1], $hold, $ret, $split
    While 1
        $found = FileFindNextFile($first)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($arg & $found), 'D') Then ContinueLoop
        $array[UBound($array) - 1] = FileGetTime($arg & $found, 1, 1) & '|' & $arg & $found
        ReDim $array[UBound($array) + 1]
    For $items In $array
        $split = StringSplit($items, '|')
        If $split[1] > $hold Then
            $hold = $split[1]
            $ret = $split[2]
    Return $ret

edit - fixed a boo boo with filegetattrib()

Wow xcal,

I only wanted a nudge in the right direction, sorta helps me to learn quicker....

But I gotta say, you definately saved me some time...

That worked perfectly.

I just wish I actually understood what you did there...

I think I have some more reading of the manual to do :D

But, Thank you very much, you guys are awesome! :):D

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Well, you caught me with nothing to do, so no biggie.

Here's an explanation of what's going on.

$path = 'C:\Windows'

MsgBox(0, '', _GetNewestFile($path))

Func _GetNewestFile($arg)
    ;  check if path has a trailing '\' and if there isn't, give it one.
    ;  you could leave that out, really, since you know it needs one.
    If StringRight($arg, 1) <> '\' Then $arg &= '\'
    ;  tell the script where to start searching, initialize an array, declare a few variables.
    Local $first = FileFindFirstFile($arg & '*.*'), $array[1], $hold, $ret, $split
    ;  run the following commands in a loop until @error.
    ;  @error will occur with FileFindNextFile when there's no files left to find.
    While 1
        $found = FileFindNextFile($first)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        ;  check if a found file is a directory.  if it is, skip it, and
        ;  continue to the next iteration in the loop.
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($arg & $found), 'D') Then ContinueLoop
        ;  put the file's date/time and path/name in the array.
        ;  example entry: 20070514095200|c:\windows\somefile.ext
        $array[UBound($array) - 1] = FileGetTime($arg & $found, 1, 1) & '|' & $arg & $found
        ;  increase the size of the array by 1 to make room for another entry.
        ReDim $array[UBound($array) + 1]
    ;  at this point, $array is holding all the time/dates and path/file in each element.
    ;  $items represents an item in an array index, for each iteration.
    For $items In $array
        ;  split the array element's string at '|' making $split[1] hold the date and
        ;  split[2] hold the path/file
        $split = StringSplit($items, '|')
        ;  if $split[1], the date, is greater than $hold...
        If $split[1] > $hold Then
            ;  ...then we want $hold to become the value of the date...
            $hold = $split[1]
            ;  ...and if the date is a higher date, we want to save the path/file in $ret.
            $ret = $split[2]
    ;  when all is finished, $ret holds the path/file with the highest date, so we Return it.
    Return $ret
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Well, you caught me with nothing to do, so no biggie.

Here's an explanation of what's going on.

Wow man!

Thank you so much for taking the time to go through all that xcal.

It is all very clear now.

I really do appreciate you taking that much time to explain what happens there... I'm very new to autoit, and scripting in general, so this kind of help is golden to me. :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

A few ways to skin this cat... and since I'm bored, here's one way...

$path = 'C:\Windows'

MsgBox(0, '', _GetNewestFile($path))

Func _GetNewestFile($arg)
    If StringRight($arg, 1) <> '\' Then $arg &= '\'
    Local $first = FileFindFirstFile($arg & '*.*'), $array[1], $hold, $ret, $split
    While 1
        $found = FileFindNextFile($first)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($arg & $found), 'D') Then ContinueLoop
        $array[UBound($array) - 1] = FileGetTime($arg & $found, 1, 1) & '|' & $arg & $found
        ReDim $array[UBound($array) + 1]
    For $items In $array
        $split = StringSplit($items, '|')
        If $split[1] > $hold Then
            $hold = $split[1]
            $ret = $split[2]
    Return $ret

edit - fixed a boo boo with filegetattrib()

When I ran this, it produced the 2nd newest file in my chosen subdirectory. Since I am a newbie here, could I be doing something wrong? I changed the subdirectory in the $path line, and changed the *.* to *.hcu in the Local $first line, everything else left as is. Did I tamper with something unknown?



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Got interested in that function and made a few... um, modifications:

$path = 'C:\Temp'

$file = _GetNewestFile($path, 1, 1)

If Not @error Then
    MsgBox(0, 'Newest file', $file)
    MsgBox(16, "Error", "Error occured:" & @CRLF & _
            "@error = " & @error & @CRLF & _
            "@extended = " & @extended)

; ---------------------------------------
; Function _GetNewestFile()
;   Call with:  _GetNewestFile($DirPath [, $DateType [, $Recurse]])
;   Where:  $DirPath is the directory to search
;           $DateType (0ptional) is the type of date to use [from FileGetTime()]:
;               0 = Modified (default)
;               1 = Created
;               2 = Accessed
;           $Recurse (Optional): If non-zero causes the search to be recursive.
;   On success returns the full path to the newest file in the directory.
;   On failure returns 0 and sets @error (see code below).
; ---------------------------------------
Func _GetNewestFile($DirPath, $DateType = 0, $Recurse = 0)
    Local $Found, $FoundRecurse, $FileTime
    Local $avNewest[2] = [0, ""]; [0] = time, [1] = file
    If StringRight($DirPath, 1) <> '\' Then $DirPath &= '\'
    If Not FileExists($DirPath) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    Local $First = FileFindFirstFile($DirPath & '*.*')
    If $First = -1 Or @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    While 1
        $Found = FileFindNextFile($First)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($DirPath & $Found), 'D') Then
            If $Recurse Then
                $FoundRecurse = _GetNewestFile($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1)
                If @error Then
                    $Found = StringReplace($FoundRecurse, $DirPath, "")
        $FileTime = FileGetTime($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1)
        If $FileTime > $avNewest[0] Then
            $avNewest[0] = $FileTime
            $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & $Found
    If $avNewest[0] = 0 Then
        Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
        Return $avNewest[1]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetNewestFile

Works for me in minimal testing. It now has error handling, can use any of the three timestamps from FileGetTime, and can search recursively through subdirectories. Be carefull with that Recurse option, it can take a long time to search recursively through something like the Windows directory.



P.S. Actually, after some more testing, I can't make it take more than about 3 sec to do the Windows directory, or about 90 sec to do the whole C: drive. Seems to do OK for speed. :)

Edited by PsaltyDS
Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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Got interested in that function and made a few... um, modifications:

$path = 'C:\Temp'

$file = _GetNewestFile($path, 1, 1)

If Not @error Then
    MsgBox(0, 'Newest file', $file)
    MsgBox(16, "Error", "Error occured:" & @CRLF & _
            "@error = " & @error & @CRLF & _
            "@extended = " & @extended)

; ---------------------------------------
; Function _GetNewestFile()
;   Call with:  _GetNewestFile($DirPath [, $DateType [, $Recurse]])
;   Where:  $DirPath is the directory to search
;           $DateType (0ptional) is the type of date to use [from FileGetTime()]:
;               0 = Modified (default)
;               1 = Created
;               2 = Accessed
;           $Recurse (Optional): If non-zero causes the search to be recursive.
;   On success returns the full path to the newest file in the directory.
;   On failure returns 0 and sets @error (see code below).
; ---------------------------------------
Func _GetNewestFile($DirPath, $DateType = 0, $Recurse = 0)
    Local $Found, $FoundRecurse, $FileTime
    Local $avNewest[2] = [0, ""]; [0] = time, [1] = file
    If StringRight($DirPath, 1) <> '\' Then $DirPath &= '\'
    If Not FileExists($DirPath) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    Local $First = FileFindFirstFile($DirPath & '*.*')
    If $First = -1 Or @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    While 1
        $Found = FileFindNextFile($First)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($DirPath & $Found), 'D') Then
            If $Recurse Then
                $FoundRecurse = _GetNewestFile($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1)
                If @error Then
                    $Found = StringReplace($FoundRecurse, $DirPath, "")
        $FileTime = FileGetTime($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1)
        If $FileTime > $avNewest[0] Then
            $avNewest[0] = $FileTime
            $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & $Found
    If $avNewest[0] = 0 Then
        Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
        Return $avNewest[1]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetNewestFile

Works for me in minimal testing. It now has error handling, can use any of the three timestamps from FileGetTime, and can search recursively through subdirectories. Be carefull with that Recurse option, it can take a long time to search recursively through something like the Windows directory.



P.S. Actually, after some more testing, I can't make it take more than about 3 sec to do the Windows directory, or about 90 sec to do the whole C: drive. Seems to do OK for speed. :)

PsaltyDS, thanks for that fast response. I knew I must have been mistaken, and it turns out that the file I thought was newest, 328217.HCU, showed a "modified date" of 11-25-2006 12:10am, while the file that the first program found, (and was confirmed by your new program) was 328216.HCU, which showed a "modified date" of 11-19-2006, 12:30PM. Since the 11-19 file was shown as "newer" than the 11-25 file, I was questioning my sanity. In desperation, I added a new column to my Windows Explorer layout ("Date Created".) Oddly enough, both of the above files were created on 12-13-2006 at 6:38pm. (A tie must go to one or the other I guess). Now all this newbie needs to do is figure out how a file can be created at a later date than it was originally modified, I guess I've got a lot to learn. Again, thanks for your program, I'm learning a lot by dissecting and comparing things line by line



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PsaltyDS, thanks for that fast response. I knew I must have been mistaken, and it turns out that the file I thought was newest, 328217.HCU, showed a "modified date" of 11-25-2006 12:10am, while the file that the first program found, (and was confirmed by your new program) was 328216.HCU, which showed a "modified date" of 11-19-2006, 12:30PM. Since the 11-19 file was shown as "newer" than the 11-25 file, I was questioning my sanity. In desperation, I added a new column to my Windows Explorer layout ("Date Created".) Oddly enough, both of the above files were created on 12-13-2006 at 6:38pm. (A tie must go to one or the other I guess). Now all this newbie needs to do is figure out how a file can be created at a later date than it was originally modified, I guess I've got a lot to learn. Again, thanks for your program, I'm learning a lot by dissecting and comparing things line by line



Note that the time stamp returned by FileGetTime() includes seconds, but the GUI display in explorer doesn't. To see what that looks like make this temporary change at the bottom of the _GetNewestFile() function:

If $avNewest[0] = 0 Then
        Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
        MsgBox(64, "Debug", "Time = " & $avNewest[0])
        Return $avNewest[1]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetNewestFile

If you use that with the recurse option, you'll get a pop up from each recursive iteration also.

If the time stamps match down to the second, then the function will return the first one found with that time stamp, because it only replaces the current newest in $avNewest if the new time stamp is less than (does not compare for equal) than the previous newest.

Glad you liked it. I learned a little from coding it!


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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Note that the time stamp returned by FileGetTime() includes seconds, but the GUI display in explorer doesn't. To see what that looks like make this temporary change at the bottom of the _GetNewestFile() function:

If $avNewest[0] = 0 Then
        Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
        MsgBox(64, "Debug", "Time = " & $avNewest[0])
        Return $avNewest[1]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetNewestFile

If you use that with the recurse option, you'll get a pop up from each recursive iteration also.

If the time stamps match down to the second, then the function will return the first one found with that time stamp, because it only replaces the current newest in $avNewest if the new time stamp is less than (does not compare for equal) than the previous newest.

Glad you liked it. I learned a little from coding it!

Very cool! I"ll add that to my bag of tricks, amazing the power this program has!


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  • 6 months later...

I hate to dig up an old thread, but I'm revisiting this one.

I have no idea how that revised _FindNewestFile function works, but what would it take to add an extra switch to enable it to find the oldest file in a directory? (By modified Date)

It would then be the perfect function for what I need. :)

Cheers for any help.

Edited by AmphetaMarinE
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Try this, added optional param to func for backward compatibility

$path = 'C:\Temp'

$Oldestfile = _GetNewestFile($path, 1, 1, 1)    ; oldest
$Newestfile = _GetNewestFile($path, 1, 1)   ; newest

If Not @error Then
    MsgBox(0, 'Newest & Oldest File', "Newest File = " & $Newestfile & @CRLF & "Oldest File = " & $Oldestfile)
    MsgBox(16, "Error", "Error occured:" & @CRLF & _
            "@error = " & @error & @CRLF & _
            "@extended = " & @extended)

; ---------------------------------------
; Function _GetNewestFile()
;   Call with:    _GetNewestFile($DirPath [, $DateType [, $Recurse] [, $Oldest])
;   Where:    $DirPath is the directory to search
;       $DateType (0ptional) is the type of date to use [from FileGetTime()]:
;         0 = Modified (default)
;         1 = Created
;         2 = Accessed
;       $Recurse (Optional): If non-zero causes the search to be recursive.
;       $Oldest (Optional): If non-zero find oldest file
;   On success returns the full path to the newest file in the directory.
;   On failure returns 0 and sets @error (see code below).
; ---------------------------------------
Func _GetNewestFile($DirPath, $DateType = 0, $Recurse = 0, $Oldest = 0)
    Local $Found, $FoundRecurse, $FileTime
    Local $avNewest[2] = [0, ""]; [0] = time, [1] = file
    If StringRight($DirPath, 1) <> '\' Then $DirPath &= '\'
    If Not FileExists($DirPath) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    Local $First = FileFindFirstFile($DirPath & '*.*')
    If $First = -1 Or @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    If $Oldest Then 
        $avNewest[0] = FileGetTime($DirPath & FileFindNextFile($First), $DateType, 1)
        $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & FileFindNextFile($First)
    While 1
        $Found = FileFindNextFile($First)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($DirPath & $Found), 'D') Then
            If $Recurse Then
                $FoundRecurse = _GetNewestFile($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1)
                If @error Then
                    $Found = StringReplace($FoundRecurse, $DirPath, "")
        $FileTime = FileGetTime($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1)
        If $Oldest Then
            If $FileTime < $avNewest[0] Then
                $avNewest[0] = $FileTime
                $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & $Found
            If $FileTime > $avNewest[0] Then
                $avNewest[0] = $FileTime
                $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & $Found
    If $avNewest[0] = 0 Then
        Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
        Return $avNewest[1]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetNewestFile
Edited by picaxe
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Try this, added optional param to func for backward compatibility

$path = 'C:\Temp'

$Oldestfile = _GetNewestFile($path, 1, 1, 1)    ; oldest
$Newestfile = _GetNewestFile($path, 1, 1)   ; newest

If Not @error Then
    MsgBox(0, 'Newest & Oldest File', "Newest File = " & $Newestfile & @CRLF & "Oldest File = " & $Oldestfile)
    MsgBox(16, "Error", "Error occured:" & @CRLF & _
            "@error = " & @error & @CRLF & _
            "@extended = " & @extended)

; ---------------------------------------
; Function _GetNewestFile()
;   Call with:    _GetNewestFile($DirPath [, $DateType [, $Recurse]])
;   Where:    $DirPath is the directory to search
;       $DateType (0ptional) is the type of date to use [from FileGetTime()]:
;         0 = Modified (default)
;         1 = Created
;         2 = Accessed
;       $Recurse (Optional): If non-zero causes the search to be recursive.
;   On success returns the full path to the newest file in the directory.
;   On failure returns 0 and sets @error (see code below).
; ---------------------------------------
Func _GetNewestFile($DirPath, $DateType = 0, $Recurse = 0, $Oldest = 0)
    Local $Found, $FoundRecurse, $FileTime
    Local $avNewest[2] = [0, ""]; [0] = time, [1] = file
    If StringRight($DirPath, 1) <> '\' Then $DirPath &= '\'
    If Not FileExists($DirPath) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    Local $First = FileFindFirstFile($DirPath & '*.*')
    If $First = -1 Or @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    If $Oldest Then 
        $avNewest[0] = FileGetTime($DirPath & FileFindNextFile($First), $DateType, 1)
        $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & FileFindNextFile($First)
    While 1
        $Found = FileFindNextFile($First)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($DirPath & $Found), 'D') Then
            If $Recurse Then
                $FoundRecurse = _GetNewestFile($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1)
                If @error Then
                    $Found = StringReplace($FoundRecurse, $DirPath, "")
        $FileTime = FileGetTime($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1)
        If $Oldest Then
            If $FileTime < $avNewest[0] Then
                $avNewest[0] = $FileTime
                $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & $Found
            If $FileTime > $avNewest[0] Then
                $avNewest[0] = $FileTime
                $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & $Found
    If $avNewest[0] = 0 Then
        Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
        Return $avNewest[1]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetNewestFile
Nope. No Good.

It returns for me the second created file as the oldest.

When modifying them, it still returns the same results...

I wonder if its something on my end?

I am testing with a 2 folders on my c drive, c:\backup1 and c:\backup2

In each of these i create 4 new text files, named 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt and 4.txt in that order.

I then modify them from 1 to 4, and the oldest file returned should move up in number as each preceeding file is modified....

But then again, could be just me...

Wish I understood more about this function... it is very complex to me.... :)

But thank you picaxe, i think it is definately a big step up from where i was trying.. I could not get anything to work after modifying the original... >.<

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Try this and use the "0" = modified date, as the 2nd param. Corrected an oversight, I also forgot to pass $oldest param in the recursive call to itself.

If you copy a subdirectory into c:\temp (as for testing) the "created date" will be newer that the "modified date". My explorer window was not set to display the "created date" so the problem wasn't immediately obvious.

$path = 'C:\Temp'

$Oldestfile = _GetNewestFile($path, 0, 1, 1)    ; oldest
$Newestfile = _GetNewestFile($path, 0, 1)   ; newest

If Not @error Then
    MsgBox(0, 'Newest & Oldest File', "Newest File = " & $Newestfile & @CRLF & "Oldest File = " & $Oldestfile)
    MsgBox(16, "Error", "Error occured:" & @CRLF & _
            "@error = " & @error & @CRLF & _
            "@extended = " & @extended)

; ---------------------------------------
; Function _GetNewestFile()
;   Call with:    _GetNewestFile($DirPath [, $DateType [, $Recurse] [, $Oldest])
;   Where:    $DirPath is the directory to search
;       $DateType (0ptional) is the type of date to use [from FileGetTime()]:
;         0 = Modified (default)
;         1 = Created
;         2 = Accessed
;       $Recurse (Optional): If non-zero causes the search to be recursive.
;       $Oldest (Optional): If non-zero find oldest file
;   On success returns the full path to the newest file in the directory.
;   On failure returns 0 and sets @error (see code below).
; ---------------------------------------
Func _GetNewestFile($DirPath, $DateType = 0, $Recurse = 0, $Oldest = 0)
    Local $Found, $FoundRecurse, $FileTime
    Local $avNewest[2] = [0, ""]; [0] = time, [1] = file
    If StringRight($DirPath, 1) <> '\' Then $DirPath &= '\'
    If Not FileExists($DirPath) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    Local $First = FileFindFirstFile($DirPath & '*.*')
    If $First = -1 Or @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0)
    If $Oldest Then 
        $avNewest[0] = FileGetTime($DirPath & FileFindNextFile($First), $DateType, 1)
        $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & FileFindNextFile($First)
    While 1
        $Found = FileFindNextFile($First)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($DirPath & $Found), 'D') Then
            If $Recurse Then
                $FoundRecurse = _GetNewestFile($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1, $Oldest)
                If @error Then
                    $Found = StringReplace($FoundRecurse, $DirPath, "")
        $FileTime = FileGetTime($DirPath & $Found, $DateType, 1)
        If $Oldest Then
            If $FileTime < $avNewest[0] Then
                $avNewest[0] = $FileTime
                $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & $Found
            If $FileTime > $avNewest[0] Then
                $avNewest[0] = $FileTime
                $avNewest[1] = $DirPath & $Found
    If $avNewest[0] = 0 Then
        Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
        Return $avNewest[1]
EndFunc   ;==>_GetNewestFile
Edited by picaxe
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Working fine except for one thing,

The script picks up the second oldest file, rather than the oldest, if there is no subfolder in the directory stored in $path

I guess its something to do with the while loop, but loops is the part of autoit i have trouble with. (Along with arrays)

It is this that stops me from actually understanding how the script works...

Guess I'll have to read over the help file once again to try and wrap my head around looping...

Edited by AmphetaMarinE
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Working fine except for one thing,

The script picks up the second oldest file, rather than the oldest, if there is no subfolder in the directory stored in $path

I've done some more testing, works ok for me when there is no subfolder. I get the correct oldest file. I am using $DateType=0 for "modified date".
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