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Help me about _RunDos

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Sorry all because my English very bad !

funtion _RunDos has Syntactic structure is :

_RunDos(" command line ")

But when my conmand line has " " , not run script !

I want run command line set IP.

In Dos has command line set IP is :

netsh interface IP set address "L" static

L : is netcard's name

And be in " "

when this,script error . Not run !

Please help me !

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Sorry all because my English very bad !

funtion _RunDos has Syntactic structure is :

_RunDos(" command line ")

But when my conmand line has " " , not run script !

I want run command line set IP.

In Dos has command line set IP is :

netsh interface IP set address "L" static

L : is netcard's name

And be in " "

when this,script error . Not run !

Please help me !

To use " (quote) in a string, you can do multiple things:

1) Try:

MsgBox(0,"test","I want to show ""quotes"" in this sentence.")oÝ÷ ØÚ-zØZ¶Ø^ªê-zÆ«yÚ.nWÂ+a¢ëªÚr׫²)ÛzÜzshÂØ^{^®ÞµêðYn±æªº^{azËkx"Ë^iÚn·)àºazËkx0éî²)à¢yrjȧWªº^Ù:òjëh×6MsgBox(0,"test",'This sentence also has "quotes" in it.')

Note that here I use an apostrophe ( ' ) around the string. AutoIt will treat this exactly the same as " (quote) only now you can use quotes in your string without trouble.

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Sorry all because my English very bad !

funtion _RunDos has Syntactic structure is :

_RunDos(" command line ")

But when my conmand line has " " , not run script !

I want run command line set IP.

In Dos has command line set IP is :

netsh interface IP set address "L" static

L : is netcard's name

And be in " "

when this,script error . Not run !

Please help me !

When you have some " " you have to replace by ' '

So try this and let me know:

#include <Process.au3>
$rc = _RunDos('netsh interface IP set address "L" static')


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