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Recursive Searching....

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Hello All,

I've been reviewing this excellent Recursive Search code found here: hxxp://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=42049

For some reason, when I get the array back, it has stripped out the '\' within the full path + file name.

So instead of


I get


is there anyway for me to get back that critical \ in the path, I want to take this array, open these files and edit them one by one with the full path.



#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Syntax: File_Search($szRoot, [$Szmask = "*.*"[, $nFlag = 1[, $nOcc = 0]]])

Parameters: $szRoot = the folder to start searching from

$Szmask = The file mask (Default *.* returns all)

$nFlag (Optional) Default is 7 Can be added as follows

1 = Recursive Search

2 = Path and Filename

4 = Sorted array

$nOcc (Optional) - 1 = Return only the first matching file, anything else = Return all matching files (Default)

Requirements: Array.au3 for _ArraySort function

Return Values: On Success - Returns an array of the file names

On Failure - Returns 0

Modifications: Changed return value to an array

Now excepts an array or a '|' separated list to use multiple file masks

Accepts flags to return full path and/or sort the array

Note If sorting is not used then you do not have to #include array.au3

Example: $var = _FileSearch("C:\", "*.vbs|*.js") will return a sorted array of all the vbs and js files (including path) on C:\ drive

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <Array.au3>


Dim $dirArray[1]

$pathdata = "D:\myfolder\mysubfolder\"

$filename = "myfile.txt"

Func _FileSearch($szRoot, $Szmask = "*.*", $nFlag = 7, $nOcc = 0)

Local $hArray = $Szmask, $iRec, $iPath, $iSort

Switch $nFlag

Case 1

$iRec = 1

$iPath = 0

$iSort = 0

Case 2

$iRec = 0

$iPath = 1

$iSort = 0

Case 3

$iRec = 1

$iPath = 1

$iSort = 0

Case 4

$iRec = 0

$iPath = 0

$iSort = 1

Case 5

$iRec = 1

$iPath = 0

$iSort = 1

Case 6

$iRec = 0

$iPath = 1

$iSort = 1

Case Else

$iRec = 1

$iPath = 1

$iSort = 1


If NOT IsArray($hArray) Then $hArray = StringSplit($hArray, '|')

Local $Hfile = 0, $F_List = ''

$szBuffer = ""

$szReturn = ""

$szPathlist = "*"

For $I = 1 To Ubound($hArray)-1

$szMask = $hArray[$I]

If NOT StringInStr ($Szmask, "\") Then

$szRoot &= ''


$iTrim = StringInStr ($Szmask, "\",0,-1)

$szRoot &= StringLeft ($Szmask, $iTrim)

$Szmask = StringTrimLeft ($Szmask, $iTrim)


If $iRec = 0 Then

$Hfile = FileFindFirstFile ($szRoot & $szMask)

If $Hfile >= 0 Then

$szBuffer = FileFindNextFile ($Hfile)

While NOT @Error

If $iPath = 1 Then $szReturn &= $szRoot

If $szBuffer <> "." AND $szBuffer <> ".." Then $szReturn &= $szBuffer & "*"

$szBuffer = FileFindNextFile ($Hfile)


FileClose ($Hfile)



While 1

$Hfile = FileFindFirstFile ($szRoot & "*.*")

If $Hfile >= 0 Then

$szBuffer = FileFindNextFile ($Hfile)

While NOT @Error

If $szBuffer <> "." AND $szBuffer <> ".." AND StringInStr (FileGetAttrib ($szRoot & $szBuffer), "D") Then _

$szPathlist &= $szRoot & $szBuffer & "*"

$szBuffer = FileFindNextFile ($Hfile)


FileClose ($Hfile)


If StringInStr ($szReturn, $Szmask) > 0 AND $nOcc = 1 Then

$szRoot = ''



$Hfile = FileFindFirstFile ($szRoot & $szMask)

If $Hfile >= 0 Then

$szBuffer = FileFindNextFile ($Hfile)

While NOT @Error

If $iPath = 1 Then $szReturn &= $szRoot

If $szBuffer <> "." AND $szBuffer <> ".." Then $szReturn &= $szBuffer & "*"

$szBuffer = FileFindNextFile ($Hfile)


FileClose ($Hfile)


If $szPathlist == "*" Then ExitLoop

$szPathlist = StringTrimLeft ($szPathlist, 1)

$szRoot = StringLeft ($szPathlist, StringInStr ($szPathlist, "*") - 1) & "\"

$szPathlist = StringTrimLeft ($szPathlist, StringInStr ($szPathlist, "*") - 1)




If $szReturn = "" Then

Return 0


$szReturn = StringReplace($szReturn,'\', '')

$F_List = StringSplit (StringTrimRight ($szReturn, 1), "*")

If $iSort = 1 Then _ArraySort($F_List)

Return $F_List


EndFunc ;<===> _FileSearch()

$DirArray = _FileSearch($pathdata, $filename, 3)

_ArrayDisplay($DirArray, "Files Located In....")


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Well, I may have found my own answer- I knew I shouldn't have posted so quick :rolleyes:

Down, in the return section of the function, I commented out this line, and the array now returns with the appropriate \ within it.

I will leave this post so this may help the next "fast poster"

;$szReturn = StringReplace($szReturn,'\', '')

as always, thanks!

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