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How can I use the UDF to click a link?


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The following is the code of the page I am gonna click, how can I use the UDF _IELinkClickByText or _IELinkClickByIndex to click the link:

<a id="menu_createAsset" title='网上刷卡' onclick="SentParm('1','1','1')"

you can search the text in the following codebox, thanks a lot.

ps: I'm sorry for that the page is Chinese, and I do not translate it into English.

I made the link I wanna clink to bold and the color is blue :)

here is the page:


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >



<title>首页 </title>

<meta name="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">

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<script language="javascript">

function RediectURL(url)


window.location = url;


top.frames['mainFrameSet'].cols = '10,67';

var PrevSelectedValue = 1; // 默认显示的菜单项编号

function showMenu(ShowValue, index, subIndex, url)


PrevSelectedValue = top.topframe.document.getElementsByName("PrevSelectedValue")[0].value;

var LinkValu='';

var strValue='';

window.status = "正在切换功能模块,请稍候......";

if (ShowValue == "99")


LinkValue = PrevSelectedValue; //增加刷新功能,胡成龙, 2004-6-9




LinkValue = ShowValue;


if (PrevSelectedValue != LinkValue)


var trs = top.topframe.document.getElementsByTagName("td");

var i ;


strValue = "tdmenu" + PrevSelectedValue;

top.topframe.document.getElementById(strValue).className = "tab";

for(i=0;i <trs.length;i++)


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trs.item(i-1).className = "vline";


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strValue = "linkmenu" + PrevSelectedValue;


strValue = "tdmenu" + LinkValue;

top.topframe.document.getElementById(strValue).className = "active";

for(i=0;i <trs.length;i++)


if( trs.item(i).id == strValue )


trs.item(i-1).className = "";

trs.item(i+1).className = "";



strValue = "linkmenu" + LinkValue;

PrevSelectedValue = LinkValue;



//显示POPUP window


// 处理左菜单与欢迎页

top.frames['mainFrameSet'].cols = '10,67';

top.leftup.location.href="/ATM/ZteMenu/OutLook/index/FrameLeftMenu.aspx?isExpand=1&parentMenuKey=" + ShowValue + "&itemId=" + index + "&subItemId=" + subIndex + "&url=" + url;

if (url != "" && !(url.indexOf('#')>=0))


top.right.location.href= "/ATM" + url;







function openpopup()



window.open(url,"说明","width=500,left=" + (screen.width-540)/2 + ",height=500,top=" + (screen.height-370)/2)


function SentParm(sTopmenuID,sMenuID,sSubMenuID)


document.all.topcmd.src = "index/FrameTopCmd.aspx?sTopmenuID="+sTopmenuID+"&sMenuID=" + sMenuID +"&sSubMenuID="+sSubMenuID;




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<TR valign="bottom" id='trtab1'>

<TD bgcolor="#d2e1fd"><DIV align="center"><FONT color="#0000cc"> 常用功能</FONT> </DIV>





<TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0">



<TD bgColor="#d2e1fd"><img src="../images/levinarrow.gif" width="1" height="6"></TD>







<TD bgColor="#ffffff"><table cellspacing="8" cellpadding="3" width="96%" align="center" border="0" id="trdis1">



<td width="15%"><img src="../../images/levinarrow.gif" width="9" height="9" class="icon1"><a id="menu_myTask" title='我的考勤' onclick="SentParm('1','1','64')"


<td width="15%"><img src="../../images/levinarrow.gif" width="9" height="9" class="icon1"><a id="menu_createAsset" title='网上刷卡' onclick="SentParm('1','1','1')"


<td width="15%"><img src="../../images/levinarrow.gif" width="9" height="9" class="icon1"><a id="menu_createExperience" title='刷卡记录' onclick="SentParm('1','1','2')"


<td width="15%"><img src="../../images/levinarrow.gif" width="9" height="9" class="icon1"><a id="menu_createAdvice" title='我的加班' onclick="SentParm('1','1','3')"




<td><img src="../../images/levinarrow.gif" width="9" height="9" class="icon1"><a id="menu_sortBrowse" title='加班申请' onclick="SentParm('1','5','7')"


<td><img src="../../images/levinarrow.gif" width="9" height="9" class="icon1"><a id="menu_advanceQuery" title='请假申请' onclick="SentParm('1','6','11')"


<td><img src="../../images/levinarrow.gif" width="9" height="9" class="icon1"><a id="menu_browseView" title='出差申请' onclick="SentParm('1','7','18')"


<td><img src="../../images/levinarrow.gif" width="9" height="9" class="icon1"><a id="menu_graphNavigation" title='补单申请' onclick="SentParm('1','10','30')"











<td><table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">



<table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td height="22" onclick="ShowDataList('11');" style='BORDER-RIGHT:#ffffff 1px solid; BORDER-TOP:#ffffff 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT:#ffffff 1px solid; CURSOR:hand; BORDER-BOTTOM:#ffffff 1px solid'


onmouseout="this.style.borderColor='#ffffff';this.style.backgroundColor='#ffffff';"><img src="../../images/arrow_down.gif" class="icon1" id="Img11">功能描述</td>


<tr id="Table11">

<td><hr width="99%">

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<td><h6 class="style3">与我有关:


























































Edited by chenxu
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The following is the code of the page I am gonna click, how can I use the UDF _IELinkClickByText or _IELinkClickByIndex to click the link:

<a id="menu_createAsset" title='网上刷卡' onclick="SentParm('1','1','1')"

you can search the text in the following codebox, thanks a lot.

ps: I'm sorry for that the page is Chinese, and I do not translate it into English.

I made the link I wanna clink to bold and the color is blue :)

You could try something like this:

#include <IE.au3>

$sURL = "http://www.???.???"
$oIE = _IECreate($sURL)
$colLinks = _IELinkGetCollection($oIE)
For $oLink in $colLinks
    If $oLink.id = "menu_createAsset" Then
        _IEAction($oLink, "click")

But I can't test, and it may require an iFrame/Form reference before searching the links.


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