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IniRead problem?

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Ok well here's my problem, I'm using IniRead to try to get a number from the .ini, and it doesn't work. The program will use the default number from the IniRead function instead, it won't read my number from the acual .ini. I've tried removing default number from the IniRead function and replacing with "" but that still did not work. Here's what I'm trying to do, please help.

$Stat = InputBox("", "Test, enter number")
$Set1 = IniRead("j.FILE", "Character", "Number", 300)

If $Stat < $Set1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Stat", "Number is lower then the number in .ini")
ElseIf $Stat > $Set1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Stat", "Number higher then number in .ini"

No matter what I put in the .ini, it will always go based off of 300 since that is the default in the function, I can put 1000 in the .ini, and enter 301 in the input box, and it will say my number is higher then what is in the .ini.

Please help me out here.


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You want to found out which number is higher. Inpubox() funtion return a string not a interger, so for you to be able to compare which number is higher you need to use NUMBER() function in your if statement.


$Stat = InputBox("", "Test, enter number")

$Set1 = IniRead("j.FILE", "Character", "Number", 300)

If Number($Stat) < Number($Set1) Then

MsgBox(0, "Stat", "Number is lower then the number in .ini")

ElseIf Number($Stat) > Number($Set1) Then

MsgBox(0, "Stat", "Number higher then number in .ini")


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