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I have currently been working on a OCR script for a game "tales of pirates"! I have been using Autoit for over 6 months now, and trying to develop with script for most of the time!! I am no n00b to programing, and have read over these forums a million times just never need to post untill now!! I need my script to read 4 random digits (either numbers or letters in an image format) and then enter them into a text box and hit enter. The pop up box appers randomly as well so i need it to constantly run! I have tried many different approaches but just cant get it to work! If anyone out there could please give me a few hits or tips or even some scripting would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thank you in advanced!!

P.s Attached if the image i need to use an OCR script on!


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heh... good luck with that one mate...

OCRs are abit of a trouble with AU3. AU3 apperantly has it's limits and as regarding to image parsing it is a bit slow...

i'd love to see how that thread rolls...

i'd recommand not trying the directly parse the image but create some sort of an image comparing script, then have all the letters/digits in that game cut into images, have the script analize each image from the game at a time in accordance to the pictures avaible.

[u]My Au3 Scripts:[/u]____________(E)Lephant, A Share download manager (RS/MU etc)Http1.1 Console, The Ez Way!Internet Reconnection Automation Suite & A Macro Recording Tool.SK's Alarm Clock, Playing '.MP3 & .Wav' Files._________________Is GOD a mistake of the Humanity Or the Humanity is a mistake of GOD ?!

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