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MTGO Bot Questions

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I am creating a Magic the Gathering Online trading bot, that will tell the visitor the price of each card he/she selects. For identifying which card is which, I have a database of pixel checksums that correspond to a card name/set/rarity and price. However, I do not know how to go about scrolling through the visitor's cards. What I am thinking about doing is going to the top of the You Give list and scrolling through the cards they have selected, but once they pick past 14 cards I have to have the bot actually scroll (with the scroll bar) through the last cards. So, if they have 17 cards selected, the bot will go to the top of the you give list, go through 14, then scroll through the rest manually somehow, then send the prices to the visitor. I would like to know the most efficient and fast way of doing this, and if it is possible to make it so if the user adds more cards it ignores the scrollbar popping to the bottom.

Let me know if you do not understand, I can provide screenshots if you would like. If you have an MTGO account, check out "Cardbot" which is a bot I am aiming to replicate. If not PM me and I will give you a username/password for MTGO to temporarily try out it so I could get some help.


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  • 8 months later...

Hello, i'm also finding solution for similar problems with MTGO version 3. I have made working bot in version 2 and i'm open to discuss new approaches with other MTGO players.

So, if you want, please contact me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A database with checksums for all that would be tedious and unreliable I think. I have a working database and screen reading function but have been bogged down trying to finish up the bot. e-mail me at c08oliverbrian@hotmail.com if you want some source code and maybe to help with my project.

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