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Hello, this has probably been answered before, but how can I make a script crash silently instead of bringing up the error popup? and an extension of that, can I also make it so it can bring up something else, like a message box that just says "critical error"?


[center]"When you look at old, classic games like Snake, you often put it off because it's such a simple game, but it's only when you actually try and create your own unique game from scratch, do you finally appreciate those games."[/center][center]Don't ask for answers if you haven't TRIED yet![/center][center]Most answers can be answered in the help file! Use it![/center]

Posted (edited)

Erm, could you give me an example? I made this to try and figure out what you meant.. but...


While 1

If @error Then Exit


Func crash()

Run("omfge.xhy") ;This file doesn't exist


EDIT: I Achieved it by using AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal",0) but that only stifles Run() Errors, howabout all of em?

Edited by MethodZero

[center]"When you look at old, classic games like Snake, you often put it off because it's such a simple game, but it's only when you actually try and create your own unique game from scratch, do you finally appreciate those games."[/center][center]Don't ask for answers if you haven't TRIED yet![/center][center]Most answers can be answered in the help file! Use it![/center]


Example for GUICreate()



Create a GUI window.

GUICreate ( "title" [, width [, height [, left [, top [, style [, exStyle [, parent]]]]]]] )


title The title of the dialog box.

width [optional] The width of the window.

height [optional] The height of the window.

left [optional] The left side of the dialog box. By default (-1), the window is centered. If defined, top must also be defined.

top [optional] The top of the dialog box. Default (-1) is centered

style [optional] defines the style of the window. See GUI Control Styles Appendix.

Use -1 for the default style which includes a combination of $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU styles.

Some styles are always included: $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, and $WS_SYSMENU if $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or $WS_SIZEBOX is specified.

exStyle [optional] defines the extended style of the window. See the Extended Style Table below. -1 is the default.

parent [optional] The handle of another previously created window - this new window then becomes a child of that window.

Return Value

Success: Returns a windows handle.

Failure: Returns 0 if the window cannot be created and sets @error to 1.

Posted (edited)

Thanks, I'll use If @error Then Exit

Thanks again

Edited by MethodZero

[center]"When you look at old, classic games like Snake, you often put it off because it's such a simple game, but it's only when you actually try and create your own unique game from scratch, do you finally appreciate those games."[/center][center]Don't ask for answers if you haven't TRIED yet![/center][center]Most answers can be answered in the help file! Use it![/center]

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