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Kiosk mode questions


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I'm brand new at using AutoIt and I'm trying out the kiosk option (Run with -k). I have two questions:

1) Is it possible to switch an application window to kiosk AFTER the application is started?

2) What are the main script steps or functions to use to control (i.e, eliminate) the frame and scroll bars on an application window.

I've read quite a few posts, but I'm still trying to get a foothold. The applications I need to control are not ones that I have written, so I need to use AutoIt3 scripts to alter them -- sometimes after they are running.

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

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#include <GUIConstants.au3>
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Remove")

$Form2 = GUICreate("", @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0, 0 BitOR($WS_SYSMENU,$WS_POPUPWINDOW,$WS_BORDER))

While 1

Func Remove ()

I don't think there is anyway of converting between the two. I've never found a GUISetStyles

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OK, I tried the script you suggested and got a full gray kiosk screen -- which could be exited with ESC. So I understand how to create a blank kiosk GUI, but I don't understand how to apply that technique to a running application.

Does the answer to my question 1) = NO?

And for question 2), which function group(s) should I be focusing on for controlling another program's application window?

As I said, I'm trying to get a foothold and I do appreciate the response.

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