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help with memory ... i can read it but with a seperate program

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ok so... i have a program that reads my hp value from the game Archlord, but the problem is i cannot find a way to retrieve that value from the memory reader and use it in my AutoIt script...

-i want to make a variable $my_hp

-take the value from the memory reader

-assign it to $my_hp

here's a picture of the memory addresses AND part of the hp bar from the game


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ok so... i have a program that reads my hp value from the game Archlord, but the problem is i cannot find a way to retrieve that value from the memory reader and use it in my AutoIt script...

-i want to make a variable $my_hp

-take the value from the memory reader

-assign it to $my_hp

here's a picture of the memory addresses AND part of the hp bar from the game

Wewlcome to the forums :)

The memory reader is, presumably, telling you where in memory the value is stored.

0EFD53B8 is the start of one memory location, and 4 bytes are used

0F0B7A70 is another memory location, again 4 bytes used. Perhaps the value is stored twice.

I don't know what hp means or what the significance of 1003 is, but I imagine you do.

I guess these values are integers which use 4 bytes.

What you have to do is not get the values form the memory reader but use the information the memory reader gave you to read the values from the memory used by the game.

I recommend NomadMemory.au3 for this sort of thing.

Nomad Memory

Assuming you use that then you need to do this sort of thing

$hMem = _MemoryOpen($GamePID);you need to get the PID of your game first - look up ProcessList

$my_hp = _MemoryRead("0x0EFD53B8",$hMem,"int")



and when you have finished


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