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Display error

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I have a script that uses a UDF to query a database. When I run the script if there is a match for ther query it runs successfully. if there is not match for the query i get an error. I add a entry to the UDF to trap the error.

Code from the script is here:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

#include "_DBlistView.au3"

#include <array.au3>


$strName = InputBox("Input","Enter all or part of a company name to search for:",""," M")

Until StringRegExp($strName,"^[a-zA-z0-9]+$")

MsgBox(0,"Info", "You entered " & $strname, 8)

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1); OnEvent mode

Dim $title="Access db Viewer";gui title

Dim $gui = GUICreate($title, 600, 600)


$DB = @ScriptDir & "\test.mdb"

$Query= "SELECT CompanyName,CompanyAddress1,CompanyCity,CompanyState FROM CompanyName WHERE CompanyName LIKE " & "'" & $strName & "%' " & "ORDER BY CompanyName Asc"

; MsgBox(0,"Info", $Query, 8)

$Number_of_Records_to_Display = 20

$Listview_Left = 100

$Listview_Top = 50

$Listview_Width = 600

$Listview_Height = 400

$Listview_style = $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_LISTVIEW;default is -1

$Listview_exStyle = $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT + $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES;default is -1

$dblv = _createDBlistView($DB,$Query,$Number_of_Records_to_Display,$Listview_Left,$Listview_Top,$Listview_Width,$Listview_Height,$Listview_style,$Listview_exStyle)

$ed1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit('',$Listview_Left,$Listview_Top + $Listview_Height,$Listview_Width,100)

GUISetState ()

$selected = -1

$lastselected = -1

GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "WM_Notify_Events")

While 1

Sleep(100); Idle around


#cs @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

$InputString = "CompanyName|CompanyAddress1|CompanyCity|CompanyState" ; simulated result of the dblclick event.

Local $text = $InputString

; Local $aArray = StringSplit ( $String, '|' )

$ArrayinArray = StringSplit($text,'|')

_ArrayDisplay ( $text )

$CompanyName = $ArrayInArray[1]

$CompanyAddress1 = $ArrayInArray[2]

$CompanyCity = $ArrayInArray[3]

$CompanyState = $ArrayInArray[4]

MsgBox( 0,"My Info", "I now have " & $CompanyName & $CompanyAddress1 & @CR & @LF & $CompanyCity & $CompanyState & " to set as variables", 8)

#ce @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Local $text ,$ItText

$text = GUICtrlRead($ed1);read the text in the edit

$ItText = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($dblv,-1);read the items in the row double clicked

;Item text could be spilt into its parts using stringsplit

$text &= $ItText;add the items string to the text

GUICtrlSetData($ed1,$text & @CRLF);write the text into the edit;

;EndFunc ;==>Button_Click

Func WM_Notify_Events($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam)

#forceref $hWndGUI, $MsgID, $wParam

Local $tagNMHDR, $event

$tagNMHDR = DllStructCreate("int;int;int", $lParam);NMHDR (hwndFrom, idFrom, code)

If @error Then Return

$event = DllStructGetData($tagNMHDR, 3)


Case $wParam = $dblv


Case $event = $NM_CLICK ;ListView_Click();func could be written to handle this

Case $event = $NM_DBLCLK




$tagNMHDR = 0

$event = 0

$lParam = 0

EndFunc ;

Func CLOSEClicked()



The error points to line 130 in the _dblistview.au3 UDF.

I placed a error handler after the returned rows failure in an attemp to resolve the no vaild returned data result.

Code from UDF where error is located here:

Func dbselect($query)

MsgBox(0, "ts", "dbselect line 109", 4)


$rs = ObjCreate("ADODB.recordset")

$rs.Open ($query, $conn)


For $tablefield in $rs.fields

$tableField_Names &= $tablefield.name & "|"



if @error then ; <----- These are the lines I attempted to capture the error.

Msgbox(0,"Error", "No records exist with this string.", 8) ; <----- These are the lines I attempted to capture the error.

exit ; <----- These are the lines I attempted to capture the error.

endif ; <----- These are the lines I attempted to capture the error.



return $getRows_Data ;=>_createDBlistView()




Edited by IvanCodin
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