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StdinWrite non-printing keys


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I am reading the stdoutput of a telnet session. Once i get the stdout stream I can only use stdinwrite to interact with the telnet process. I am in a situation where I need to send function key presses (F2, F11, F12) and arrow keys to the telnet process. How do I accomplish this with stdinwrite? Does anyone know if there is a way to interact with a process with stdinwrite to send non-printing keys like the function keys or arrow keys once you start getting the stdout stream?

I have already tried sending hex values through stdinwrite like 0x28 (down arrow), but the stdinwrite recieves 40 which is the hex value of 0x28, but it is interpruted by the telnet process as the a 4 then a 0.

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I am reading the stdoutput of a telnet session. Once i get the stdout stream I can only use stdinwrite to interact with the telnet process. I am in a situation where I need to send function key presses (F2, F11, F12) and arrow keys to the telnet process. How do I accomplish this with stdinwrite? Does anyone know if there is a way to interact with a process with stdinwrite to send non-printing keys like the function keys or arrow keys once you start getting the stdout stream?

I have already tried sending hex values through stdinwrite like 0x28 (down arrow), but the stdinwrite recieves 40 which is the hex value of 0x28, but it is interpruted by the telnet process as the a 4 then a 0.

Once I take the stdout from the telnet window to process the information in my script, the telnet window displays nothing. The only way I have found to interact with it is to send information the stdinwrite. When it comes to sending arrow keys or function keys, I get totally stuck. Can I actually send them to the telnet window?

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