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Err! Bad program!


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I am trying to automate a program to open tabs when an alert icon (the red circle with black horizontal lines around it) pops up. Once the tab opens, I want it to open the newest news story automatically. The problem is that the program was likely written using poor Windows programming standards as the tabs nor the news items do not have the IDs and other info necessary to send. Unfortunately, it appears I may be forced to send "crude" mouse clicks to window coordinates. If anyone can come up with an alternative, I would highly appreciate it! Here is a screenshot of the program.Posted Image If you want to know the name of the program, please PM me. Thanks!

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First, can you tab to the control?

If there is absolutely no control ID like you say, would you be opposed to having a pixel watched for the red dot?

The program is written SO poorly, that any keys I press produce extremely unpredictable results, including the tab key. Yes, there is absolutely no control ID when I checked with the window info program. That pixel dot watching thing is a great idea (yet crude) but I feel I will have no alternative to it. Any further help is greatly appreciated such as some sample code that could watch for the red dot then click on it. Thank you danwilli!

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