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Hi all,

I'm looking for a function which could perform RegEnumKey in recurse mode (all sub levels must me catched for all keys of the desired registry tree).

I made some code but it only works for the first level and thenstops... The final goal is to save a complete tree when needed to able to restore it if necessary

Does anybody already produced such code ?.... Any idea is welcome...

Thanks in advance.

Just to help you will find below the code I already developed

#include <Array.au3>

Dim $GlobalKeyList

$RegTree="HKCU\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI" ; Registry Tree to look in



$KeyToTest="" ; Variable containing the list of Reg keys which contains subkeys

$RootKeyList=Call ("ListKeys",$RegTree) ; This is the root key list (directly under the $RegTree)

$RootKeyList=StringSplit($RootKeyList,@LF) ; Put the result into an array

_ArrayDisplay(StringSplit(StringStripWS($KeyToTest,2),@LF),"Initial Key List...") ; This is just for control...


If not IsArray($KeyToTest) Or $KeyToTest[1]="ERROR" Then

MsgBox(0,"Error !!!",$ErrMsg)



Call ("TestSubKey",$KeyToTest)

Func TestSubKey ($KeyList)

$KeyToTest="" ; Keylist must be re-initialized to avoid stacking the new list on the previous one

For $i=1 To $KeyList[0]

Call ("ListKeys",$KeyList[$i])



_ArrayDisplay($KeyToTest,"List of Keys to be tested...") ; This is just for control


_ArrayDisplay(StringSplit(StringStripWS($GlobalKeyList,2),@LF),"Global Keys list...") ; This is just for control

Func ListKeys($Tree)

Local $KeyInstance,$KeyName



While 1 ; Loop Start


If @error <> 0 Then

If @error = 1 Then $ErrMsg="Unable to open the requested key."

If @error = 2 Then $ErrMsg="Unable to open the requested main key."

If @error = 3 Then $ErrMsg ="Unable to connect to remote registry."

If @error = -1 And StringInStr($KeyName,"No more data is available",0,1) Then ; Last key read

$GlobalKeyList=$GlobalKeyList & $Output ; Updates the global key list

Return StringStripWS($KeyToTest,2) ; returns the list of keys to be tested


Return "ERROR"

ExitLoop ; Exits loop if key cannot be read.


$Output=$Output & $Tree & "\" & $KeyName & @LF

If RegEnumKey($Tree & "\" & $KeyName,1) = "No more data is available" Then



$KeyToTest=$KeyToTest & $Tree & "\" & $KeyName & @LF






FreeRiderHonour & Fidelity

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There are many. This is one I wrote a long while ago: _RegSearch().

Its workings are very simple, so you should be able to adapt it easily to what you need.


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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Hi PsaltyDS,

Here is your _RegSearch function adapted to what I need it to do... and it works perfectly... Many thanks again for your help

$SearchKey = "HKCU\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI"

$Results = _RegListKeys($SearchKey)

MsgBox(64, "_RegListKeys", "Results of searching registry Keys" & @CRLF & _

"In: " & $SearchKey & @CRLF & _

"---------------------------------------" & @CRLF & _



; Function _RegListKeys($startkey,$recursive=0)

; Performs a nonrecursive (by default) or recursive search of the registry Starting at $sStartKey

; Returns a string containing a list of key names

; If a key name matches, it is listed as a reg path without trailing backslash:

; i.e. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion


Func _RegListKeys($startkey,$recurse=0)

Local $v, $val, $k, $key, $found = ""

$k = 1

While 1 ; This loop checks subkeys

$key = RegEnumKey($startkey, $k)

If @error = 0 Then

$found = $found & @LF & $startkey & "\" & $key ; Valid key - tests it's name and stores it into the Key List


If $recurse=0 Then ; Now search it (Recurse mode is 'off')

$k += 1


Else ; Now search it (Recurse mode is 'On')

$found = $found & _RegListKeys($startkey & "\" & $key,$recurse)


;======= RECURSE CHOICE END =======

Else ; No more keys here



$k += 1


Return $found ; Return results

EndFunc ;==>_RegSearch

FreeRiderHonour & Fidelity

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