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Tray Menu


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The default behaviour for the Tray item is to pause when clicked-- can this be disabled? I don't mind having "Pause" and "Exit" as menu items, but I would like to stop the icon from being paused whenever clicked. I'd like to add some menu items of my own in here, but I'd like to do so without halting the program.

So, I suppose I'd use TrayCreateItem and TrayItemSetOnEvent.

I see that I can use 'break' to stop the user from being able to pause/exit my script, but that's certainly not my goal.

Hilfe? Thanks!

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The default behaviour for the Tray item is to pause when clicked-- can this be disabled? I don't mind having "Pause" and "Exit" as menu items, but I would like to stop the icon from being paused whenever clicked. I'd like to add some menu items of my own in here, but I'd like to do so without halting the program.

So, I suppose I'd use TrayCreateItem and TrayItemSetOnEvent.

I see that I can use 'break' to stop the user from being able to pause/exit my script, but that's certainly not my goal.

Hilfe? Thanks!

Swifty beat me to it.. Nvm =] Edited by rawrr
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Thank you!

Well, that option removes pause and exit from the tray, but I suppose I can add my own.

New question, though.

Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1); Stop tray icon from automatically pausing script
$g_TrayMenuUpdate = TrayCreateItem("Check For Updates")

Doesn't appear to call the fCheckForUpgrade function when I click the menu in the tray. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious. It's been a month or two since I fiddled with autoit and I'm having a hard time making sense of the docs...

EDIT: Yup! Something Obvious. Missed an Option that allows OnEvent things from the Tray. :)

Edited by nago
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