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Can't figure out why something works correctly with one account

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I wrote a script that I converted to an exe. The program itself does a number of things but specific to this problem, kicks off the Control Panel applet using the following code:

Func __menuControlPanelClick()
    Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL', "", @SW_HIDE)

When I just dbl-click the program and click the button that runs this function, it works great. My problem is when I shift+right-click my executable, runas the exe as a user with admin credentials, and then try to click the button that kicks off the Control Panel, the same function that previously worked, now only opens windows explorer at the root of C: with no Control Panel.

These results are duplicated by seeding my admin credentials with runasset() instead of doing shift+right-click runas. Can anyone offer any guidance on this issue pls?? It would be greatly appreciated. I've also tried JUST using the Run() and get the same results...


I also tried changing my Run statement to Run("control.exe") and I get the same results.

Edited by thepip3r

My Additions:- RunAs AdminDeviant Fun:- Variable Sound Volume

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with run, i alway do like this


have a try

[quote]Don't expect for a perfect life ... Expect a least troubles ones[/quote]Contact me : ass@kiss.toWhat I Have Done :Favorites Manager Mangage your favorite's folder, that's coolPC Waker For those who want to save stickersWebScipts Supporter For those who've just started with Web and WebScriptsTemporary Looker Simple but powerful to manage your Temporary folder, you know what you downloaded[UDF] _NumberFormat() Better performance on number display[UDF] _DirGet() What a folder contain [how many (hidden,normal,...) files], with one line of code[UDF] _IsPressEs() Just like _IsPress() but for a group of keys

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Func __menuControlPanelClick()

Same thing... works on normal account, right-click runas the same program and it comes up ok, but the control panel button and a couple others that use the rundll32.dll don't work. Any other suggestions?

My Additions:- RunAs AdminDeviant Fun:- Variable Sound Volume

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Func __menuControlPanelClick()

Same thing... works on normal account, right-click runas the same program and it comes up ok, but the control panel button and a couple others that use the rundll32.dll don't work. Any other suggestions?

My Additions:- RunAs AdminDeviant Fun:- Variable Sound Volume

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kk... i did a bit more to illustrate my point in case someone would graciously take the liberty of compiling and replicating my problem.

here is a gui to illustrate my point:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <file.au3>
#include <array.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <GuiEdit.au3>

Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 1)
Opt("RunErrorsFatal", 0)

; ----------        GUI CREATION        -----------
$mainWindow =   GUICreate("Test - " & @UserName,400,325)

Global $mainFormStatusDefault = "Ready"
Global $mainFormStatus

; ----------        MENU        -----------

$menuFileParent     = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File")
$menuFileOpen       = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("Open",$menuFileParent)
$menuFileRecent     = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Recent Files",$menuFileParent,1)
$menuFileExit       = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit",$menuFileParent)

$menuViewParent     = GUICtrlCreateMenu("View",-1,1)
$menuViewStatusBar  = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Status Bar",$menuViewParent)

$menuRunParent  = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Run...",-1,2)
    $menuControlPanelParent = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Control Panel1",$menuRunParent)
    $menuControlPanelParent = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Control Panel2",$menuRunParent)
    $menuControlPanelParent = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Control Panel3",$menuRunParent)
    $menuControlPanelParent = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Control Panel4",$menuRunParent)
    $menuControlPanelParent = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Control Panel5",$menuRunParent)
    $menuControlPanelParent = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Control Panel6",$menuRunParent)
    $menuControlPanelParent = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Control Panel7",$menuRunParent)
    $menuControlPanelParent = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Control Panel8",$menuRunParent)

GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "__Exit")

While 1

Func __menuFileOpen()
    Global $sMenuItem,$menuFileRecent
    Local $sMenuItem
    Local $openFile = FileOpenDialog("Choose file...","C:\","All (*.*)",1+2+4+8)
    If $openFile <> "" Then
        If @error <> 1 Then 
            $sMenuItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ($openFile,$menuFileRecent)

Func __Exit()

Func __menuControlPanelRun1()
    Run("C:\WINDOWS\system32\control.exe", "C:\WINDOWS\system32\")

Func __menuControlPanelRun2()

Func __menuControlPanelRun3()
    Run("control.exe", "C:\WINDOWS\system32\")

Func __menuControlPanelRun4()
    Run("C:\WINDOWS\system32\control.exe", "C:\")

Func __menuControlPanelRun5()
    Run("RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL")

Func __menuControlPanelRun6()
    Run("RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL", "c:\")

Func __menuControlPanelRun7()
    Run("RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL", "C:\WINDOWS\system32\")

Func __menuControlPanelRun8()
    Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL', "", @SW_HIDE)

in the above... all Control Panel "runs" work fine. Now compile it, right-click and run the exe as a different user and pls let me know if the Control Panel buttons still work or not. If they don't, can anyone see or tell me why not? I'm at a total loss... =/

My Additions:- RunAs AdminDeviant Fun:- Variable Sound Volume

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Also tested the runas with the local computer admin account instead of an account with admin rights on the domain and i get the same result -- i'm guessing it's a syntax issue but don't know how to trap it. I've tried reading any errors through the recommended methods listed in the following link and nothing ends up popping up:


any guidance or direction would be greatly appreciated.

My Additions:- RunAs AdminDeviant Fun:- Variable Sound Volume

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Are you only getting this problem when trying to run control panel as an admin? I believe there is some reason why you can't simply run the control panel as another user (I'm pretty sure its not just you).

Try this code;

RunAsSet('USER', @Computername, 'PASSWORD')
Run("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}")

I took this from a bat file I always use, it should work fine for you.

While ProcessExists('Andrews bad day.exe')
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Are you only getting this problem when trying to run control panel as an admin? I believe there is some reason why you can't simply run the control panel as another user (I'm pretty sure its not just you).

Try this code;

RunAsSet('USER', @Computername, 'PASSWORD')
Run("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}")

I took this from a bat file I always use, it should work fine for you.

I think someone is on the right track.

It's a Windows thing not just AutoIt.

If I take your first post and compile make it into a batch file, then run it from the command prompt with Windows' RunAs command, nothing happens.

More details can be found here: http://blogs.msdn.com/aaron_margosis/archi.../07/175488.aspx

It's got to do with Windows' namespaces, etc, I think...

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HOLY RETARDED WINDOWS!!! Basically what it boiled down to is Windows user switching sux and sux bad. It was Aaron Margosis' blog that finally cracked the code for me. Straight up name space addresses didn't work but doing some registry tweaking and spawning separate explorer processes in their own namespace is what finally did it.

Someone: Ty for the attempt but it didn't work. Btw, is that a nintendo cartridge in ur sig? if so... love it.

Resnullius: Ty so much for the article link, after perusing all of the different links it spawns you to and evaluating/testing the recommended deals, I finally got this to work. Ty for all your help guys.

p.s. windows runas sux (if i haven't already mentioned that) =P

My Additions:- RunAs AdminDeviant Fun:- Variable Sound Volume

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