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Ok.. so i've been reading the help files and such and was wanting to get on to making my first script, but when the "rightclick+mouseover new-> autoit 3 script isnt there i have the usual stuff like new folder/text document so i dont have the option to create a new autoit script. help please :)


Did you run the full AutoIt installation? I don't remember but I think there was an option for adding it, or maybe it just added it to the menu without asking. Either way, it should be there if you officially installed AutoIt.

i just used the first installer and ran it


I've had the exact same problem installing AutoIt on different computers many times. I haven't found a way of fixing that. It's like registry entries are not written correctly or not written at all. So just go to Start-->All Programs-->AutoIt v3-->Scite editor. Write your script and save it with the .au3 extension. Then just press f5 from scite to run it.

If you want to run the script when you double click on it, right click on it and go to open with-->choose application. Browse to C:\Program files\Autoit v3 and select autoitv3.exe, check the option that says it should always use that program for that kind of files.

That's all the help I can give. I'd like to know why this happens, since it's happened to me and it's quite annoying sometimes because re-installing won't help at all.


Then create a new txt file and rename the extension to au3?

did you try this ?

this problem isn't serious that can stop you from writting script

[quote]Don't expect for a perfect life ... Expect a least troubles ones[/quote]Contact me : ass@kiss.toWhat I Have Done :Favorites Manager Mangage your favorite's folder, that's coolPC Waker For those who want to save stickersWebScipts Supporter For those who've just started with Web and WebScriptsTemporary Looker Simple but powerful to manage your Temporary folder, you know what you downloaded[UDF] _NumberFormat() Better performance on number display[UDF] _DirGet() What a folder contain [how many (hidden,normal,...) files], with one line of code[UDF] _IsPressEs() Just like _IsPress() but for a group of keys


did you try this ?

this problem isn't serious that can stop you from writting script

Yes, I have tried this. If I'm on a machine on which AutoIt has not been installed I can open notepad and write code, saving it with extension AU3. I am forced to do this all the time. But, right clicking, selecting 'New' and then 'Text Document' and renaming the resultant 'New Text document.txt' to 'New Text document.au3' is a trivial thing.


so is there any difference between "File => New ..." and "Save a.txt => a.au3" ?

[quote]Don't expect for a perfect life ... Expect a least troubles ones[/quote]Contact me : ass@kiss.toWhat I Have Done :Favorites Manager Mangage your favorite's folder, that's coolPC Waker For those who want to save stickersWebScipts Supporter For those who've just started with Web and WebScriptsTemporary Looker Simple but powerful to manage your Temporary folder, you know what you downloaded[UDF] _NumberFormat() Better performance on number display[UDF] _DirGet() What a folder contain [how many (hidden,normal,...) files], with one line of code[UDF] _IsPressEs() Just like _IsPress() but for a group of keys


None that I am aware of.

Are you Vietnamese, then?

yes, i am

[quote]Don't expect for a perfect life ... Expect a least troubles ones[/quote]Contact me : ass@kiss.toWhat I Have Done :Favorites Manager Mangage your favorite's folder, that's coolPC Waker For those who want to save stickersWebScipts Supporter For those who've just started with Web and WebScriptsTemporary Looker Simple but powerful to manage your Temporary folder, you know what you downloaded[UDF] _NumberFormat() Better performance on number display[UDF] _DirGet() What a folder contain [how many (hidden,normal,...) files], with one line of code[UDF] _IsPressEs() Just like _IsPress() but for a group of keys

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