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Hello everybody

In a game, on my head there is my name > so a text and i want to get the position of this text

If it's possible i will be very happy!

All suggests are welcome !

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Usually names are colored so using PixelSearch might be useful. Find out the color and with PixelSearch you can have the script show you name's coords.

$coords = PixelSearch( 0, 0, 20, 300, 0x0000FF )
If Not @error Then
    MsgBox(0, "Pixel's coords are X,Y:", $coords[0] & "," & $coords[1])

so how you make it a "text" ?

the name of char in online game didn't stand as text, if you want to get it, you have works with the game's memory process (i don't know about this, just read someone's post)

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Posted (edited)

i want to get the position of this text

He said he wanted position of the name..

And position of his name can be obtained with PixelSearch.

Edited by m4tek

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