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Posted (edited)

im trying to create buttons from an ini file but i dont know how to accomodate for the space changes (currently the icons are stacking of course bc i dont know how to tell it where to place each new button)

also, how do i specify how many buttons per row and if theres more buttons that are created that fall out of range of the window size, how do i create the scrollbar?




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Edited by gcue

(The AutoIt tags are messing up the code when you reply. I recommend that everyone uses code tags instead of AutoIt tags which cause too many problems.)

Yopu have to decide how big the buttons and labels should be and how you want them spaced. Here is an approach as an example

$ButHeight = 22
    $ButWid = 100
    $horPitch = $ButWid + 130
    $VertPItch = $ButHeight + 70
    $maxX = 300;depends on your window size or whatever
    $maxY = 300;ditto
    $startX = 20
    $StartY = 40
    $ButCount = 0;no buttons yet
    $ButHor = 0
    $ButVert = 0

Func CreateIcons()
    $LOCS = IniReadSection($ini, "LOCATIONS")
    For $i = 1 To $LOCS[0][0]
        $PC_Btns = IniReadSection($ini, $LOCS[$i][1])
        For $x = 1 To $PC_Btns[0][0]
            $ButCount += 1
            $ButHor += 1
            If $ButHor * $horPitch + $ButWid + $startX > $maxX Then
                $ButHor = 0
                $ButVert += 1
                If $ButVert * $VertPItch + $ButHeight + $StartY > $maxY Then Return -1;can't fit any more
            GUICtrlCreateButton($PC_Btns[$x][0], $startX + $ButHor * $horPitch, $StartY + $ButVert * $VertPItch, $ButWid, $ButHeight, $BS_ICON)
            GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "shell32.dll", 16)
            GUICtrlCreateLabel($PC_Btns[$x][0], $startX + $ButHor * $horPitch, $StartY + $ButVert * $VertPItch + 4$ButHeight + 6)
            GUICtrlSetOnEvent($PC_Btn, $PC_Btns[$x][0])

Look up scrollbars in the help.

Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.

this works to a point. i get an error when i add more PCs to the INI file. cant see why

(The AutoIt tags are messing up the code when you reply. I recommend that everyone uses code tags instead of AutoIt tags which cause too many problems.)

Yopu have to decide how big the buttons and labels should be and how you want them spaced. Here is an approach as an example

$ButHeight = 22
    $ButWid = 100
    $horPitch = $ButWid + 130
    $VertPItch = $ButHeight + 70
    $maxX = 300;depends on your window size or whatever
    $maxY = 300;ditto
    $startX = 20
    $StartY = 40
    $ButCount = 0;no buttons yet
    $ButHor = 0
    $ButVert = 0

Func CreateIcons()
    $LOCS = IniReadSection($ini, "LOCATIONS")
    For $i = 1 To $LOCS[0][0]
        $PC_Btns = IniReadSection($ini, $LOCS[$i][1])
        For $x = 1 To $PC_Btns[0][0]
            $ButCount += 1
            $ButHor += 1
            If $ButHor * $horPitch + $ButWid + $startX > $maxX Then
                $ButHor = 0
                $ButVert += 1
                If $ButVert * $VertPItch + $ButHeight + $StartY > $maxY Then Return -1;can't fit any more
            GUICtrlCreateButton($PC_Btns[$x][0], $startX + $ButHor * $horPitch, $StartY + $ButVert * $VertPItch, $ButWid, $ButHeight, $BS_ICON)
            GUICtrlSetImage(-1, "shell32.dll", 16)
            GUICtrlCreateLabel($PC_Btns[$x][0], $startX + $ButHor * $horPitch, $StartY + $ButVert * $VertPItch + 4$ButHeight + 6)
            GUICtrlSetOnEvent($PC_Btn, $PC_Btns[$x][0])

Look up scrollbars in the help.

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