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dll bluetooth problems help

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This is how you do it..

Local $dllCallError[4] = [3,"unable to use the DLL file","Unknown return type","Function not found in the Dll file"]

$dll = DllCall("btfunc.dll","dword:cdecl","BT_IsBlueSoleilStarted","long",2);2 second timeout return if not started
If @error then 
    Msgbox(0,"Error in Dll call", $dllCallError [@error])
    ElseIf $dll[0] = 1 then 
            Msgbox(0,"","BlueSoliel Started")
            Msgbox(0,"","BlueSoliel NOT Started")

Edit: Added the dllcallError array

Edited by ChrisL
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Here is a couple more to get you started

Local $dllCallError[4] = [3,"unable to use the DLL file","Unknown return type","Function not found in the Dll file"]

$handle = DllOpen("btfunc.dll")
$dll = DllCall($handle,"dword:cdecl","BT_InitializeLibrary")
If @error then 
    Msgbox(0,"Error in Dll call", $dllCallError[@error])
    ElseIf $dll[0] = 1 then 
            Msgbox(0,"","BlueSoliel Initialized")
            Msgbox(0,"","BlueSoliel Failed to initialize")

$dll = DllCall($handle,"dword:cdecl","BT_IsBlueSoleilStarted","long",2);2 second timeout return if not started
If @error then 
    Msgbox(0,"Error in Dll call", $dllCallError[@error])
    ElseIf $dll[0] = 1 then 
            Msgbox(0,"","BlueSoliel is Started")
            Msgbox(0,"","BlueSoliel NOT Started")

$dll = DllCall($handle,"dword:cdecl","BT_GetVersion","dword",0) 
If @error then 
    Msgbox(0,"Error in Dll call", $dllCallError[@error])
            Msgbox(0,"BlueSoliel Version",$dll[0])  

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if u dont mind me askin can u tell me what u use the :cdecl for and y dos this not work

$dll = DllCall("btfunc.dll", "dword:cdecl", "BT_InquireDevices", "long", 2)

thanks again

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I used cdecl because that is what is needed, if you don't it crashes. Look at dllcall inthe help file.

I'll have a look at the other thing either later or tomorrow, I've got 3 kids running round at the moment so I can't really do it, the other problem I've got is I've loaded the IVT software but I don't actually have a Bluetooth dongle so I'm limited as to what I can do.

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thank u so mutch chris this has been muttley :) for me lol

I'm not convinced this is right.. I keep getting an error but it could be that I don't have a Bluetooth dongle.. or more likely I don't really understand the dllStruct stuff properly. There are a couple of values that don't seem to be difined in the API document, so maybe there is another header file kicking around that contains those values?

Global const $DEVICE_CLASS_LENGTH = 3
Global const $MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH = 64
$str        = "DWORD;byte[" & $DEVICE_ADDRESS_LENGTH & "];byte[" & $DEVICE_CLASS_LENGTH & "];char[" & $MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH & "];int"
$struct_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO = DllStructCreate($str)
$lpDevsListLength = DllStructCreate("DWORD")

$dll = DllCall($handle,"dword:cdecl","BT_InquireDevices","char","INQUIRY_GENERAL","char",0x30,"long*",DllStructGetPtr($lpDevsListLength),"long*",DllStructGetPtr($struct_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO))
If @error then 
    Msgbox(0,"Error in Dll call", $dllCallError[@error])


Edit: this is what the API doc said, maybe one of the cleverer people can figure out what is wrong :(

5.15 BT_InquireDevices

This function inquires nearby Bluetooth devices or gets paired devices from BlueSoleil’s

history records.

DWORD BT_InquireDevices(

/* [in] */ UCHAR ucInqMode,

/* [in] */ UCHAR ucInqTimeLen,

/* [in, out] */ DWORD* lpDevsListLength,

/* [out] */ PBLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO pDevsList,




[in] Specifies the inquiry mode:

Value Meaning

INQUIRY_GENERAL Inquires using general-discovery mode

INQUIRY_LIMITED Inquires using limited-discovery mode

INQUIRY_PAIRED Gets paired devices from history list

without performing Bluetooth inquiry.


Inquires using general-discovery mode,

clears devices in memory before

performing the inquiry.


[in] Maximum amount of time before the inquiry is halted.

Range: 0x01 – 0x30

Time = N * 1.28 sec

Range: 1.28 – 61.44 Sec.


[in,out] Pointer to a variable that specifies the length of the buffer pointed by

lpDevsList, after the function returns, the variable receives the length of data

copied to the buffer.

If value (*lpDevsListLength) is zero, the function returns immediately after

Bluetooth inquiry is started, inquiry results will be reported if callback function for



[out] Pointer to a BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO array buffer that receives the

device information. This parameter can be NULL if (*lpDevsListLength) is zero..

Return Values

BTSTATUS_SUCCESS if the function succeeds.

BTSTATUS_PARAMETER_ERROR if parameter(s) is error.

BTSTATUS_SYSTEM_ERROR if system error(s) occurs.

BTSTATUS_BT_NOT_READY if Bluetooth is not started.

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ye i get it saying unable to use the DLL file but i put the dll in the same dir as script is this the problem u got chris

Yes but it's nothing to do with the location of the dll, because it works OK on the other functions and I used the same handle.

It is the struct(s) that are wrong I'm pretty sure about that..

This is what the doc says about the struct

typedef struct _BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO {

DWORD dwSize;




BOOL bPaired;




Size of the structure, in bytes.


Address of the device.


Class of the device.


A null-terminated string specifying the Bluetooth device name.


Specifies whether the device is paired, authenticated or bonded. All

authenticated devices are remembered.

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i just found this in the api do i need to call all of these (on page 5)

7. Typical API Calling Sequence:

1) BT_InitializeLibrary

2) BT_RegisterCallback

3) BT_InquireDevices

4) BT_PairDevice

5) BT_BrowseServices

6) BT_ConnectService

7) BT_DisconnectService

8) BT_UninitializeLibrary

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