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i want to make uninstaler for my script and i didn't know how to delete the @ScriptDir

i have use:

DirRemove(@ScriptDir & "\*.*" ,1)

but...how to delete the @ScriptDir cuz my script didn't delete it:|


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i want to make uninstaler for my script and i didn't know how to delete the @ScriptDir

i have use:

DirRemove(@ScriptDir & "\*.*" ,1)

but...how to delete the @ScriptDir cuz my script didn't delete it:|


Doubt this will work since your script is in-use at the time you try to delete its directory.


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i made it^^

but the skript have 2 parts^^

First part...named "Uninstall.exe"

IniWrite(@tempdir & "\data.dll","Data","Directory",@Scriptdir)
FileCopy(@Scriptdir & "\data.dat", @tempdir & "\Uninstall.exe")
run(@tempdir & "\Uninstall.exe")

Secound part named "data.dll"

$dir=Iniread(@tempdir & "\data.dll","Data","Directory","")
;~ MsgBox(0,"",$dir)
MsgBox(0,"Succes","Uninstall Complete...")

I think this will give some ideeas in future^^

cya all

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