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Get the State of a Checkbox in a .Net Windows Application

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I am writing scripts to automate a .Net Windows based application. In the application i need to verify whether a checkbox is selected or not (i.e. need to get the state of a checkbox). I used the below mentioned code snippets. Everytime the message "Not Checked" is displayed irrespective whether the checkbox is selected or not.

; Using GUICtrlRead

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$hndl = WinGetHandle(WinGetTitle("Test",""),"")


$chndl = ControlGetHandle($hndl,"","WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.21af1a517")

if BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($chndl),$GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED then

MsgBox(1, "Status", "Checked")


MsgBox(1, "Status", "Not Checked")


;Using _SendMessage Function

Global Const $BM_GETSTATE = 0xF0

$hndl = WinGetHandle(WinGetTitle("Test",""),"")


$chndl = ControlGetHandle($hndl,"","WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.21af1a517")

$chkstat = _SendMessage($chndl, $BM_GETSTATE, 0, 0)

if $chkstat= 0 then

MsgBox(1, "Status", "Not checked")


MsgBox(1, "Status", "Checked")


;Using ControlCommand Function

$hndl = WinGetHandle(WinGetTitle("Test",""),"")


$chndl = ControlGetHandle($hndl,"","WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.21af1a517")

$chkstat= ControlCommand($hndl,"",$chndl ,"IsChecked")

if $chkstat= 0 then

MsgBox(1, "Status", "Not checked")


MsgBox(1, "Status", "Checked")


Please let me know what is wrong in the above mentioned code snippets or let me know if you have any alternative solution.

Thanks in advance.

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