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making dir/file list


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Is there a function that will read all directorys and files on the a drive and then output them to a txt file? Also, looking for a function that will do the same for the registry. I guess maybe doing a reg backup and renaming the .reg file to .txt. Any helpful hints/ideas would be appreciated.

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Is there a function that will read all directorys and files on the a drive and then output them to a txt file? Also, looking for a function that will do the same for the registry. I guess maybe doing a reg backup and renaming the .reg file to .txt. Any helpful hints/ideas would be appreciated.

as for reading all the directorys under c: drive

#include <Constants.au3>
$foo = Run(@ComSpec & " /c dir", @HomeDrive, @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD)
$line = StdoutRead($foo);reading command prompt
FileWrite("C:\test.txt", $line);Output to C:\test.txt

If that don't work then change the " /c dir" to "/c dir C:\"

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Thanks for the code. Its a good starting point for what Im trying to do. I was looking at _FileListToArray when you posted your code.

Basically what Im trying to do is write my own snapshot program. I want to take a snapshot of my hard drive and registry then install some freeware and see what has changed. I dont trust freeware that much but I like to use it. This way I can see if they try to hide things in the install. Im sure someone has done this already. But I figured I would give it a shot.

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Check this post for the RecursiveFileSearch UDF by weaponx (#1 Array Based). Calling it like this... RecursiveFileSearch("C:\", ".") should do it.

for the registry, try _RegSearch() by PsaltyDS.

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