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Delete all from %temp% older than xx hours


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Has anyone written a script that will delete all files and folders from their Windows %temp% folder that are older than xx hours?

I want to put this into a startup batch file to automate the process. CCleaner can do it, but I'm not sure if this can be scripted to run invisibly.

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Has anyone written a script that will delete all files and folders from their Windows %temp% folder that are older than xx hours?

I want to put this into a startup batch file to automate the process. CCleaner can do it, but I'm not sure if this can be scripted to run invisibly.

Read the directory into a list array with _FileListToArray(), then use FileGetTime() to get the information you need/want, then use FileDelete(). Should be fairly straight forward.

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Has anyone written a script that will delete all files and folders from their Windows %temp% folder that are older than xx hours?

I want to put this into a startup batch file to automate the process. CCleaner can do it, but I'm not sure if this can be scripted to run invisibly.

I use this routine to check that system files are available in a startup situation which you can possibly adapted to your requirements:

I have only included three of the Const to demonstrate how I accommodate the files I am looking for.


Const $SkypeApp = @ProgramFilesDir & "\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" ;Skype Client

Const $SkypeAppPM = @ProgramFilesDir & "\Skype\Plugin Manager\SkypePM.exe" ;Skype Extra's required by Skype4COM

Const $ScriptDirS = @ScriptDir & "\sSentry.ini" ;System Sentry INI

;//Check System Health

Func _sSentrySystemHealth()

;//Select Program and Associated file/s that

Global $File[13] = [$SkypeApp, $SkypeAppPM, $sSBanner, $sSIconI, $sSIconS, $sSIconU, $AlertSound, _

$ScriptDirS, $ScriptDirM, $sSInstall, $sSUninstall, $sSLicence, $sSLicFile]

For $i = 0 To UBound($File) - 1

$FileName = $File[$i]

If Not FileExists($FileName) Then

_MessageAndLog(0, 0, $sSLogDirM, $s_LogFileID, 1, 0, $FileName & " ** FILE MISSING OR CORRUPT ** ")





;//Read sSentry.ini file


;//Read sSEmail.ini file


;//Write the Start Message to the Log

If $sSentryStartUpFlag = 1 Then

_MessageAndLog(0, 0, $sSLogDirM, $s_LogFileID, $WriteLog, 0, "sSentry STARTUP - " & StringLower(@ComputerName))

_MessageAndLog($MessageDisplay, $MessageDelay, $sSLogDirM, $s_LogFileID, 0, 1, "sSentry STARTUP ")

$sSentryStartUpFlag = 0



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