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(solved)Remove file extensions

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In my program I have a file list tool, is there a way to make it so it doesn't display the file extension?

Case $msg = $msimple
    $tool = "simple"
        $mfile = FileExists ("t:\Documents and settings\Allen Penrod\desktop\database copy\molds\" & guictrlread($mmn) & "*.pdf")
        If $mfile = 1 Then
If $status = "Administrator" then
    guictrlsetstate($medit,$gui_show + $gui_enable)
    guictrlsetstate($madd,$gui_show + $gui_enable)
            GUICtrlSetState($mlist, $gui_show + $gui_enable)
            GUICtrlSetState($mfileselect, $gui_show + $gui_enable)
            $mfound = FileFindFirstFile("t:\Documents and settings\Allen Penrod\desktop\database copy\molds\" & guictrlread($mmn) & "*.pdf")
            While 1 
                $mfoundnext = FileFindNextFile($mfound)
                if @error Then ExitLoop
                GUICtrlSetData($mlist,$mfoundnext & "|")
        ElseIf $mfile = 0 Then
            MsgBox (0,"File Not Found", "File Not Found")
Edited by youknowwho4eva


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I have another problem. The problem is on one of my lists the file names are like M002-all. but if there are multiple files on the same product the next file is M002-all-2. if I use -all as my string item to search for it doesn't show all the files, and if I just have - it will show -all on all the multiple files. I think the best solution for this list is change it to just show the first 4 characters(as I have looked up this tool in the help and figured out how it works) but if I weren't so lucky to have all the file names be 4 characters, is there a way to do the same thing? Possibly from the right side?


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I have another problem. The problem is on one of my lists the file names are like M002-all. but if there are multiple files on the same product the next file is M002-all-2. if I use -all as my string item to search for it doesn't show all the files, and if I just have - it will show -all on all the multiple files. I think the best solution for this list is change it to just show the first 4 characters(as I have looked up this tool in the help and figured out how it works) but if I weren't so lucky to have all the file names be 4 characters, is there a way to do the same thing? Possibly from the right side?

I don't understand, could you provide an example before->after

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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I need it to be able to handle files that are named M002-all.pdf and M002-all-2 to come out to M002

MsgBox(0,"Test 1",_RemoveFileExt("M002-all.pdf"))
MsgBox(0,"Test 2",_RemoveFileExt("M002-all-2"))
Func _RemoveFileExt($string)
    Return StringLeft($string,StringInStr($string,"-all")-1)

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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When I tried that before, for some reason it cut out a lot of the results. All the results end in either -all or -all-#. But it knocks out atleast half of the results. *slaps self in the forehead* why not change the stringinstr to search from the left instead of from the right. that worked with "-". Why doesn't -all work though?


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