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I have an application that opens with the following GUI command:

$MAIN = GuiCreate("Tech Tally 5", 290, 205,(@DesktopWidth-287)/2, (@DesktopHeight-202)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE - $WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)

I would like to keep the minimize button, but disable the maximize functionality. Is there a native AIG (AutoIt GUI) method for doing this? I did find the following information on a website if anyone has a clue about how to make it happen in AIG.

If you're willing to limit your application to running only

under Win32, there are surely many ways.  For example, message

WM_NCHITTEST can be intercepted in the main windows' window-

procedure, and rather than just passing it straight through

to DefWindowProc as one usually does, one intercepts the return

value from DefWindowProc and (e.g.) changes a return value of


Thank you in advance


Anyone have a TRS 80 Model III for sale?

Isn't the deault window style what you want??

$MAIN = GuiCreate("Tech Tally 5", 290, 205,(@DesktopWidth-287)/2, (@DesktopHeight-202)/2)

or perhaps you still want the clientedge extended style

$MAIN = GuiCreate("Tech Tally 5", 290, 205, (@DesktopWidth-287)/2, (@DesktopHeight-202)/2, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)

Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!

:"> Oh, I am so embarrassed - I had goofed with the properties of this window so much when I started this several weeks ago that I had completely forgotten the default configuration.

Thank's CyberSlug, I'll just go crawl under my desk now.


Isn't the deault window style what you want??

$MAIN = GuiCreate("Tech Tally 5", 290, 205,(@DesktopWidth-287)/2, (@DesktopHeight-202)/2)

or perhaps you still want the clientedge extended style

$MAIN = GuiCreate("Tech Tally 5", 290, 205, (@DesktopWidth-287)/2, (@DesktopHeight-202)/2, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)


Anyone have a TRS 80 Model III for sale?

Anyone have a TRS 80 Model III for sale?


Not exactly ... How 'bout an Atari 800 XL with 48 k memory?

We have enough youth. How about a fountain of SMART?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not an old Fart yet, but my first programming course was in 1983 on a TRS 80 model III with a NETWORK. We used the network mostly for printing our programs out. I still have a bit of nostalga for the old start trek game (similar to EGATrek) that we used to play during class.

:lmao: Tom

Anyone have a TRS 80 Model III for sale?

Back in the days when you were known for the number of DOS's you had learned. TRS-DOS, MS-DOS, DOS+, ...


Anyone have a TRS 80 Model III for sale?

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