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Water Vapor v1.3BETA


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Its build with Autoit(of couse), its a new script language, I'm not planning to opensource it until version 3

The manual will be posted here in days (sorry not at home now)

Download Water Vapor http://bluebirdtr.co.cc/wp-content/plugins...wnload.php?id=2

Now this is with iTunes and Zune software, it will make the main window transparent(this can easy be done in autoit, but this shows what Water Vapor can do)

Download for iTunes http://bluebirdtr.co.cc/wp-content/plugins...wnload.php?id=3

Download for Zune http://bluebirdtr.co.cc/wp-content/plugins...wnload.php?id=4

Source code for iTunes Transparent


SET|text|show genius sidebar

SET|new| iTunes







Source code for Zune Transparent








Run the script with Water Vapor and open iTunes/Zune

See this for more detail



Vapour Automation v1.3BETA, At last out of alpha! Add much more advance functions

Functions detail, Most detail is copy from Autoit Help File
O = Optional

S1 = Varible that you want to put the value
S2 = The Value you was to put in to S1

S1 = Text to send/type
S2 = Send it raw(1) or normal(0)
{!} ! 
{#} # 
{+} + 
{^} ^ 
{{} { 
{}} } 
{ENTER} ENTER key on the main keyboard 
{UP} Up arrow 
{DOWN} Down arrow 
{LEFT} Left arrow 
{RIGHT} Right arrow 
{F1} - {F12} Function keys 
{LWIN} Left Windows key 
{RWIN} Right Windows key 
{BREAK} for Ctrl+Break processing 
{NUMPAD0} - {NUMPAD9} Numpad digits 
{NUMPADMULT} Numpad Multiply 
{NUMPADADD} Numpad Add 
{NUMPADSUB} Numpad Subtract 
{NUMPADDIV} Numpad Divide 
{NUMPADDOT} Numpad period 
{NUMPADENTER} Enter key on the numpad 
{APPSKEY} Windows App key 
{LALT} Left ALT key 
{RALT} Right ALT key 
{LCTRL} Left CTRL key 
{RCTRL} Right CTRL key 
{LSHIFT} Left Shift key 
{RSHIFT} Right Shift key 
{SLEEP} Computer SLEEP key 
{ALTDOWN} Holds the ALT key down until {ALTUP} is sent 
{SHIFTDOWN} Holds the SHIFT key down until {SHIFTUP} is sent 
{CTRLDOWN} Holds the CTRL key down until {CTRLUP} is sent 
{LWINDOWN} Holds the left Windows key down until {LWINUP} is sent 
{RWINDOWN} Holds the right Windows key down until {RWINUP} is sent 
{ASC nnnn} Send the ALT+nnnn key combination 
{BROWSER_BACK} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "back" button 
{BROWSER_FORWARD} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "forward" button 
{BROWSER_REFRESH} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "refresh" button 
{BROWSER_STOP} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "stop" button 
{BROWSER_SEARCH} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "search" button 
{BROWSER_FAVORITES} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "favorites" button 
{BROWSER_HOME} 2000/XP Only: Launch the browser and go to the home page 
{VOLUME_MUTE} 2000/XP Only: Mute the volume 
{VOLUME_DOWN} 2000/XP Only: Reduce the volume 
{VOLUME_UP} 2000/XP Only: Increase the volume 
{MEDIA_NEXT} 2000/XP Only: Select next track in media player 
{MEDIA_PREV} 2000/XP Only: Select previous track in media player 
{MEDIA_STOP} 2000/XP Only: Stop media player 
{MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE} 2000/XP Only: Play/pause media player 
{LAUNCH_MAIL} 2000/XP Only: Launch the email application 
{LAUNCH_MEDIA} 2000/XP Only: Launch media player 
{LAUNCH_APP1} 2000/XP Only: Launch user app1 
{LAUNCH_APP2} 2000/XP Only: Launch user app2 

S1 = Time to sleep/stop in milisecond

S1 = The title of the window to read
S2 = Text of the window to read
S3 = The amount of times to flash the window. Default 4
S4 = The time in milliseconds to sleep between each flash. Default 500 ms

S1 = The line to jump to. This is not the number of line its the number to jump back, If you on line 36 and you want to jump to line 34 you will use -2

S1 = The title of the window to move/resize
S2 = The text of the window to move/resize.
S3 = X coordinate to move to.
S4 = Y coordinate to move to.
S5 = New width of the window.
S6 = New height of the window.
S7 = the speed to move the windows in the range 1 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). If not defined the move is instantaneous.

S1 = The title of the window to change.
S2 = The text of the window to change.
S3 = The new title to give to the window.

S1 = The title of the window to change.
S2 = The text of the window to change.
S3 = A number in the range 0 - 255. The lower the number, the more transparent the window will become. 255 = Solid, 0 = Invisible.

S1 = The title of the window to activate.
S2 = The text of the window to activate.

IF S1 is EQUAL to S2 Then JUMP(CALL JUMP COMMAND) to S3 line.

IF S1 is MORE to S2 Then JUMP(CALL JUMP COMMAND) to S3 line.

IF S1 is LESS to S2 Then JUMP(CALL JUMP COMMAND) to S3 line.

Add S2 to S1 result is store in S1

Subtract S2 to S1 result is store in S1

Join string S1 + S2 result is store in S1

WINWAIT|S1|S2O|S3O Wait for the window to activate before continue
S1 = The title of the window to check.
S2 = The text of the window to check.
S3 = Timeout in seconds

S1 = The name of the file to run (EXE, .txt, .lnk, etc).
S2 = Any parameters for the program. Blank ("") uses none.
S3 = The working directory. Blank ("") uses the current working directory.
S4 = The "verb" to use, common verbs include:
  open = (default) Opens the file specified. The file can be an executable file, a document file, or a folder
  edit = Launches an editor and opens the document for editing. If "filename" is not a document file, the function will fail
  print = Prints the document file specified. If "filename" is not a document file, the function will fail
  properties = Displays the file or folder's properties
S5 = The "show" flag of the executed program:
  0 = Hidden window
  6 = Minimized window
  3 = Maximized window

EXECUTEWAIT|S1|S2O|S3O|S4O|S5O Wait for the exe the close before continue
S1 = The name of the file to run (EXE, .txt, .lnk, etc).
S2 = Any parameters for the program. Blank ("") uses none.
S3 = The working directory. Blank ("") uses the current working directory.
S4 = The "verb" to use, common verbs include:
  open = (default) Opens the file specified. The file can be an executable file, a document file, or a folder
  edit = Launches an editor and opens the document for editing. If "filename" is not a document file, the function will fail
  print = Prints the document file specified. If "filename" is not a document file, the function will fail
  properties = Displays the file or folder's properties
S5 = The "show" flag of the executed program:
  0 = Hidden window
  6 = Minimized window
  3 = Maximized window

S1 = The name of the executable (EXE, BAT, COM, or PIF) to run.
S2 = The working directory.
S3 = The "show" flag of the executed program:
  0 = Hidden window (or Default keyword)
  6 = Minimized window
  3 = Maximized window
S4 = Controls various options related to how the parent and child process interact.
  0x1 = Provide a handle to the child's STDIN stream
  0x2 = Provide a handle to the child's STDOUT stream
  0x4 = Provide a handle to the child's STDERR stream
  0x8 = Provides the same handle for STDOUT and STDERR. Implies both $STDOUT_CHILD and $STDERR_CHILD.
  0x10 = Provide the child with the parent's STDIO streams. This flag can not be combined with any other STDIO flag. This flag is only useful when the parent is compiled as a Console application.
  0x10000 = The child console process should be created with it's own window instead of using the parent's window. This flag is only useful when the parent is compiled as a Console application.

S1 = The title of the window to check.
S2 = The text of the window to check.

S1 = The flag indicates the type of message box and the possible button combinations.
Button Pressed Return Value  
OK  1 
YES  6 
NO  7 
TRY AGAIN ** 10 



The flag parameter can be a combination of the following values:

decimal flag Button-related Result hexadecimal flag 
0 OK button 0x0 
1 OK and Cancel 0x1 
2 Abort, Retry, and Ignore 0x2 
3 Yes, No, and Cancel 0x3 
4 Yes and No 0x4 
5 Retry and Cancel 0x5 
6 ** Cancel, Try Again, Continue 0x6 
decimal flag Icon-related Result hexadecimal flag 
0 (No icon) 0x0 
16 Stop-sign icon 0x10 
32 Question-mark icon 0x20 
48 Exclamation-point icon 0x30 
64 Information-sign icon consisting of an 'i' in a circle 0x40 
decimal flag Default-related Result hexadecimal flag 
0 First button is default button 0x0 
256 Second button is default button 0x100 
512 Third button is default button 0x200 
decimal flag Modality-related Result hexadecimal flag 
0 Application  0x0 
4096 System modal (dialog has an icon) 0x1000 
8192 Task modal 0x2000 
decimal flag Miscellaneous-related Result hexadecimal flag 
0 (nothing else special) 0x0 
262144 MsgBox has top-most attribute set 0x40000 
524288 title and text are right-justified 0x80000 

** Only valid on Windows 2000/XP and above.

S2 = The title of the message box.
S3 = The text of the message box.
S4 = Timeout in seconds. After the timeout has elapsed the message box will be automatically closed. The default is 0, which is no timeout.
S5 = The window handle to use as the parent for this dialog.

S1 = The button to click: "left", "right", "middle", "main", "menu", "primary", "secondary".
S2 = The x coordinates to move the mouse to. If no x and y coords are given, the current position is used (default).
S3 = The y coordinates to move the mouse to. If no x and y coords are given, the current position is used (default).
S4 = The number of times to click the mouse. Default is 1.
S5 = the speed to move the mouse in the range 1 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). A speed of 0 will move the mouse instantly. Default speed is 10.

Button Normal Swapped 
"" Left Left 
"left" Left Left 
"middle" Middle Middle 
"right" Right Right 
"primary" Left Right 
"main" Left Right 
"secondary" Right Left 
"menu" Right Left 

Convert S1 to character corresponding to an ASCII code and store it in S1.

Convert S1 to ASCII and store it in S1.

S2 = The handle of a file, as returned by a previous call to FileOpen. Alternatively, you may use a string filename as the first parameter.
S3 = The line of text to write to the text file. The line is written as is - no @CR or @LF characters are added.

S1 = String to store it to
S2 = The handle of a file, as returned by a previous call to FileOpen. Alternatively you may use a string filename as the first parameter.

Get the leftmost count characters of the string and store it to S1
S1 = The string to evaluate.
S2 The number of characters to get.

Get the rightmost count characters of the string and store it to S1
S1 = The string to evaluate.
S2 The number of characters to get.

Returns the string trimmed by count characters from the left.
S1 = The string to evaluate.
S2 The number of characters to get.

Returns the string trimmed by count characters from the right.
S1 = The string to evaluate.
S2 The number of characters to get.

S1 = Varible to Store to
S2 = The title of the input box.
S3 = A message to the user indicating what kind of input is expected.
S4 = The value that the input box starts with.
S5 = The character to replace all typed characters with. If you want the actual typed character to appear, define with an empty string ("") (default) or a space for the first character. If you provide a multiple-char string, only the first char is used for character masking. There are special meanings for the second and subsequent characters. See Remarks.
S6 = The width of the window. If defined, height must also be defined. Use -1 or the keyword Default for default width.
S7 = The height of the window. If defined, width must also be defined. Use -1 or the keyword Default for default height.
S8 = The left side of the input box. By default, the box is centered. If defined, top must also be defined. Use the keyword Default for this parameter to center the InputBox horizontally.
S9 = The top of the input box. By default, the box is centered. If defined, left must also be defined. Use the keyword Default for this parameter to center the InputBox vertically.
S10 = How many seconds to wait before automatically cancelling the InputBox.
S11 = The window handle to use as the parent for this dialog.

S1 = The option to change.
S2 = The value to assign to the option. The type and meaning vary by option. See remarks below. If the param is not provided, then the function just returns the value already assigned to the option. The keyword Default can be used for the parameter to reset the option to its default value.

Option Param 
CaretCoordMode Sets the way coords are used in the caret functions, either absolute coords or coords relative to the current active window:
0 = relative coords to the active window
1 = absolute screen coordinates (default)
2 = relative coords to the client area of the active window 
ExpandEnvStrings Changes how literal strings and % symbols are interpreted. By default strings are treated literally, this option allows you to use %environment% variables inside strings, e.g., "The temp directory is: %temp%".
1 = expand environment variables (similar to AutoIt v2)
0 = do not expand environment variables (default)
Without this option the usual way would be: "The temp directory is: " & EnvGet("temp") 
ExpandVarStrings Changes how literal strings and variable/macro ($ and @) symbols are interpreted. By default strings are treated literally, this option allows you to use variables and macros inside strings, e.g., "The value of var1 is $var1$".
1 = expand variables (when in this mode and you want to use a literal $ or @ then double it up: "This is a single dollar $$ sign".
0 = do not expand variables (default) 
FtpBinaryMode Changes how FTP files are transferred.
1 = Binary (default)
0 = ASCII 
GUICloseOnESC When ESC is pressed on a GUI the $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE message is sent. This option toggles this behavior on and off.
1 = Send the $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE message when ESC is pressed (default).
0 = Don't send the $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE message when ESC is pressed. 
GUICoordMode Alters the position of a control defined by GUICtrlSetPos.
1 = absolute coordinates (default) still relative to the dialog box.
0 = relative position to the start of the last control (upper left corner).
2 = cell positionining relative to current cell. A -1 for left or top parameter don't increment the start.
So next line is -1,offset; next cell is offset,-1; current cell is -1,-1. 
 Obviously "offset" cannot be -1 which reserved to indicate the no increment. But if you can use a multiple of the width you choose to skip or go back. 
GUIDataSeparatorChar Define the character which delimits subitems in GUICtrlSetData.
 The default character is '|'. 
GUIOnEventMode Enable/disable OnEvent functions notifications.
0 = (default) disable.
1 = enable. 
GUIResizeMode Change default resizing for a control.
0 = (default) keep default control resizing.
<1024 = anytype of resizing see GUICtrlSetResizing. 
GUIEventOptions Change special event behavior or GUI function return values.
0 = (default) Windows behavior on click on Minimize,Restore, Maximize, Resize.
1 = suppress windows behavior on minimize, restore or maximize click button or window resize. Just sends the notification. 
MouseClickDelay Alters the length of the brief pause in between mouse clicks.
Time in milliseconds to pause (default=10). 
MouseClickDownDelay Alters the length a click is held down before release.
Time in milliseconds to pause (default=10). 
MouseClickDragDelay Alters the length of the brief pause at the start and end of a mouse drag operation.
Time in milliseconds to pause (default=250). 
MouseCoordMode Sets the way coords are used in the mouse functions, either absolute coords or coords relative to the current active window:
0 = relative coords to the active window
1 = absolute screen coordinates (default)
2 = relative coords to the client area of the active window 
MustDeclareVars If this option is used then all variables must be pre-declared with Dim, Local or Global before they can be used - removes the chance for misspelled variables causing bugs.
1 = Variables must be pre-declared
0 = Variables don't need to be pre-declared (default) 
OnExitFunc Sets the name of the function called when AutoIt exits (default is OnAutoItExit). 
PixelCoordMode Sets the way coords are used in the pixel functions, either absolute coords or coords relative to the window defined by hwnd (default active window):
0 = relative coords to the defined window
1 = absolute screen coordinates (default)
2 = relative coords to the client area of the defined window 
SendAttachMode Specifies if AutoIt attaches input threads when using Send() function. When not attaching (default mode=0) detecting the state of capslock/scrolllock and numlock can be unreliable under NT4. However, when you specify attach mode=1 the Send("{... down/up}") syntax will not work and there may be problems with sending keys to "hung" windows. ControlSend() ALWAYS attaches and is not affected by this mode.
0 = don't attach (default)
1 = attach 
SendCapslockMode Specifies if AutoIt should store the state of capslock before a Send function and restore it afterwards.
0 = don't store/restore
1 = store and restore (default) 
SendKeyDelay Alters the the length of the brief pause in between sent keystrokes. A value of 0 removes the delay completely.
Time in milliseconds to pause (default=5). 
SendKeyDownDelay Alters the length of time a key is held down before being released during a keystroke. For applications that take a while to register keypresses (and many games) you may need to raise this value from the default. A value of 0 removes the delay completely.
Time in milliseconds to pause (default=5). 
TCPTimeout Defines the time before TCP functions stop if no communication.
Time in milliseconds before timeout (default=100). 
TrayAutoPause Script pauses when click on tray icon.
0 = no pause
1 = pause (default). If there is no DefaultMenu no pause will occurs. 
TrayIconDebug If enabled shows the current script line in the tray icon tip to help debugging.
0 = no debug information (default)
1 = show debug 
TrayIconHide Hides the AutoIt tray icon. Note: The icon will still initially appear ~750 milliseconds.
0 = show icon (default)
1 = hide icon 
TrayMenuMode Extend the behaviour of the script tray icon/menu. This can be done with a combination (adding) of the following values.
0 = default menu items (Script Paused/Exit) are appended to the usercreated menu; usercreated checked items will automatically unchecked; if you double click the tray icon then the controlid is returned which has the "Default"-style (default).
1 = no default menu
2 = user created checked items will not automatically unchecked if you click it
4 = don't return the menuitemID which has the "default"-style in the main contextmenu if you double click the tray icon
8 = turn off auto check of radio item groups 
TrayOnEventMode Enable/disable OnEvent functions notifications for the tray.
0 = (default) disable
1 = enable 
WinDetectHiddenText Specifies if hidden window text can be "seen" by the window matching functions.
0 = Do not detect hidden text (default)
1 = Detect hidden text 
WinSearchChildren Allows the window search routines to search child windows as well as top-level windows.
0 = Only search top-level windows (default)
1 = Search top-level and child windows 
WinTextMatchMode Alters the method that is used to match window text during search operations.
1 = Complete / Slow mode (default)
2 = Quick mode
In quick mode AutoIt can usually only "see" dialog text, button text and the captions of some controls. In the default mode much more text can be seen (for instance the contents of the Notepad window).
If you are having performance problems when performing many window searches then changing to the "quick" mode may help. 
WinTitleMatchMode Alters the method that is used to match window titles during search operations.
1 = Match the title from the start (default)
2 = Match any substring in the title
3 = Exact title match
4 = Advanced mode, see Window Titles & Text (Advanced)
-1 to -4 = force lower case match according to other type of match. 
WinWaitDelay Alters how long a script should briefly pause after a successful window-related operation.
Time in milliseconds to pause (default=250). 

Opt("CaretCoordMode", 1)       ;1=absolute, 0=relative, 2=client
Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 0)   ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand
Opt("ExpandVarStrings", 0)   ;0=don't expand, 1=do expand
Opt("FtpBinaryMode", 1)     ;1=binary, 0=ASCII
Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 1)     ;1=ESC  closes, 0=ESC won't close
Opt("GUICoordMode", 1)       ;1=absolute, 0=relative, 2=cell
Opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar","|");"|" is the default
Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0)       ;0=disabled, 1=OnEvent mode enabled
Opt("GUIResizeMode", 0)     ;0=no resizing, <1024 special resizing
Opt("GUIEventOptions",0)   ;0=default, 1=just notification, 2=GuiCtrlRead tab index
Opt("MouseClickDelay", 10)   ;10 milliseconds
Opt("MouseClickDownDelay", 10) ;10 milliseconds
Opt("MouseClickDragDelay", 250);250 milliseconds
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1)       ;1=absolute, 0=relative, 2=client
Opt("MustDeclareVars", 0)     ;0=no, 1=require pre-declare
Opt("OnExitFunc","OnAutoItExit");"OnAutoItExit" called
Opt("PixelCoordMode", 1)       ;1=absolute, 0=relative, 2=client
Opt("SendAttachMode", 0)       ;0=don't attach, 1=do attach
Opt("SendCapslockMode", 1)   ;1=store and restore, 0=don't
Opt("SendKeyDelay", 5)       ;5 milliseconds
Opt("SendKeyDownDelay", 1)   ;1 millisecond
Opt("TCPTimeout",100)         ;100 milliseconds
Opt("TrayAutoPause",1)       ;0=no pause, 1=Pause
Opt("TrayIconDebug", 0)     ;0=no info, 1=debug line info
Opt("TrayIconHide", 0)       ;0=show, 1=hide tray icon
Opt("TrayMenuMode",0)         ;0=append, 1=no default menu, 2=no automatic check, 4=menuitemID  not return
Opt("TrayOnEventMode",0)       ;0=disable, 1=enable
Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", 0)  ;0=don't detect, 1=do detect
Opt("WinSearchChildren", 1) ;0=no, 1=search children also
Opt("WinTextMatchMode", 1)   ;1=complete, 2=quick
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 1) ;1=start, 2=subStr, 3=exact, 4=advanced, -1 to -4=Nocase
Opt("WinWaitDelay", 250)       ;250 milliseconds

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEXT you see i will never dance again

Here is a very simple file, save this as a diffrent file and run it(it can't be run from here because the top part ^^^)

SET|title|Vapour Automaion
SET|text|Input Something, some random keys


SET|title|Untitled - Notepad
SET|newtitle|Vapour Automation V1.3BETA

SET|text|Vapour Automation is FREE if you paid for this get a refund{enter}
SET|text2|Is this the text you enter
SET|loop|Lets see some loop action
//The line below is never needed because when we call SEND the default output for the S2 is 0, So we will only need to call it when we want it to output raw! But if you want we can call it
//I called it this time(normal)
//This time am not calling normal but it will have the same effect
//I use raw so if you enter ! or {enter} it will not have effect
SET|text|Easy right?
Edited by athiwatc
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Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------http://torels.altervista.org

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excuse me...

what's this supposed to be ??








Some Projects:[list][*]ZIP UDF using no external files[*]iPod Music Transfer [*]iTunes UDF - fully integrate iTunes with au3[*]iTunes info (taskbar player hover)[*]Instant Run - run scripts without saving them before :)[*]Get Tube - YouTube Downloader[*]Lyric Finder 2 - Find Lyrics to any of your song[*]DeskBox - A Desktop Extension Tool[/list]indifference will ruin the world, but in the end... WHO CARES :P---------------http://torels.altervista.org

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excuse me...

what's this supposed to be ??







Its like a signed one, Like autoit someone open source it and someone don't. So that's the encrypted version of it.

I also open source the Transparent code when is in the post just save it as a file and run it with water vapor.

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