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just a question about the stringformat command: is it possible to achive the... ehrm, dunno the correct word, in german we would call it "tausenderzeichen"?

I have a value, let's say 123456790.

To make reading easier, I want to put it out as 1.234.567.890 (or 1,234,567,890 if you prefer).

Can this be achieved using stringformat?

Just curious, already wrote my own function to achieve this goal. Only want to know whether I wrote this function for nothing or not :whistle:



Any of my own codes posted on the forum are free for use by others without any restriction of any kind. (WTFPL)


I believe that string formatting was in a previous discussion, however I don't remember if anybody made any scripts to do the formatting. Below is a very simple string formatting function that I made. You should be able to modify it to whatever format you desire:

MsgBox(0, "Test", FormatNumber("1234567890", ".", 3))

Func FormatNumber($RawNum, $SepChar, $SegLen)
  $ComNum = ""
  If $SepChar = "" Then $SepChar = ","
  If $SegLen < 0 Then $SegLen = 3
  While (StringLen($RawNum) > $SegLen)
    $RawNum_len = StringLen($RawNum)
    $ComNum = $SepChar & StringMid($RawNum, $RawNum_len - ($SegLen - 1), $SegLen) & $ComNum
    $RawNum = StringTrimRight($RawNum, $SegLen)
  $ComNum = $RawNum & $ComNum
  return $ComNum

Hope this helps! :whistle:


Interesting function :whistle:

But, as I said: already wrote my own function. Just wanted to know if it could be done just using StringFormat B)



Any of my own codes posted on the forum are free for use by others without any restriction of any kind. (WTFPL)


Interesting function  :whistle:

But, as I said: already wrote my own function. Just wanted to know if it could be done just using StringFormat  B)



I think so.

You have to use the flag field see the doc.

The doc is a cut and paste from windows/C spec perhaps we should put more example

Just exercise you will see the power of StringFormat


More examples in the docu would be nice B)

Tried to figure it out using the current docu, but it did not really work out the way I wanted. Perhaps it's my fault, because I simply hate C/C++ language.... :whistle:

Next time better luck...

Any of my own codes posted on the forum are free for use by others without any restriction of any kind. (WTFPL)

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