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FileOpenDialog() opposite filter


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is there a way to set the filter on FileOpenDialog() to filter out what you list rather than the default?

For example, I want the dialog to see all file types except .exe, .bat, .com and .pif

rather than list all other possible types, can I just list those in a different manner to exclude them?

[u]You can download my projects at:[/u] Pulsar Software
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There isn't a solution that I am aware of. You will just have to list them all or make your own gui.

It seems to me that this should be an option for fileopendialog(), like something you can add to the filters section with the NOT keyword to exclude file types. Oh well, i suppose i could just give an error message if an executable is selected.

[u]You can download my projects at:[/u] Pulsar Software
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It seems to me that this should be an option for fileopendialog(), like something you can add to the filters section with the NOT keyword to exclude file types. Oh well, i suppose i could just give an error message if an executable is selected.

It can be done something like this:

    Local $ERROR = False
    Local $FILE = FileOpenDialog($TITLE,$INIT,"All (*.*)",$OPTIONS)
    Local $EXT = StringRight($FILE,StringLen($FILE)-StringInStr($FILE,".",0,-1)+1)
    For $INDEX = 0 To UBound($EXCEPTION)-1
        If $EXCEPTION[$INDEX] = $EXT Then
            $ERROR = True
    If $ERROR Then
        Return "EXCEPTION"
        Return $FILE

Dim $EXE[4] = [".exe",".bat",".com",".pif"]
Edited by Andreik

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