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Google Earth to Garmin MapSource converter


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If you are a GPS fun and have a Garmin device, probably you want to take some GPS info out of Google Earth GE and loat it into the GPS.

You can make some paths and placemarks in GE, save them as a kml file, and convert that info to GPX format usable with Garmin MapSource with this script.

#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****



#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=©2009 Leontin Suteu

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#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:

Author: Suteu Leontin leos at rdslink.ro

© decembrie2008..

last update: 19.12.2008

Function EN: converting kml (Google Earth) to gpx (GPS Exchange, Garmin MapSource)files

Functia RO: converteste informatiile GPS din formatul KML in format GPX

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Global $fisier, $hFisier, $linia, $sPlacemark, $sCoordTrack = "", $sCoordWpoint = ""

Global $minLat = 90, $minLon = 180, $maxlat = 0, $maxLon = 0

Global $nrWpoint = 0, $nrTrack = 0, $rezultat, $eroare





Func citFisKml()

$fisier = FileOpenDialog("Choose kml file", "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}", "GoogleEarth files (*.kml)")

$hFisier = FileOpen($fisier, 0)

If $hFisier = -1 Then afiseroare(1, True)

While 1 ; main loop for reading kml file

$linia = FileReadLine($hFisier)

If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop

If StringInStr($linia, "<Placemark>", 0) > 0 Then procesPlace()



MsgBox(64, "Ready", "Found " & $nrTrack & " tracks and " & $nrWpoint & " wpoints", 5)

EndFunc ;==>citFisKml


Func salvFisGpx(); writes gpx file

Local $sFisierGpx, $eroare, $rezultat

$sFisierGpx = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>' & @CRLF

$sFisierGpx &= '<gpx xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1" creator="GE2Gpx" version="1.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/GpxExtensions/v3 http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/GpxExtensionsv3.xsd http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd">' & @CRLF

$sFisierGpx &= '<metadata>' & @CRLF

$sFisierGpx &= '<bounds minlat="' & $minLat & '" minlon="' & $minLon & '" maxlat="' & $maxlat & '" maxlon="' & $maxLon & '"/>' & @CRLF

$sFisierGpx &= '</metadata>' & @CRLF & @CRLF

$sFisierGpx &= $sCoordWpoint ; adding waypoints

$sFisierGpx &= $sCoordTrack ; adding tracks

$sFisierGpx &= '</gpx>' ; end mark for gpx file

$eroare = True

While $eroare

$fisier = FileSaveDialog("Choose the file to save to", "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}", "GPS Exchange files(*.gpx)")

If StringInStr($fisier, ".gpx", 0) = 0 Then $fisier &= ".gpx"

$hFisier = FileOpen($fisier, 2)

If $hFisier = -1 Or $fisier = "" Then

afiseroare(3, False)

$eroare = True


$rezultat = FileWrite($hFisier, $sFisierGpx)

$eroare = False


If $rezultat = 0 And $eroare Then

afiseroare(4, False)


MsgBox(0, "Googleearth to GPX ©2008 Leontin Suteu", "GPX data is ready " & $fisier)




EndFunc ;==>salvFisGpx


Func procesPlace()

$sPlacemark = ""

$sPlacemark &= $linia

;reading the file till we get a line with "</Placemark>"

While 1

If StringInStr($linia, "</Placemark>", 0) Then ExitLoop

$linia = FileReadLine($hFisier)

$sPlacemark &= $linia


; now $sPlacemark variable will contain data about the waypoint/track

StringStripCR($sPlacemark) ;stripping any "carriage return" codes


Case StringInStr($sPlacemark, "<Point>", 0) > 0

;it is a wpoint


Case StringInStr($sPlacemark, "<LineString>", 0) > 0

;it is a track



EndFunc ;==>procesPlace


; processing wpoints

Func procesWpoint()

Local $sCoordonate = "", $nume, $lim1, $lim2, $coordonate[4], $lon, $lat, $alt

$lim1 = StringInStr($sPlacemark, "<name>", 0); wpoint name

$lim2 = StringInStr($sPlacemark, "</name>", 0)

If $lim1 = 0 Or $lim2 = 0 Then afiseroare(2, True)

$nume = StringMid($sPlacemark, $lim1 + 6, $lim2 - $lim1 - 6)

$lim1 = StringInStr($sPlacemark, "<coordinates>", 0) ; coordinates string

$lim2 = StringInStr($sPlacemark, "</coordinates>", 0)

If $lim1 = 0 Or $lim2 = 0 Then afiseroare(2, True)

$sCoordonate = StringMid($sPlacemark, $lim1 + 13, $lim2 - $lim1 - 13)

StringStripWS($sCoordonate, 1) ; stripping spaces

StringStripWS($sCoordonate, 2)

$coordonate = StringSplit($sCoordonate, ",")

$lon = $coordonate[1]

$lat = $coordonate[2]

$alt = $coordonate[3]

If $lon > $maxLon Then $maxLon = $lon

If $lon < $minLon Then $minLon = $lon

If $lat > $maxlat Then $maxlat = $lat

If $lat < $minLat Then $minLat = $lat

$sCoordWpoint &= '<wpt lat="' & $lat & '" lon="' & $lon & '">' & @CRLF

$sCoordWpoint &= '<time>' & @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "T" & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & '</time>' & @CRLF

$sCoordWpoint &= '<name>' & $nume & '</name>' & @CRLF

$sCoordWpoint &= '<cmt></cmt><desc></desc>' & @CRLF

$sCoordWpoint &= '<sym>Circle with X</sym>' & @CRLF

$sCoordWpoint &= '<extensions><gpxx:WaypointExtension xmlns:gpxx="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/GpxExtensions/v3"><gpxx:DisplayMode>SymbolAndName</gpxx:DisplayMode></gpxx:WaypointExtension></extensions>' & @CRLF

$sCoordWpoint &= '</wpt>' & @CRLF & @CRLF

$nrWpoint += 1

EndFunc ;==>procesWpoint


; processing track section

Func procesTrack()

Local $sCoordonate = "", $nume, $lim1, $lim2, $i, $coordonate[4], $lon, $lat, $alt

$lim1 = StringInStr($sPlacemark, "<name>", 0); track name

$lim2 = StringInStr($sPlacemark, "</name>", 0)

If $lim1 = 0 Or $lim2 = 0 Then afiseroare(2, True)

$nume = StringMid($sPlacemark, $lim1 + 6, $lim2 - $lim1 - 6)

$lim1 = StringInStr($sPlacemark, "<coordinates>", 0) ; coordinates string

$lim2 = StringInStr($sPlacemark, "</coordinates>", 0)

If $lim1 = 0 Or $lim2 = 0 Then afiseroare(2, True)

$sCoordonate = StringMid($sPlacemark, $lim1 + 13, $lim2 - $lim1 - 13)

StringStripWS($sCoordonate, 1)

StringStripWS($sCoordonate, 2)

$puncte = StringSplit($sCoordonate, " ")

$sCoordTrack &= '<trk>' & @CRLF

$sCoordTrack &= '<name>' & $nume & '</name>' & @CRLF

$sCoordTrack &= '<trkseg>' & @CRLF

For $i = 1 To $puncte[0] - 1

$coordonate = StringSplit($puncte[$i], ",")

$lon = Number($coordonate[1])

$lat = Number($coordonate[2])

$alt = $coordonate[3]

If $lon > $maxLon Then $maxLon = $lon

If $lon < $minLon Then $minLon = $lon

If $lat > $maxlat Then $maxlat = $lat

If $lat < $minLat Then $minLat = $lat

$sCoordTrack &= '<trkpt lat="' & $lat & '" lon="' & $lon & '"><ele>' & $alt & '</ele></trkpt>' & @CRLF


$sCoordTrack &= '</trkseg>' & @CRLF

$sCoordTrack &= '</trk>' & @CRLF & @CRLF

$nrTrack += 1

EndFunc ;==>procesTrack


; functia de tratare a erorilor

; error processing

Func afiseroare($cod, $iesire)

Switch $cod

Case 1

MsgBox(48, "Error", "Can not open kml file")

Case 2

MsgBox(48, "Error", "Bad kml file")

Case 3

MsgBox(48, "Error", "Can not open gpx file")

Case 4

MsgBox(48, "Error", "Can not write file " & $fisier)


If $iesire Then Exit

EndFunc ;==>afiseroare


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I have an older C550. Do I need to install the Garmin supplied software to transfer the gpx file or can I just copy it to SD card and use?

I have a Garmin GPS, I will try it tomorrow.

PS: ma bacur sa vad un roman inteligent pe aici :P

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Perhaps someone looking here is also interested in a free online converter:


Formats wich can be converted from to:

Google Earth (KML und KMZ), PCX5 Tracks und Waypoints, GPX Tracks, Routen und Waypoints, GPX für Garmin Streetpilot, Garmin Course (CRS und TCX), GeoRSS, Logbook, NMEA, OVL (ASCII), Fugawi, KOMPASS Verlag (Alpenverein), Navigon Route, OziExplorer, qpeGps Track, MagicMaps IKT, TomTom ITN, Suunto SDF, Magellan Track, PathAway.

It's in German, but easy to understand. If someone want to write a GUI for that I can help.

Hope it doesn't dirsturb here.

Best regards, Reinhard

Just saw, english also available beside many other languages.

Here the english address: http://www.gpsies.com/convert.do

Edited by ReFran
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